Anybody hyped for Darksiders 3?
I am! I love the first two games alot. 234 hours on 2 and 80 total between the remastered and the first game.
Anybody hyped for Darksiders 3?
>Female Protagonist
>Whip as main weapon
lol no
If you didn't know that Fury was apart of the Darksiders Horsemen already than your retarded and shuld fuck off.
>I am!
Whips are cool tho. (and not the only main weapon, she'll be able to use Chaoseater and presumably Harvester)
>western devs once again proving that they can't into female character design
The early gameplay video doesn’t look good though and they fucked up her design.
Probably be pretty dope.
what the fuck is this shit. WHY
>not fury and strife co-op option
I didn't really like the first game very much, should I even bother with the second? I've heard it's very different so I don't know.
I think it was way early footage though. Wasn't the game only announced this early because info had leaked?
Would it be possible for Joe Mad to redo the art for Darksiders 3 now that Battle Chasers: Nightwar is finished?
Liked the first two but I'm cautiously optimistic about this one. Didn't the people who worked on the first two leave the company and make a comic/cartoon?
I played darksiders 1 & 2 before BoTW.
I can safely say that they know what they are doing compared to Nintendo.
Definitely looking forward to 3
Nope, getting sick of this female main character bullshit.
Each Horsemen have they're own stories to tell, so says Gunfire Games and Nordic. I'm inclined to believe them as I love the other Darksiders titles.
haha joje reference xd
thats an ugly character
The next installment of Darksiders. It was 50/50 between her or Strife. Arguably strife would've been cooler but whatever. (I can also understand why they'd save Strife for last.)
It is different, it's more zelda I think?
It is very different from the first. More like shadow of the Colossus + Diablo. Gear and loot system is totally different. While I liked DS 1 more than the first , the second is much grander and everything is on a larger and more epic feeling scale.
Yes. But he already did. He's the one who designed Fury. He just updated it, from what he said.
No. They went to Crytek USA and then formed Gunfire Games and THEN Nordic will hopefully buy them. (Gunfire Games and Airship Syndicate both comprise of former Vigil members, as they split sadly)
Fury and Strife, if I remember correctly, where off doing shit together while death and war went solo, and where known as deadly duo.
To split them up by saying
>Each Horsemen have they're own stories to tell
is a cop out.
I mean, I'm not saying your wrong dude, I'm just going by what Gunfire Games (who are making it) have said.