EA how can thay exist?

I have a question.
How on earth can EA make money?
How are they they still around?
Who buys their shit?
And why are you not boycotting them and if you need to play EA games why not pirate EA games?
Win win.
Who on earth is buying EA games?

The EA strategy.
1) See popular studio
2) buy this studio
3) make them release a game
4) Terminate the studio because this EA game version was "unsuccessful, not profitable"
BONUS ROUND) after years of inactivity decide to make a new game in a series you own only its a monstrous abomination that is unplayable.

How can they make money on this???!!!!
And why is EA keeping up this strategy?

Who is giving EA money? Satan?

Other urls found in this thread:


dumb consumers are the reason any product exists

Eurpeans and South Americans when they buy Fifa. They already cucks so what's a little more.

EA's around for the same reason Activision, Ubisoft and their equivalent in other industries are still around: people give them money. Why? Because their products have insanely successful marketing, they appeal to the lowest denominator, the name of their IPs are known far and wide and they know how to give a "barely acceptable gaming experience for the neophyte"

>Who buys their shit?
Normalfag lemmings.
>How are they they still around?
Same reason as facebook.

Normies mindlessly buy whatever the adverts on the telly tell them is popular. The buyer of your average EA game like Fifa is almost literally brainless, the same sort of person who watches reality TV and doesn't vote because "they're all the same innit bruv", they don't really care about anything in life other than what they're having for tea in the evening.

Think of how stupid the average person is, and then remember that 50% of the population is stupider than that. They're the people who buy EA games.

FIFA is how. I forget the exact numbers, but it sells 6-7 million per platform pretty much every year. That's like 18-21 million sales.
And the entire game is structured around lootboxes which probably bring in a shit load more money on top of the initial sales.

As long as they have FIFA, EA will never shut down.

>dumb consumers
>Normalfag lemmings.
Did they not switch to mobile?

Also after the first EA burn why continue buying their games?

Remember, you are not majority of gamers.
People who follow studios or gaming news or anything like that are in minority.
Majority of gamers are normies who go to Gamestop in Friday and go "yoo, give me the new Madden, bro!"

>Also after the first EA burn why continue buying their games?
Why do people keep buying shitty Ubisoft games?
Nintendo games?
Actiblizz games?
Seeing bad movies to record ticket sales?
Sheep are easily pleased and often forget

Your expectations of the taste of the general public are far too high

>FIFA is how
I don't understand why is EA then continuing the EA strategy of taking over other studios.
A) it costs them money
B) will never make it profitable.

How much does EA pay for the FIFA license?

They need workers, buying a studio is a great way of getting a bunch of skilled game devs for no effort.

EA will never shut down, they even have an MMO swtor

It does make them money, and there is no such thing as too much money.

EA has to competa against, giants like Steam and Blizzard. So it's quite GG. Riot games has only 1 game.

There's a lesson to be learned here. Never, EVER let your company go public

Every one who guys fifa games is certified to be mentally retarded.
If you like to kick ball go and play kicking ball IRL.
I play video games because I can not be superman and do superman shit IRL.
You can do everything in fifa IRL.

Props to EA for trying.

This is true.

Fifa idd, it's popular. Cause soccer is (football they called it)

>make super secretive game studio
>make awesome games
>go public at the top of your popularity
>EA buys you for millions
>reveal the company is actually just you and your weird autitic asset creator friend
>both of you resign inmediately
>you walk away with millions while EA just gets a very expensive logo

>It does make them money
I'm seriously fascinated by this.

Because lets say you are bullfrog or whatever and you make money by earning ~1M profit for every game you release.
EA buys you for 12M
EA makes you makes game it makes 1M profit
EA shuts you down and never releases another game from this IP

By this calculation EA threw out and lost 11M why did they not do something better with their money like invest in a energy company or stocks?

I'm so curious that I'm checking their financial statements.

Sports, morons, and sports morons.
Sports, morons, sports morons, and vampirism.
Morons and sports morons
I haven't bought an EA game since Dead Space 2
Morons and sports morons.

The government builds soccer stations for free every citizen can play on for free.
This is to promote healthy living and sports.
You need to be retarded not to go on use them if you like to play soccer so hard.

I don't give a fuck who the publisher is. If I think the game looks good, I'll buy it.

Last EA game i bought was Battlefield 1 and it was 100% worth it.

Unthinking consumerism. Pretend I posted that one picture from the BOYCOTT GAME Steam group where everyone is playing the game they're supposed to be boycotting.

People balk at child labor and sweatshops but still line up to buy every fucking iteration of the iphone. Out of sight, out of mind.

