Coworker starts talking about video games

>coworker starts talking about video games

>bring up video games
>that autistic coworker starts staring into space like he's looking into a camera

>that one guy who plays his 3DS before lecture begins

>coworkers ask if i have a ps4 or xbone
>tell them I have a switch

"oh cool, I was thinking of getting one for my kid, are they any good?"

every time

how is that autistic? quit using memes you're not qualified on. we're revoking your certs

>don't own any consoles
>family thinks i grew out of vidya and slightly respects me more now

>Not having friends who atleast have 1 series you share likeness to so you have some form of discussion

Get gud

>video game starts talking about coworkers

>dad starts talking about videogames

He's not wrong. What Switch games would an adult play? SMTV is still in development.

>coworker starts bullying another coworker
>only a matter of time before they start bullying me

personally I enjoy the wide selection of children's videogames nintendo provides


>have a friend who I share interest in a specific game with
>conversation always start out something like "who/what is the best [thing] and why is it [x]"
>turns into us talking about why we love the game
>ends with us changing the subject to something entirely different

>coworkers want to play a game online and ask for your username

dudes at work play fifa at lunch

>yeah I got an XBOX and-
>gonna get the new FIFA
>I'm a hardcore gamer
Completely disregard conversation

>Rated E

Tfw they onlu play normie shit and/or are console fags

>you got the new fifa yet?
>nah lad I'm a footie manager
>they got gays this year?

>having a job

fucking this
>overhear coworkers talking about "...played games all weekend"
>ask him what he plays
>exclusively FIFA on ps4
I have another coworker from the IT department who is i a community of middle aged men running a server for either ETS2 or farming simulator

When normal people say that, they mean it the way ice cream or cookies are for kids. They don't mean it the way your strange, broken, deformed brain means it.

>girl starts talking about video games
>get excited and start to ramble how I enjoy spending my weekends on playing with my amiga 500, commodore 64, emulators, classic vidya such as Duke Nukem 3D, Doom, Monkey Island, Deus Ex, Morrowind etc.
>even go far as doing my voice impressions of JC Denton, Postal Dude, and Duke Nukem
>after good 15 minutes of rambling I give her a turn
>she doesn't know any of the games I mentioned, has never heard about Duke or Denton, and obviously is clueless of what my impressions were about

This was months ago and we're still in contact. Surprisingly, she wasn't weirded out by my behavior. Or maybe she was, but she likes me enough to think it as quirky. But still, what the fuck is wrong with me? I have asperger's syndrome btw.

Um... that's the same way I meant it.

>having friends at all

>what the fuck is wrong with me? I have asperger's syndrome btw.
I think you answered your own question, bro. Not to worry though. Women are used to men ranting about things they like, without understanding most of it. You might as well have talked about sports or fixing cars.
If she still isn't weirded out, you've got a pretty good shot! Good luck m8!

She was probably impressed that you show such passion for something. Most people are like "yeah I like x, it's pretty okay I guess". i have that from a talk about "talk so that other people want to listen"

She was impressed by your giantesque vocabulary.

Girls enjoy men being passionate about something, though nerdy stuff like vidya is very hit-and-miss. Sounds like she might be genuinely geeky, why not ask her out?

Again? When Will they shut the fuck up about it?

>guy starts talking to me about video games
>condescendingly tell them I used to play quite a bit when I was younger but I don't really have time anymore and enjoy other things now
>let them talk a bit about what kind of vidya they enjoy, usually slightly nervously now
>sarcastically ask them if they also browse reddit
>usually a "yes"
>immediately state I don't like that website and the culture associated with it

To be fair I'm not even really lying, just exaggerating. And fuck talking about video games in social settings except with good friends.

Yeah really. He should be using a Switch.

Seems like these coworkers of yours play more games than you do.

Thanks. Yeah, I mean, even though I was rambling I tried to be as neutral and informative as possible, so I wasn't just foaming about stuff. She seems to be somewhat spergy as well so she probably knows exactly what's up.
I already asked her out and she went all squeamish and gave me that "yes-no-maybe" type of answer, but I think it's more about her being extremely socially awkward than being disinterested in me. She smiles when I approach her, looks me in the eyes, talks back to me (with quiet voice, but she talks to me), and even gave me her number. We chat every day.

I have already said and done things that would surely spook normal girls away, and especially girls who didn't like me. If she didn't like me she wouldn't talk to me, chat with me, approach me in person etc. right? She even does friendly banter with me, and that's a sign of trust, right? I was ready to accept my ascension to wizardom, and then she appeared.

I used to have a friend like that, but he got a girlfriend recently and now he never wants to play vidya with me anymore

Wait, I take that back. You really are an annoying faggot after all.

sounds like a future wife, user.

Yes, but I wonder if she thinks those aspects of me as quirky/cute. I sent her bunch of walls of texts pouring my heart out for her, and she replied with
>user, please, you write too much and you think/worry too much

I know. I'm going to kill myself if this doesn't work out. So far she has been the only girl who has ever treated me like this and I don't expect there to be any other girls like her.

