*reports you for toxicity*

>*reports you for toxicity*

>*sips from "white men's tears" mug*


he seems like a cool guy even though he looks like he needs a punch to the nose

>report faggot for cheating
>entire server blocks the votekick

nigger you better pass that shit

try reddit

>*takes too many xannies and dies*

>gets banned for false reports

Based Blizzard


still mad you're losing the culture war to us eh

I've only been showed shit like that by you faggots who scream about Sup Forums every single thread
literally OBSSESED


Who are you quoting?

Why are soyboys even allowed in n our society?

You never see it unless you
> live in a large city
> go on social media
> are in college

Why are there so many "nu male" threads this morning? Judging by the retards above me there may be some sort of raid going on.

>*reports you for bashing Nintendo on Sup Forums*
get off my board newfags

did you just get reported in siege?

>literally OBSSESED
There are three threads on Sup Forums right now with a picture of a liberal man as the OP image which only exist to cry about liberals, not to discuss videogames. Who's the obsessed ones? Sup Forums is obsessed with talking about liberals all day every day.

The word toxic should be fucking banned! I just troll fools with it in overwatch now like why so toxic bruh, such toxicity

it's merely presenting a situation and waiting for your response to it
you're not being manipulated, and if you think you are then you're too retarded to even be having this conversation

stay mad soyboys. Get back to resetera.

I'm 3/3 and the only escape is suicide.

Lol no, it's hard to ignore SJWs when your country's leader ignores wildfires so he can go on TV to talk about twitter and feminism.

Video games.

But the situation is presented as a loaded question, it implicitly expects the reader to disagree with whatever is being presented.
This is the problem with Sup Forums in general, they (you) just assume that whatever you say is true and that you are right.

Have you ever even thought about the idea that the "leftist SJW" might have a point here and there and that they might not be wrong about things?


holy fucking cringe

Overheard this conversation on campus a while back
>"Yeah so how do you define violence?"
>"Any time someone makes someone else feel destabilized"

scrolling down was surely weird

not an argument

You're misunderstanding
Getting people banned for being "toxic" is just a new way to troll in these babby games
You antagonize while appearing innocent and report them when they call you a fucking nigger

I guess that explains the Middle East

*sees boogie thread*
oh my god guys /fit/ is HARASSING us again wtf



>he doesn't go to university

can you please can this shitty "(you) is an upvote meme" it makes the thread irritating to read

*punches your nazi face*


>sour candies are violence
what a time to be alive

>play evil within 2
>complete a side quest for some black dude
>main character says "I wonder how a person like you ended up here"
>black dude goes "whachu mean is it because I'm black yeah???"
>main character says "no, you're just a person with a big heart which is rare here" or something like that
Giving this franchise to a western game designer was a mistake.

downboat >:^(

I've never once thought they were right and I don't even go on Sup Forums

Neither do you. You just read reports online every day about liberals at universities going TOO FAR and demanding SAFE SPACES and lo and behold the sources are always right wing blogs and the reality is two or three people on a campus wanted to do some dumb shit and it never actually was agreed to by the university.

>Have you ever even thought about the idea that the "leftist SJW" might have a point here and there and that they might not be wrong about things?
No, because any good points they might have is drowned out by stupid bullshit that sounds like a crying baby who hasn't encountered any hardship in his or her life.
>boohoo bawww woe is me! Someone has views that are somewhat different to mine! This is literally and figuratively hate speech!

Excellent GM right there.

>reports you to server admins for hate speech and toxic gameplay after you type GG in chat

Wow, really? It's like the constant posts about liberals on Sup Forums aren't completely neutral and conservatism is pushed in our faces all day every day without even pretending to be about videogames.

*reports you for whiteness*

>no because I choose to ignore any good points any liberal makes by obsessing over the strawman Sup Forums has created in my mind

So basically what you're saying is that it doesn't matter what you actually say, only how you say it, did I get that right?
Then I sincerely do wonder how you can take Sup Forums seriously at all. And if you say, you do not, I wonder why you are suffering from ideological incontinence.

>boohoo bawww woe is me! Someone has views that are somewhat different to mine! This is literally and figuratively hate speech!
That's a nice straw doll you're beating up there, can I join in?

It's not about that though or you would filter it.

So when Sup Forums is posting pepe memes you take their side because they clearly are hard workers and contribute to society while enduring very real hardships.

cucks are annoying but so is
>play the game like normal
>guy on other team loses and casually in a calm voice says you're terrible
>guy on other team starts laughing when you shrug it off and says you're shit
>guy on other team starts angrily cursing when you continue to shrug it off and says you're garbage

Remind me again why white people are worth saving?


How do you filter it when every second thread no matter what it's about eventually devolves into this tired shit about SOYBOYS xD or whatever the hottest new kek meme is?


I get it on Facebook

Because I am not interested in not seeing it. The very purpose of this shitty website is discourse.


didn't you get the memo, the new trendy word to insult your opposition with is "soyboy"

>good points
>in The Year of Our Lord 2017




I'm literally in a lecture right now
granted it's not as bad as the news makes it out to be probably because I'm doing engineering but there are still black power and lbgtxyz posters everywhere and more rainbow hair than I've seen anywhere else

I dismiss most of modern left's talking points because they are unnecessary and/or feel-good retardation like: "wouldn't it be nice if we had gender neutral bathrooms?"