Unless people are actually willing to take a stance that hurts them in the short term (not being able to play a game they want to), nothing will change.

>Battlefield 1
Thats immoral!
You steal EA games! Now go pirate it and never buy!

>pirating a multiplayer game

>everyone is playing the game they're supposed to be boycotting
This is why I don't understand.
If you are addicted to this game hard.
Why not pirate it and play the pirated version?
its a win win.
You hurt EA and you get your addiction fixed.

Do you understand how much money they make off of FIFA, Madden, Battlefield and Sims?
They could buy and close down a hundred studios and still swim in cash

That's the dream, but I'm too proud to let something I create become a fucking cash slut for someone else

EA Sports (MADDEN etc.) is what keeps them going

They are still throwing money away on buying game studios.
And on what?
Why not speculate in the stock market this can make them profits.

Gaming is saturated. But there is no end to this market. Shittons of new gamers are rolling in. The industry is still boooming. Old fags have a hhigh chance to return, even executives and big grownup normies with high paying jobs, their old gameboy is still on their attic and they are like hmm lets try something new.

>They are still throwing money away on buying game studios.
They aren't though. Here's a video explaining how EA is minimizing risks and covering their costs when buying a dev (Respawn in this case)


They also get that studio's IP's and all the sales from their old games then go to EA's pocket. They also recycle some of the workers from studios they shut down to their other projects.

How is the vidya industry still alive?
Who buys these shitty vidya?
Why is Sup Forums not boycotting the industry?


I never got it as well... why does EA buy a company after they make something popular, force something in that makes the game unpopular then kill off the studio and not blame themselves?

What is the point of buying a company then killing them for no discernible reason? If it is to get the IP, name me one IP that EA owns that got more popular after the studio was killed and they released their version.



>They also get that studio's IP's and all the sales from their old games then go to EA's pocket
Unless all these studios are retarded this can not be true.

Lets say you have a studio that makes ~1M profit on every game.
you have ~2M inside the company.

if you sell this for less then 2M+what I think my IP is worth+more money for me.
You are retarded.
Selling a studio that has 2M in the bank for 1M is retarded.
if you wanted 1M you can liquidate the studio and get the money this way.

>(football they called it)

Because that's what it's called, you Yankee cunt.

The better question is why EA is not selling the IP if the think its worthless.

Unless EA is operating on another level (I'm doing this because the government is giving me more money in subsidies) its bizarre.

And would the retard CEOs not think to themselves
>Wait a minute this strategy is making us lose money.
>I like money
>Why not stop throwing money on this strategy and stick with FIFA and SIMS what make us money?

This. I know people who have a xbox for playing FIFA and nothing else. EA buys all the popular licenses and milk the shit out of them. I never bought an EA game again after i think it was Dragon Age, where you meet an NPC that directs you to DLC. Stopped playing and trashed it.

If EA had their way FIFA and The Sims would be the only games on the market.

That's the point of absorbing studios and sitting on the IP. Removing competition.

>Removing competition.
OP here.
This was my suspicion.

They've got 2 billion in cash
They've got 2 billion in liquid investments
They're got 1 billion in receivables
They're got 500 million in property plant and equipment
They only have 1 billion in long term debt
Their cash flow is very positive
They don't pay dividends to their shareholders

I mean Jesus Fucking Christ it's like a dream come true. They don't even have to make games just like Nintendo they can sit on their other investments and still make money.

>They don't pay dividends to their shareholders

I'm sorry, what? How is this legal?

And you were right on the fucking money.

EA is driven solely by greed. And greed is never, ever satisfied.

I have a friend who plays FIFA exclusively, he loves good games from time to time, but FIA is just his thing. N matter hw fucking retarded the prices are, dlcs and other shitty stuf that games turned into, he buys anther game in the series and play it until next one comes out. He just doesnt care, or maybe he has to justify buying ps4 with these games. Anyway, as long as people keep buying these EA wont go anywhere.

Yuropoors Normalfags.

How much can you really change in a game in a year, I mean really?

>They don't pay dividends to their shareholders
They do.

What a stupid ass comment. I guess theres no point in playing fps games since you can just join the marines and go kill sandniggers in the middle east IRL

Because they make games that people want to buy. It's a little troubling in the big picture that Sup Forumsillenials from reddit thinks that just because they don't like EA games means that the government should regulate them out of business.

This is not greed.
If it was greed they would not spend the money.
No its asinine bitterness and/or for wanting to destroy the competition.

How much of a thread is a studio that is releasing games not even in the genre you are in and their genre is considered a niche?

If it wasn’t profitable they wouldn’t do it

I like to have a interview with these FIFA people.
And ask a lot of questions.

