We had a cool thread about vanilla leveling last night so I wanna try for another...

We had a cool thread about vanilla leveling last night so I wanna try for another. Will you guys play the same faction as before or will you try out the other side this time around? Assuming you only played one faction to max during vanilla.
What was your favorite/least favorite zone back then? Dungeons?

Other urls found in this thread:



If you dont play horde you are a liberal.

undead mage again
aoe grinding to 60 again
world pvp raping again

I cannot fucking wait.

What are you guys going to play?
I'm probably going to go back to being a shadow priest. Black out procs and ruining people were the best.

>aoe grinding to 60 again
Fuck me man, I remember hearing stories of what frost mages could do back then with AOE grinding.

Depends if Shamns or Paladins get changed. Otherwise plan on going Horde.
Favorite was Ashenvale
Least favorite was Thousand Needles
Favorite was Strat
Least favorite was Wailing Caverns or Sunken Temple
I'd like to roll a Druid but god damn did they suck.
AOE grinding probably won't be a thing with the uncapped servers like Retail and the initial clusterfuck. Every zone will be packed for a full month

I used to aoe grind elites once I got the level 40 mount. The exp was ridiculous. just do not fuck up, lag, mismanage mana or get ganked because insta death.


no one will need to poopsock as everyone knows how to do these raids for years already

as far as raiding is concerned, the magic is lost, forever

the real magic will come from unscripted large-scale world pvp

Gonna level Warrior.

Can't wait to eat food after killing two mobs




Are locks viable on vanilla?

It can be a very fast way to level if you know what you're doing. Its not too hard, its only the players on PVP servers that will give you trouble. I knew a mage that got 60 in little over 2 weeks, he was absolutely burnt out at the end of it.

makes friends with a mage asap

i used to be bread spec

>plays the monster diversity minority faction
>calls the Human master race faction liberal

Who undead rogue?

Shadowbolt spam literally tops damage

f-fOR THE ALLIance.. eh-heh..

Y-you too...

50% of the horde pop

Going to multi box warrior+priest. That's gonna make things much faster.

My only WoW experience was about 25 levels as a human Paladin on Elysium right after its release. I really liked the game itself, but quit because I knew the server would eventually be taken down by Blizzard or some kind of drama. I'm really excited to try again with Classic and I'll roll the same thing because I'm honestly pretty boring.

Fastest possible solo leveling was using quest helper with Joana's method, wasn't it? The guy that made that guide leveled to 60 a shit load of times before he perfected that speed leveling method. God vanilla leveling was so fucked and convoluted. It was perfect.


90% of alliance pop is nelf hunters named legolas (and variations, eg, legglass, lurgoles)

this for sure my dude. mage till i die. I considered going alliance, but then i remembered half of the vanilla races are midgets

>If you dont play horde you are a liberal.
mm yes, lets take a look at horse, shall we?
>Emo kids
>Green niggers
>Septum piercings
>Jamaican niggers
>Native Americans
>All of the outcasts

I wish I could stay level 20 forever.

now let us take a look at alliance
>degenerates who chose the pretty races (human and nelf) to fap to because that is more important than gameplay
>pedophiles who chose gnomes and dwarves
>degenerate ERP far more common on alliance side
>white knight fagadins

its a liberal paradise

Who undead warlock here?

youll get too much threat to cast for several seconds
fire crit spec with engineering helmet for 1 shots

Been debating between either an UD warlock or trying to squeeze into a raid group as a token spriest.
Very excited either way, hopefully ActiBlizz doesn't fuck everything up.

Dwarf Male Hunter

No comfier vanilla experience

>ripped manlets with beards
>thicc motherly bitches


>this used to be a joke
>this is literally half of the FFXIV community now
>all of /wowg/ participates in ERP too

I'm gonna play balance and cry for buffs.

I'm gonna be jamaican shaman. Ooga booga

>tfw can't RP having tea with a friend in public anymore without people jumping on us and shouting that they've found people cybering

I sincerely wish plagues upon any people who ERP and even recognize its existence outside of private conversations

Going to roll protection paladin, then spam the official forums daily with lengthy posts crying for class balance.
Pretty sure others will eventually do the same with other classes/specs, too.

>rping at all

*unsheathes arcanite reaper*
What did you just say to me, punk?

Embarrassing. The barbaric nigger tier horde are putrid and degenerate. Every aspect of niggerdom can be found within the horde and their beliefs. Simple, violent and entitled.


