How come Undertale is the most popular PC game of all time?

How come Undertale is the most popular PC game of all time?

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no games

All right, I'll bite. Based on what criteria? Pretty sure Doom is.

- fun story that's easy to understand
- absolutely amazing music
- simple memorable graphics, yet amazing graphical effects
- mechanics are simple and easy, yet offer interesting depth
- initially had a community presence on Sup Forums when the dev was young
- community involvement in the development through feedback and hype
- characters are varied enough that all sorts of people can find something they like about it
- E for Everyone

The game is a perfect example of how Art sells. Ultimately the game mechanics are shit and the story isn't that interesting, but the music and visuals sell the whole thing amazingly.

cause indie grills lmao xD and faggots play it which makes up the majority of steam

who cares just post more of that faggot goat

post the other version of that pic

because it's fun
also tumblr bait

also post more goat

i want to fuck that goat

no you don't

Yeah, he probably wants the goat to fuck him.


Because PCgamers are massively furry.

I want to make Undyne smile!
I want to hug Undyne!
I want to tell Undyne everything will be okay!
I want to kiss Undyne!
I want to have unprotected sex with Undyne!
I want to fertilize Undyne's eggs!

Undyne is the best character in Undertale!

uhhhhh no we're not

Yes i do, I want to fuck that goat and cum inside it.

no you don't idiot

Yea i'm going to fuck that goat to prove it.


can i have sloppy seconds

No it's my goat to fuck get your own, faggot.

furry faggots who should be gassed like the degenerates they are

At least he doesn't want to fuck the kid.

no you're not IDIOT


another undertale thread today
and once more I will ask
does it have a dick?
it better fucking not

YOU have a dick
and it's lodged firmly up your ass



uncle gubsy?

go to church motherfucker

Undyne > Mettaton (Female) > Asriel (Hypderdeath) (Female) > Mettaton (Male) > Asriel (Hyperdeath) (Male) > Muffet >Toriel > Chara (Female) > Sans > Papyrus > Burgerpants > Asgore >>>>> literal shit >>>>>> Alphys >>>>>> Literally chewing and eating my own dick >>>>> Shota asriel

This is the definitive tierlist
You cannot argue this

Pretty charming in it's own way, and in an industry filled to the brim with AAA garbage it hit all the right strings.

It's not perfect, and doesn't deserve the fanbase it has now though.

It felt like a work of heart over profit, and even if that wasn't the case, it managed to penetrate the black shell of cynicism the AAA industry has built for a decade now.

To me that made it worth the money right there.

it isnt

Yes, you are.
>Community search
>1-20 of 8,266


no memes
no jokes
I want to fuck that goat

fake news

I'm going to church and bringing that thick goat with me so i can it in the confessions booth,
Undyne is only ever good looking in fanart she's ugly as sin in the game best girl is papyrus.

this image is literally me

the second you step foot into church u gone burs inna flames boi

The goat's breasts are too large

touch fluffy tail?

>Mettaton (Female)
>Asriel (Hypderdeath) (Female)
Actually disgusting

>Beats you over the head with its morals so you don't need to think about anything
>Diverse, bland, cookie-cutter cast

The 3 magic steps to making a profitable game now a days.

>people find this attractive
Image being a furfag

bunch of silly willies honestly

I know, his dad is hotter.

I don't find that attractive. I find op's pic because it gives him huge hips, thigh highs a nice ass and hip windows, what isn't there to like?

It is a good game

Do it in a Mosque, it's legal there.

>tfw no goat daddy

Ok I just got Done with True Passive run and it kinda got me in to the games with Heavy meta stuff. How good is Genocide runs because I don't want to to go with it since I don't want Rose cheecked asshole to get the pleasure of thinking it it's "above" me
[Spoiler] I'm real late to the game to be honest so I've haven't known anything about this for the most part


Just do it bro
You get the best boss fight in the game and the different interactions that happen are pretty cool

the genocide run will fuck with you good especially since you've done a pacifist run
have fun killing your favorite characters!

Putting a lot of emphasis on the characters helped.

I wouldn't call it the most popular PC game ever, but its definitely big.

>tfw no goat daddy's belly to sleep on

everyone post asriel porn



this is gud thred

>FAutist OC shit
Get that outta here fag

Yeah I figured as much especially since I just got done with it and gave me a feeling I can't describe. Oh well
The only regret I would kill is Muffet because I like her the most. But I'll gladly kill Sans, Autism Skeleton, Undyne, Alphas, Toriel, and maybe Asgore (to help him get out of his cucked situation

people just fail to realize that genocide ending is just pure meta, rose cheeked asshole tells you "let's do the same with another world" which means "go play another game instead"


If you're going to be a fag you might as well at least post good shit.

there's a goat-shaped hole in my goat-shaped heart

this mad

there's a goat-shaped hole in my butt

there's a jesus-shaped hole in your soul

this is the dumbest outfit ever


I want to pee whitely into that goat's asshole.

I want to bone the spaghetti skeleton

Is killing them worth seeing the results of such action?


>most popular PC game of all time
What is Doom?

Has someone made an Undertale WAD?

Because PC is a bad company and they don't even make their own games. People who support the PC company always false flag as Sony or Nintendo because they're seething at the thought of getting exclusives such as Horizon: Zero Dawn or The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

>Larry in the background
The artist knew this game well.


There was also that Sans one that unironically didn't look too bad.

why did you have to remind me of that shitty song

G2/bed/ 0r0ch1 shouldn't you be playing TF2 or some shit

I feel like that cannot be a true statement considering Minecraft released as PC.


>undertale threads are still being made

>Still falling for Toby's tricks
Around the Fox check your locks.


I've started fapping more to Asriel than the mommy goat. Is this bad? I'm not gay or anything.


no you've got it all figured out

i want to have asriel's fluffy thighs wrapped around my head

Why does everyone want to fuck the goat?

the porn that came out of this game is proof that god left us and ain't coming back

Harusuke is our new god and he will grace us with glorious gfur

>not CS
>not dota
>not quack
>not wow
>not even pubga
But the answer is tumblr.

Why don't you want to fuck the goat? That's the question.

i want to fuck flowey