The literall reason are just the changes of the teams, literally I asked to a friend of mine what's the difference between FIFA 15 (which he give me) and FIFA 18, he couldn't articulate an argument beyond new contratations, is pretty fucking sad that EA not only survives for this kind of people but it does by doing the bare minimun and jewing at the maximun

>EA is driven solely by greed
every company is driven by self interest

So wait, it is the same "players" (Most of the models look nothing like them) just different team colours because of contracts in the real world? That's lazy as fuck.

Except its not the same.
You need to fear getting shot yourself.
Also a lot of bureaucracy.
On the other hand you can start kicing a ball practicaly anyway you want.
You can do everything you can do in FIFA IRL.
Not only this IRL ball kicking has the ultimate and most realistic ball kicking graphics that will ever exist.
I'm still waiting how I can get superman powers IRL.
You tried to dodge this question.

In this case it's not just being greedy for money, it's about being greedy for power. EA is like the Borg.

Like I said, if EA had their way, EA would be the only company on the market.

They have popular franchises such as Madden. FIFA, pretty much EA Sports in a nutshell then factor Battlefield and Sims. They're stable because of all that. Everything else may be a dumpster fire and EA doesn't give a fuck, because regular people simply don't care.

Questions to ask him:
if you like IRL sports why don't you play them yourself IRL?

A lot of pointles speculations ITT
>Who is giving EA money? Satan?

Multiple reasons. They want to branch out into other successful future titles, because who knows if EA will hold onto their sports licenses forever.

Worst case is that new studio becomes a support studio which also helps EA. They do the grunt work and extra 'content' after release basically while the main studio can fuck off and do the next iteration.

They made EIGHT HUNDRED MILLION last year on Fifa match cards or whatever their called, that's how.

They are the normie company. They could kill a baby live on-stream and people would still buy FIFA/Battlefield/Sims/Mass Effect.

Thank you user.
OP here.
This is the most important video of all times.

Explained for everyone else.

Lets say EA buys a studio for 30M they pay
10M in actual cash.
10M in what is basically gambling aka monopoly money
10M in even more scam levels of monopoly money.

So basically EA pays 10M and then takes a peace of paper and writes on it 20M and says this peace of paper will only be worth something if your next game can make 30M profit for me then I pay you 20M.

Business is a terrible bullshit place.
>How is this legal?
Watch south park humancentipad all there in the contract and standard practice.
Its not their fault you don't understand the law or have a army of lawyers to interpret this contractual mine field for you.

a corporation is under no obligation to pay dividends, the shareholder can just sell his stock if he wants some money

EA used to be good when they were just a publisher.
They released a lot of good games, but when they had enough money, they decided to start buying up studios so they could skim even more profit.
They were no longer providing a service to developers, but controlling the production and creative process, something a company whose job should just be printing disks and advertising has no idea about.
This started in the 90s and is the seed that to the current publisher > developer dynamic of the video game industry now.

Because EA used to have some good games, and their tendency to buy up good studios, people are fooled.
People thing "maybe the game will be as good as X", but it rarely is, and by then it is too late.
They already have the money to advertise their next game, or buy their next studio, and the cycle continues.
It's like those zombie mushroom ants. By the time you realise you've been infected (fucked in the ass by a shit release), the spore (sales figures, initial release hype etc) are already on their way to infecting more people.

I can't do anything I can do in FIFA irl.

Name 1 thing you can not do IRL that you can do in FIFA.

Sheeple, am I right?

>"maybe the game will be as good as X"
This would only make sense if the EA version was profitable.
However EA is shutting down studios after purchase and even after 1 game release.
This should indicate they are losing money.

If it was a cycle of more butchered games that give less profit with every release then yes however EA is strange for not selling the IP that they don't want.

The thing is, they only need to release one good game every so often, or buy a good studio and release something already nearing production, for people to let their guard down again.
Plus nostalgia goes back a long way.

Even though I pirated it, I was willing to give EA a chance of not completely shitting all over syndicate by turning it in to a FPS sellout, and that was for a series that is decades old.

Most people I know who bought MA:andromeda did so because they enjoyed the first mass effect, even though they admitted seeing the series decline from 2 onwards.

And I think the shutting down of studios is one part damage control after a game gets slammed, one part games not making enough profit while still making something, and one part having too many game studios, not needing workers after current dev cycle completes, and trying to consolidate everything.