Prot paladins were OK though. You could tank dungeons and reckbombs were sick.

I can't fucking find myself disagreeing. God damn it I want so many characters.

I'll play on Horde again because the Horde Kalimdor grind is fucking god tier MMO leveling both aesthetically and in design.
>Kalimdor or Mulgore to the Barrens
>Stay in and around the barrens for fucking ever with Stonetalon, Ashenvale, and the Southern higher level content of The Barrens nearby
>Head to Thousand Needles and then pop over to Starnglethorn to push yourself to 40 and for Stranglethorn shenanigans
>Tanaris AKA best zone after that
>Motherfucking Un'Goro crater after that
>Back up to Fel Wood through the Furbolg caves
>Come out in peaceful Winterspring to finish your leveling experience while the saps
>Have almost all of Eastern Kingdoms as your oyster to explore after that

>while the saps suffer in the Plaguelands*

My plan:
step 1) Rush human paladin to level cap, ez with free mount and begin building rep being made fun of for staying ret (lolret, 2018 edition)
step 2) roll horde alts and stay juggling multiple alts, riding off of rested exp and soaking up the barrens chat, eventually passing on a nightfall to an orc shaman who will be lolenh
step 3) ????
step 4) enjoyment

Yes they are great in PVP and PVE.
They also level very fast and easy thanks to summons.

fresh off the boat from Sup Forumsddit I see
doos valt! xP

>not even a taunt
>were OK

>Prot paladins were useless though. You could only tank UD Strat and Scholo

>getting into epic battles with hundreds of players over world bosses


Male Troll Mage?
Female Orc Lolfury?
Or Male Undead Warlock?


I've narrowed down my choices. Orc warrior is a must. Then I want a healer between shaman, paladin and priest. Not too keen on druids right now. Followed by a lock. Unsure of what race for that since trolls won't have that combination come classic.

You're missing Ferelas. Other than that, 10/10. I think that's what I wanna do.

So long as you have fun.

racism isnt allowed on redd*t

Dwarf warrior
Dwarf hunter
Dwarf priest
Human priest
Human (gnome???) warlock

Troll shammy
Troll shammy #2
Forsaken priest

racial purity is the most important thing in wow, imo the national socialist guild should be comprised of only humans and nelfs to form a race/class autuarky, anyone who disagrees with this is a race traitor

Oh man I remember that line. That shit was funny.

the problem with aoe grinding as a frost mage is its no longer a big secret so literally every good spot for doing it is camped by 6 other mages

Whats your absolute worst case for classic wow?
>Barrrens chat ends up being all trump and normie memes
>No chuck norris
>No atheism vs Christianity
>No manriks wife
>It's all aggressive and shitflingy instead of goofy as shit

I'll remake the same character i've played since vanilla which is an UD rogue and probably a NE chick since i've never played alliance past elwynn forest

Depends. Is warlock going to be useless until post ZG patch? If so, roll the mage, if not, UD lock all day

>>No chuck norris
>>No atheism vs Christianity
>>No manriks wife
Personally I aim to make surethese are kept around. It is gonna be a different experience this time around because of the politicizing of every facet of life.

recently leveled warrior to 60 on elysium
would run dungeons and do all the good quests go keep my gear constantly updated
play smart and try to do mostly green quests
can pull 2-3 green mobs at a time without a problem
when fighting a single green mob it deals so little damage it passively regenerates while i run towards the next mob
if you fight mobs your level or higher you are doing it wrong

I'm waiting until they release much more information about how they will deal with patches and 'muh class balancing' white noise before I start to even feign interest in something that will cost a me a subscription.

If I play on it again I'll just be an undead male warrior, the same thing I've played for 12 years.
Maybe I'll take another shot in the dark with an Alliance character again but I doubt it.
I wanted to fuck this girl more than any of the other WoW PCs that were represented in art.
I'm already tired of all of those things and don't want them back. But Barrens chat is doomed to the same unfunny bullshit that Trade is used for now.

>no chuck norris

Nah, its gonna exist. I still see it today.

>no atheism vs christians

Its now just full on religious shitposting, which is even funnier.

Barrens legit is still goofy in a lot of ways.