I am a Social Democrat party voter and it is honestly sad to see that the party that once fought to make things better for everyone in my country now focus on appeasing vocal minority groups and putting the refugee before the native.

You just explained to yourself how to filter it.
Of course not. Then you couldn't try to manipulate Sup Forums into what you want it to be. The real reason why all of you are upset.

Much like how gays are over represented in the media to the point that some people think 20% of the population is gay, SJW shit is being shoved everywhere by Sup Forums to make you think it's a big deal and is everywhere instead of just a bunch of literally whos on twitter.

Good point user, we should definitely just let the Republicans do everything and anything they want without even questioning any of it because someone on a videogame board posted photos of liberals who looked ugly. What's the worst that could happen?

Retard, that was intended to make the black guy look assumable and stupid.

I’m a transsexual toxic niggerfaggot

I will never forget this experience at a past job.

>vidya store right by college town
>everyone there is cool, still friends with them
>come out of break/back room one day and see girl that looks like a horrible tumblr stereotype standing near our display case with old gameboy/gba stuff
>walk up behind counter, super politely say hello and ask if she needs any help
>looks at me like I'm absolutely fucking retarded, points toward pokemon yellow and tells me that will be all
>start ringing her up, coworker kinda bored near me mentions the girl's hair and how his sister is thinking about dyeing it the same color, etc.
>girl says nothing so chatter stops, finish ringing her up and wish her a nice day etc.
>next day clock in, same coworker and manager is there
>manager tells me she got a complaint over the phone about us the previous day
>girl said she was greeted 'too many times' and followed by the workers present and that my coworker was hitting on her when she was being rang up
>coworker and I look confused as hell
>ask who it was
>"Um, some girl that bought an old pokemon gameboy game."
>manager does nothing since she knows us pretty well and knows we wouldn't do that shit
>manager eventually sees the girl weeks later and just nods while saying "Ooooh...yeaaah.. That type of person."

>there a posters for LGBT events at my university
>and there are people with dyed hair
Neither of these things are actually a problem. You've just been conditioned to get mad about them by Sup Forums. Actually explain to me what the issue is with either of these things without memeing.

Baader Meinhoff Complex.

Cant un-see (((them)))

>countless pictures of degenerate lefties
>countless pictures of degenerate "master race"
what's the point of this shit again

What are you talking about?
I want to talk to these people and understand their ideas and thoughts. Is that really so bad?

The problem I have with it and that upsets me is that these aren't even willing to engage in discussion, they just call anyone who disagrees a "cuck" and "soyboy" and whatever else. They do basically nothing but beat up straw dolls all day every day and they don't even realize it. I just think that that is a little sad, you know. And I can't imagine such a worldview makes people happy

Get a blog.

>if you don't accept trannies and 57 genders your just a bigot

You haven't played the game then

I like this image more than i should.


>grab ear hoop thing
Seriously though, this person should not be getting in any fights.

Take your upvote and get out

Video games aren't allowed on Sup Forums.

It's like there's two kinds of retarded people in clown suits are arguing whose suit is better.

The worst thing is that they do not even realize this.

I've played it three times through. It was the black guy jumping to conclusions about what Sebastion said. Your angry mind is just making it into something it isn't

You really didn't try very hard at all did you

>grab ear hoop thing
>it's razor-sharp and slices your fingers clean off
Heh, nothing personnel, drumpfkin.

Nobody said accept them, just don't give yourself an ulcer getting pissed over inconsequential bullshit.

>b-but muh pol obsession

It's pretty funny that you complain about strawmen of radical left but have no problem with strawmanning rightists as retards who shout catchphrases.

this tbqh
I couldnt care less what some retard american with dyed hair says on twitter. Stop posting that garbage

>I dismiss most of modern left's talking points because they are unnecessary and/or feel-good retardation like: "wouldn't it be nice if we had gender neutral bathrooms?"
To be fair, wouldn't gender neutral bathrooms be nice? They don't really bother anyone, they're cheaper to construct and a small minority of people will no longer be forced to deal with certain issues?
Seems to me, even using a economic right wing framework, that there are only positives to this idea. Sure, it might be nowhere near as pressing as these people are saying, but there is really no real argument against it, is there?

This is what I meant when I was saying "Have you ever even thought about the idea that the "leftist SJW" might have a point here and there and that they might not be wrong about things?". And as I see it, you have not.

Nobody said that, another straw doll here I myself would like to give a nice stab.

Thanks cunt

I have a few relatives in high school atm. They all spout your typical SJW nonsense like gender pronouns and literally think blacks dindu nuffin are being hunted on the streets by cops, think drumpf is going to deport them cause he raysis despite them being legal spics like me. etc etc etc

It's not a strawman when it's fucking true. Do you seriously think someone could post a left leaning post on Sup Forums, no matter how well worded, reasonable or researched it was, without getting a stream of LOL KEK memes in response? The right on Sup Forums have a defense mechanism and it's the shitpost.

Everyone can see through your fake "concern". Try and twist it anyway you want but I already pointed out why you're really here. Your post is the stereotypical manipulative sjw response.

>Hey hey man hey i like to take dick in my faggot ass hey what you dont like that??? Ong im so opressed these nazzis dont want to know what i do inside of my home can we stage a parade and put posters so everbody can know im transfaggot dick sucker gender fluid retard
>Whats wrong with this hmm