Like all the big AAA companies EA has one thing they do that provides them with huge amounts of guaranteed money so that they can survive any backlash. Activision-Blizzard has Call of Duty and Starcraft. Valve has Steam. Konami has pachinko. In EA's case this is their various sports games. Normies who don't give a shit about videogames will still buy the sports games and EA has exclusive license deals that mean nobody else can make them. Thus EA(and all of the other companies) can be the biggest cunts in the universe and you can't stop them.

them putting all their eggs in one basket is what's going to kill them
so few games can get away with "game as a service" format to last for years
and once people find one they like they usually stick to it

>Normies who don't give a shit about videogames will still buy the sports game
How can you "don't give a shit about videogames" and buy sports videogames?

>Haven't given EA money since Dead Space 2
Feels good man.

Easily? I'm not sure what part of that seems strange to you. Most of the people who play FIFA or Madden ONLY play FIFA or Madden. They don't know what EA does with other games and they don't care. They will buy FIFA every year for the rest of time and otherwise will not play or pay attention to videogames at all.

They do. Video games are FIFA, And they don't even heard of the EA backlash. It's not like they are browsing Sup Forums. Same for Call of Duty and Ass Creed.

>Sell IPs
>Sell land
>Sell assets, physical and digital
>Absorb talent who have no other choice at reduced paid
Thats how.

You also forget how stupid people are. If EA buys company X off their great game Y1, when they make Y2 it sells even more as its highly sought after from the success of the last one, then EA shuts it down.

i think they made the soccer stars be loot box unlocks as well, so thats extra free money

I'm sure you could do all the shit a professional football player can do. Thats why you're posting on Sup Forums instead of playing and earning millions.

Because they like sports and contrary to idiot beliefs, even if you like sports you don't always have the freetime or energy to play them in real life. Much like why even if you might think jumping out of planes in a game is pretty cool but you don't always fewl like going sky diving in real life. You know, becausw it takes effort/freetime/planning/friends/money

Dang son you really digged your own grave.
> playing and earning millions.
However I'm not a e-sports player and I don't earn millions playing games like
Dota 2
However I still play this game.

What now?!

Dota2 and IRL ball kicking are the same.
99% of us suck at it however we can do it.
So why don't you play ball kicking IRL?
What now?!

I heard that. Need for Speed also did it. I laughed so hard. EA is the new LJN.

I was confused when you excluded FIFA from the category of video games.
Thanks that you explained it to me.
I was thinking
>"don't give a shit about videogames" and buy sports videogames
was about some grandma who literally buys this however dose not give a shit about it and gives it to her kids or something.

To be fair, I actually believe that most iterative sports titles would probably make the most sense as SaaS since it would be considerably more convenient than releasing a title with roster updates and minor QoL changes to the gameplay for $60 yearly. Of course, we both know that EA and 2K would rather just get $60 up front every September and still charge for extras.

I glad that somebody has a clear view of EA's modus operandi, but at this point in their history, you would have to be a complete pushover to put faith in any EA product, especially in hindsight. The last EA game I gave a chance to was Dead Space 1 which was meh in my book and just about anything they put out after 2008 has been either a disaster in management, either through ignorance (like Andromeda, Medal of Honor, Dead Space 3) or to willful contempt (as with Titanfall 2's likely sabotage).

EA just suffers a lot from "me too" syndrome, where they see one of the other big publishers succeeding with a scheme, or god forbid, coming out with something good, and they go, "Gee, it sells like water in a desert. I want some of that shit!" and they retool franchises to ape the competition while failing to realize though like I've mentioned earlier, it's probably just them trying to tighten their portfolio by killing off derivative franchises and/or remove any second party studios that people don't want something that copies X, they want X, and they just piss off the people who wanted Y.

This. EA will not even notice the buttmad players in their revenue.

Thanks for this explonation.
However are the FIFA fanboys brain damaged to this level?
I understand you are obsessed with soccer
I understand the logic of not having time and all however why are the FIFA fanboys buying every game every time?
Should they not buy them every decade or stick to the old games?
This should not be a consistent money stream for EA.

I have still office 2003 and use it form time to time.
I see no need to buy a new one or pay MS.

How are the FIFA fanboys buying every game.
I understand a soccer fanatic I knew one IRL in school, he constantly played ball outdoors.
I get that if he broke a leg he would be happy if his family bought him FIFA 2018 to play while he can not move.
However after he is heeled I don't see him buying new FIFA games.
I never asked him if he was a constant FIFA buyer.

they make godly amounts of money from Europe for there yearly fifa games. so they will always stay afloat and can afford any back lash and/or failed projects.

>SaaS since
SaaS literally turns products into shit.
Why change your SaaS if the players will pay their rent or not get to play the game?

At least EA is improving visuals in their FIFA... I think...

Football is the biggest sport in the world. You can play with your favorite players. FIFA players don't care about other games. Pro Evolution is a failure because you can't play with your favorite team or player.