>I wanted to fuck this girl more than any of the other WoW PCs that were represented in art.
Legitimately disappointed on how the forsaken looked like. They should have had the absolute most customization options just because of what you can do with them.

yeah i'm definitely going to have a tank, probably two.
will farm gold and patiently wait for a warden staff to hit the AH and then throw it on a tauren druid with 300 enchanting/LW
will be a bitch to stay feral at level cap so ill probaby just end up parking him

>chose the pretty races (human and nelf)
You mean like.. white people?
Face it kid, Horde are the degenerates.

I hope the technology is there to let me see the entire Shimmering Flats at once. Even if NPCs don't render

Do people actually do any RP on RP servers other than ERP? I never actually played on one before

Originally played a Tauren Warrior to max during Vanilla.
Deciding between either Shaman or Mage. If I decide on Shaman it'll be another Tauren, but if I go Mage I may go Human.
I always loved Un'Goro. That Linken questline, yo. But I certainly cannot remember enough about any dungeon to name a favorite, really.

So is there a joana's 1-60 guide for alliance?

You are basically asking if actual/serious roleplaying exists which is just silly.

Sometimes you sit in a bar and go "/me sips his drink" while 8 other people go "/me sips her drink"

And other times you visit complete clusterfuck public events.

This can be solved by making friends, though.
But you won't make friends.

Enjoy taking it up the ass in Lakeshire.

>Barrrens chat ends up being all trump and normie memes
From what i remember, Barrens chat back in the vanilla days was mostly made up from either people screaming Niggers or Fag combined with a high level alliance rogue ganking people for hours.


>want to play different classes
>want to experience the other faction
>want to enjoy it
>will just roll ud mage again and burnout in a month after seeing everything that 2017 internet culture and nu-wow does to the game/community


You're waiting for the boat/zeppelin to arrive, and when it arrives, you pick a spot to stand on while it takes you to the next area. Where are you standing?

at the prow gazing to the horizon like a true adventurer

Absolute tip of the front or down below depending on the mood

right in the middle, about where I got on from the dock.
going around to different areas of the ship gets boring quick.

Wouldn't be a True Vanilla Experience TM without forums filled with crying for buffs.

Hiding inside, hoping the opposite faction isn't there to gank.

There's a Vanilla Guide addon you can use that works for both Alliance and Horde. The Horde version is based off Joana's guide and the Alliance version is based off something similar.

>check forums
>tons of cries for QoL changes
>tons of talk from people wanting balance changes
>blue posts saying it's worth discussing
>blizz not just coming outright and saying how they're going to handle things
Everyday I get a little more sure this is just going to be shit

I think it’s gonna be undead mage for me again. If the whole point of this is nostalgia then may as well remain faithful to history.

>From the undead starting area to Brill is just so atmospheric in a strange spooky way.
>Then you hit Silverpine and go to that island on the lake and get killed by some Sons of Arugal
>Over To Hillsbrad for some world pvp and Humbert’s sword action
>Hit the Arathi Highlands and level up first aid
>At this point probably pop over to Tabaris and smash some ZF
>Pop down to Ungorro and get slaughtered by that big Dino
>Go to the plague lands and ding 60 on a plague bat.

I'll probably actually play a shaman and try and level in groups as resto. Who know if this is gonna work out but I'm happy to drop the game if it doesn't.

I'm going to play UD rogue and cry for buffs to my specific distribution of talent points.

If there's nu-dungeon finder in Classic then ain't touching that shit ever

Horde 4 life.

You are calling Alliance liberal when the story of the orcs is that they are literal migrants rushing in from another world and destroying everything.

Orcs are literal nigs
Tauren are native American
Trolls are Jamacan
Undead are so degenerate that they couldn't join the alliance and attack their allies because "we are the forsaken"
Blood Elves are magic addicts
Goblins are LITERAL JEWS

>You are calling Alliance liberal when the story of the orcs is that they are literal migrants rushing in from another world and destroying everything.
Muslims aren't liberal

Literally what the free version of WoW is.
Started edition lets you levle to max 20.

>Trolls are Jamacan

Trolls are mexicans, retard.

>we were here first
>lost clay to invaders that now claim they are the home species being invaded
>human sacrificed and shiet
>their architecture is full aztec

I've yet to hear a good argument against balance changes other than "it won't be vanilla" which would be a valid counter argument if not for the fact that every class was changed at least once over the course of vanilla itself.
>inb4 Classic should be 1.12 for eternity
These are vanilla servers, not official Nost servers.

Yes they're vanilla servers, balancing won't be vanilla, yes classes did change during vanilla they didn't change to modern balance though