Who else is getting an xbox one s this black friday?

who else is getting an xbox one s this black friday?

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Get a switch instead.

Oh, woops, did not see the "S" in there.
Still not impressed by the Xbox One.

Other retards

This, for fuck sake guys if you're gonna have a stay at home console just get a PC. The Switch is actually worth having because you can play it wherever.

What if I don't give a shit about nintendo games.

you're stupid.

I have a fat Xbox One, get a Switch instead or spend that money on a PC upgrade.

I think I got a pretty good deal.

Going to use it as a bluray player and play through Lost Oddysey since I bought it years ago but never played it.

Getting an X in a few months

I honestly cant name a single game i want that is only on xbox now that Forza is on PC.
Then again nu-forza seems shit.

welp, rev up that external hard drive. Formatted out of the box you get about 350GB of usable space.

Also Microsoft lied about the "regular Xbox Ones don't have to download the 4K patches" thing. My fat Xbox One has downloaded at least 50GB of Xbox One X only bullshit in the last week or so. Really cool that Microsoft makes us download textures we can't even use.

Got an Xbox one S awhile ago. Feels good to do some casual gaming and stretch out on a couch. Just switch between Xbox and PC to keep it fun.

you can turn that off dude

>Then again nu-forza seems shit.
Forza Horizon 3 is great outside the currency. That said, it's best on PC where it runs at 60fps.

How? Why would I ever want to download that shit on my Xbox One when it doesn't support it. Microsoft is retarded.

I prefer to play on Xbox over PC, I love the game dvr feature and easily being able to launch games and apps from the comfort of my couch.

Shouldn't be too big of an issue since I won't be playing a ton of titles on it at any one time. Mostly backwards compatible titles and Sunset Overdrive.

I've managed so far with a 500 GB PS4 since it came out with a much bigger library.

the default is off so you turned it on at some point

>I've managed so far with a 500 GB PS4 since it came out with a much bigger library.
Yeah, but a 500GB PS4 comes with ~465GB of usable space. A 500GB Xbox One only comes with roughly 350GB of usable space. The games are also larger, on my Xbox One hard drive I have 3 games that are larger than 100GB: Halo 5, Quantum Break, and Gears of War 4. The last two are big with worthless shit that isn't even supported on my fat Xbone, Halo 5 was always huge.

No point. I'm getting the X soon when soul calibur 6 is announced.

That is definitely wrong, I never would have turned that shit on. It shouldn't even be an option.

whatever you say, liar.

I assume this means I have to delete the games and reinstall them to make them smaller.

>But I don't like nintendo games
Every time.

Whatever faggot, why would I turn that shit on? I have no plan to ever buy an Xbox One X.

Yes, if you prefer the Xbox's bland library to Nintendo's games you are stupid.

>The Switch is actually worth having because you can play it wherever.
I too like making myself a target for dindus to assault me and take my stuff.

I am on my Xbox One right now, that box isn't even checked for me and Gears 4 and Quantum Break are still now more than 100GB and were just updated.

So fuck you

is there an info-grafic of the xboneS's library?
Just looked up what's on amazon sale and witcher3goty was the only interesting title which I already have for pc


I likely will just to get my hands on monster hunter world early.

gears 4 was 100gb before the xbox one x was even revealed

At $189 (and free $25 gift card from target), it's worth it for 360/OG Back Compat games as well as smaller shit (with physical copies) like Ori, Rare Replay, ReCore, Master Chef HD, Sunset Overmeme, Super Lucky's Tale, Cuphead, Phantom Dust HD, Voodoo Vince HD and others coming out.

Me. Getting it only for Halo and Sunset Overdrive. Does anybody know if the $189 applies to online?

Just bought mine today.
On sale already $189 for the Battlefield 1 bundle

Thanks user!!! Just ordered mine.

I'm waiting until I get more money and then I will buy an Xbox One X and later I will buy a Switch when it gets a revision with a better battery, dock, Tegra X2 chip, more games, NES, GB, SNES, and GBA games from its online service, and 2D Metroid 5

Cheapest way to play pubg this holiday. I wonder if they thought of bundling that game with a free month or three months of xbl.

So you're never buying a Switch

>your opinion is wrong
I lol'd

Of course, I will buy one but what's the point right now when like the Xbox One, it will just get a better upgrade down the line like every Nintendo portable console before it?

I'm waiting for ninja gaiden 2 to become BC. And then i will get an xbox one.

No black Friday deals, Nintendo games are all hot garbage I already played when I was a child, I hate Nintendo#s shoddy practices as a company and don't want to give them money..

>Sunset Overdrive
Get ready for comfy rail grinding

When I get an Xbox One X, I will have so many games to catch up on. I'm going to buy some 2014 - 2016 games for the Xbox One X along with get original Xbox and Xbox 360 BC games on this thing, I can wait for 2018 and beyond. After I get an Xbox One X, I will get a Switch sometime in 2019 or 2020 after its huge revision since it will have a big library of games by then.

Bying a white box on black friday... sooo whacist!