If you put her on such a pedestal like that you've already lost her. She's just a fucking girl, no matter how much you think you like her, and more women can give you positive attention if you contain the autism just a little. Pinning all your hopes and dreams on one person is such a guaranteed way to fail


I know this is not healthy, but the situation is what it is. As I already said, I have done and said some things to her that would surely spook most girls away. Nothing dangerous or threatening stuff, but just the stuff that makes me *me*. She already knows me better than anybody else, and I don't expect there to be many people out there who are that open minded.

This life fucking sucks, but I bet it would suck little bit less if I got to share it with someone. I have nothing but my hobbies, but in the end the hobbies are just filling in between the stuff that really matters, and I don't have things that matter in my life. My life is nothing but filling, yet I feel empty.

just happened this morning

>Coworker is a fucking girl that talks about stupid shit
>Coworker starts talking

Who is "we?"

My girlfriend had this experience today
>coworker starts talking about video games
>it's about Battlefront
>he bought it
>he likes it
For context I live in a redneck town with a high rate of heroin/meth use and half our residents are registered sex offenders

>Waiting for lesson to start, some stereotypical normie guy from class starts talking with me about vidya
>"So, user, what games do you play. Do you like that new Call of Duty game - Black Ops III"
>I don't like fps, CoD, Halo and BF in particular I almost never play such games.
>"What about crpg? The Witcher 3 and Skyrim were the best games I ever played"
>I don't like those two
>"What genres do you like then?"
>Strategy games, both turn based and real time
>"Great, I always liked HoM&M"
>I never was a fan of HoM&M
>"user, do you even like video games? What are you playing?"
>E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy, Endless Legend, Crusader Kings 2, Mount and Blade, lately I enjoyed Mordheim: City of the Damned
>"Huh, I never heard of them."

jesus sort your fucking life out mate

>last sentence
it's ok buddy, we know

fuck me you're a sad sack of shit, he knew a lot more than most normies

>coworker always starts talking about his fifa cards he just bought and traded
>he is upset about battlefront 2s microtransaction
reddit logic in a nutshell

That he bought with real money or coins? Because you do know you can do really well in FIFA Ultimate Team without spending a penny?

surprised he talked for you for that long with those kind of responses. btw no normie will every say "crpg"

no different with battlefront

He was no elder-god who played ascii-only roguelikes, but he definitely wasn't a normie. Don't bunch sentient people like him up with dudebro fifa 23 fans

>talking about videogames ever
>let alone in public with a normie-type you don't know
You'll learn.

yeah you're right, except FIFA has "sweaty" players that are really cheap but effective, Battlefront doesn't really have anything like that. You aren't wrong though, FIFA managed to completely normalise Microtransactions since around 2010.

>cute girl at work talks to me about video games
>know I'm too autistic to ever make it work and get any further


just B urself bro :')

What do you play?

Every single time.

That sounds really boring and repetitive.

Rule Nr 1: never go into a relationship with someone at work

>never go into a relationship with someone at work

Why? There's heaps of couples that have met up initially at work.

Me... Smith... and Wesson...

Only young people say that...the majority switch owners are 30+ because they grew up playing the nes so that comment right there let's me know you are a young kid still living with your parents and most likely think your an adult because your parents buy you rated m ps4


Manchildren then.

Lol I see your butthurt I must have struck a nerve

Lol...your totally right what gave it away lol

And even more heaps who have to deal with protracted drama when it doesn't work out.

>Coworker starts talking about games
>Phone game

>tfw gauging others powerless before unleashing my own

>switch owners are 30+
What will Nintendo do now that their manchild base is getting too old and slowly dying out? Sell them Nintendo coffins?

>work night audit at hotel
>alone except for security guy, burly chill stoner guy
>straight up bring my tower in with a backpack holding a monitor and computer peripherals
>been getting payed to play Fable Anniversary

this is your dream job, neet regreters

>26+ year old coworkers start talking about anime, say it's a big week for shows they like
>listen in
>they're only talking about black clover and dbs

It's for the best. I'm enough of a sperg out there without talking about watching cgi rocks and a magical girl from the 90s.

>apply for job
>lots of young people work there so feel like it could be fun
>first break
>autist whips out 3DS
>plays Pokemon Sun on full volume at the lunch table
>ask him to turn down the volume
>everyone looks at eachother awkwardly
>faggot dude continues playing pokémon
>talks about how he got his 15th ash pikachu by resetting the game
>complains about the long start every time he resets
>tell him he could just clone the pokemon since he has homebrew
>"No hacking is bad"


>my ridiculously overly specific taste of 15 dollar pixelated shit shows on steam are vastly superior to yours.


so this. just avoid that shit. make an excuse and run away as fast as you can

>ahhaha he has friends what a fag

>being a wagecuck

>co-worker ask for username but its racist

No women can resist the Duke.

>being an aspie racist at all

>I never was a fan of HoM&M
Your kind isn't welcome here.

how does it feel knowing you're literally the only ones who feel it to their guts like this

and that it's because you identify?

i do what i want