
should i play 1&2 before v3

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no, they are fictional (^:

Akamatsu is Akufatsu!

play 2 for the maddest man

Kaede and Miu are best girls.

I prefer danganronpa 7 for a starting point

Is there literally any reason to play any of these games except waifus with big titties in a shit artstyle

And yet it pretty much lacks any decent r34

btw, Hina is best baby factory

I want to marry and impregnate Chiaki

2 spoils 1 and then v3 spoils both 1 and 2. If you ever plan on playing the first two entries you might as well start from the beginning and go through them all.


Play Cumaru's game!

Not really

>he believed the mastermind's story upfront in Lies: The game


murder mysteries, amazing music, absolute madmen

Of course
The waifus aren't even the main appeal. Its just fun using what you know about a case to find flaws in people's arguments. Argument refutation is the core of this series.

Just play komaru's game


watch it in youtube it's the same thing as playing it

It's made to make you feel smart for solving mysteries

who is the best streamer

sore wa chigau yo

>no you are wrong
why is naegi such a rude faggot

I love Junko!

best girl?

Murder mysteries with, what I thought was, enjoyable investigations and some good, some bad, trials

But that's wrong

this. if you didn't play you're missing out

Waifuposters give the game a bad reputation. If you're actually interested in playing this game get out now before you get spoiled.

Sup Forums loves persona but most of it's threads are waifuposters too.

I want to marry Kaede

I like murder mysteries, that's the only reason. Writing,characters and stories are shit

>Adachi is jealous of talent
>Nagito idolizes talent

>Goro loves pancakes
>Kokichi is a pancake
What did Persona and Dangan Ronpa mean by this?

pic related

I already did. Now I'm waiting for the fighting game so I can main her.

You have to play all of them to get all the girls.

I want to breed Junko.

with your 56% american genes

what are your thoughts on her smelly sister?

>perfect body
Kodaka and komatsuzaki are geniuses

She's stinky

thank god i was awake for this thread, im saving your pic OP

you will masturbate

oh yes!


Enjoy her, she's the protagonist for most of one chapter

>yuros thinking about americans breeding

looks like you're overdue for another shipment, you're getting desperate

I'm not American.


I just like solving murder mysteries
the waifus are just icing on the cake

>Fucks Togami first
What did she mean by this?

>it's not the truth if I don't believe in it
>Gonta did nothing wrong he's innocent

Yes. And UDG...and watch the stupid DR3 anime.

There are pics precisely like this for all the DR girls, right? If not, why not?

dr3 isn't canon though


Is the arguing just as flawed as in Ace Attorney? If you bring a correct argument at the wrong time, it's still counted as wrong?


Well, yes, because you attacked the wrong point.

So not quite, but this is fine too.

Yes, if only to know Junko is the mastermind, Junko's AI consciousness is the mastermind and Tsumigi is the mastermind.

>fighting game
I keep hearing this, is this based off of anything or is it just master memeing?

No memeing, just a small joke on news. New game labeled "action" but no one knows what it is yet.

It it though

>Calls out Kokichi's bullshit for 3 trials and is right every time and nobody cares
>Gets it wrong once and then apologizes for it later and even helps out the guy who he accused next chapter and everyone is fucking livid and hates his existence

I don't understand Kaito haters

I posted this and like Kaito, but the act was really stupid, especially since Gonta had no alibi.

Oh, possibly neat
>not maining hope bot

>maining kiibo
He's a joke unless you get his super mode

Is there porn in these games or not?

>mumbles about the same stupid bullshit and how he trusts everybody every trial for no reason
>it comes back to bite him in the ass when he misjudged one of his favorites who could do nothing wrong
>goes into denial
gee I wonder why I hate kaito

>implying he won't get evidence of your robophobic ways and beat you in court

His end game to strong

But user, Shuichi is the defender.

Not gonna lie, former Hopebotfag here, it's fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn, but in all seriousness, we can't let him nuke the killing game.

Not so fast, with the power of doing nothing, this killing game will end!


>another Danganronpa thread

Reminder that Angie was right.

She knew the culprit was hiding in the hidden room, but dumbass Kaede and company doubted her.

Kaede was a fucking dumbass.

Why was Danganronpa 3 (the anime) so bad? Was it written by somebody else?

Do they ever get naked

wtf i love atua now

>thought provoking themes

is this the citizen kane of vidya?

she didn't know shit she just said things at random

Monokuma is always naked.


I can't believe this fucking censorship, did NoA localize this?

Quick, give Hopeman a moveset for the Danganronpa fighting game!

Kodaka wrote the general plotline and expected Lerche writers to fill in the blanks.
Also Maki is great.

Why do people like this character. he was fucking annoying

Did they have to have a class trial when Fukawa died?

watching him go fucking bananas at the was great. Probably a good thing he didn't make because lord knows when he'd flip his shit again.

>not smart enough to like based hopeman

Maki is great. I didn't like her in the beginning but she turned into best girl by the end of the game

Dangan charactes who start out cold and warm up throughout the course of the game are always my favorite. Same reason I like Togami and Fuyuhiko


Him trusting Maki and Shuichi when nobody else would payed off in the end though

I genuinely don't get it. His rants were annoying and made no fucking sense. All he did was get in the way the entire game and he got best girl killed.

Right now i'm under the impression it's just because you guys are closet gay for him

He's teenage Adachi and also gay, so he's Sup Forums the character.

He didn't warm up to the students though, he just went from complete asshole to cooperative asshole.
He's like Kokichi in a sense.

He didn't warm up to the students though, he just went from complete asshole to cooperative asshole.
He's like Kokichi in a sense.

>teenage adachi

what does that even mean? And Nagito is not gay