Friend someone from Sup Forums

>Friend someone from Sup Forums
>They want to ERP immediately

Please stop doing this.

Other urls found in this thread:

but its funny to act horny on the internet

>Friend someone from Sup Forums

Please stop doing this.

>Friend someone from /r9k/
>"Be my feminine bf :*"
Please stop doing this.

Whats the e stand for? I got role play. I added some dudes from v and vg and theyve been normal

If you associate with Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums you deserve to be locked in a dumpster fire, people who do this shit are so fucking gay and lonely it's fucking pathetic

You need to be 18 to be on my website. Please leave.

>says the guy on Sup Forums at all
We're equal here. Whatever you think of someone on here, youre just the same. After all, you wouldn't be on Sup Forums, eh?

How would someone associate with a website other than the creator/staff or wearing merchandise off it?

The closest shit to that was "we r legun Anonymoose" and now their more associated with Reddit.

>friend someone from Sup Forums with the intention of ERP
>realize they're really nice as a friend and don't want to lewd with them anymore

>gay and lonely it's fucking pathetic
Then why are you here.

>Not ERPing
What are you boring?

I turned 18 sep 16 this year. Been here since the fappening. What does the e stand for

This. I only associate with reddit outside of Sup Forums because they're not stigmatized and i can hide my le power level :)

Go join the
>Sup Forums official discord
And see the difference between there and here.

>reach 6k in dota
>immediately get accosted by something like 20 /vg/ trannies trying to ride my coat tails.


>befriend people from Sup Forums and play MMOs together
>slowly corrupt them into giving me ERP
>have them fuck me all at once
>closer now more than ever

Discord servers are normalfag circlejerks adding individual anons is not the same.

>letting Sup Forums unironically make you prison gay
you know who you are

I like how hater made a whole comic explaining why his satori and koichi are so busty.

rule number 1 since 2003 is to never associate with anyone from this place ever

>this deserves a thread

How do I make a friend?!

>add someone from/v/ on steam
>they instantly turn out to be trannies or such shit
>they don't even play video games, just go on about their tranny shit
Like, what the fuck man. I just wanted to play video games, discuss anime and games, maybe some cars and such shit. None of that gay shit about your breast growth problems or such.

stop being a dumb and emotionless fatso


Stop talking to 3rd worlders and stupid ass white people then, gaylord.

I'm underweight and I have plenty of emotions! I just keep them to myself.
Please assist me!

>Friend someone from Sup Forums
>never talk to them
>delete them after a week

You could start by finding people that have similar interests.

>expecting Satorin thread
>get this ERP gay shit

>Friend someone from Sup Forums
>just kidding I'm too shy and awkward to even make internet friends

Use google, literal 14 year old.

>Friend someone from Sup Forums
>they're 100% awesome for a year straight
>they do a 180 and do rude shit 24/7 then ditch you

I'll try it!
What kind of things do you like?!

>add someone from Sup Forums on steam
>they instantly turn out to be videogamers
>they aren't even trannies, just go on about their game shit
Like, what the fuck man. I just wanted to talk about your breast growth problems and mental disorders and hormones and shit. None of that gay shit about videogames.
id where

At least didn't go the wau the last touhou thread.

I’ve never had experiences like this yet I always hear about them.

Maybe you sluts are just asking for it, stop being teases.

Make me, cunt. Im not gonna look it up now and no ones gonna tell me to piss you off.

Spot on, anyone who wants to associate outside of this website has something very wrong with him, if that isn't a big enough red flag you're naive. Through playing games with Sup Forums I ended up accepting a friend request by someone on here once, he didn't say shit for 3 days and on the 4th he tells me his boypussy is ovulating, at which point I instantly blocked and removed him.

>What kind of things do you like?!
I like vidya and animay and other nerd garbage

newfags don't understand the principle of anonymity

If you want their id, I removed them ages ago.
If you wanted mine


Me too! What kinds!


I love Satorin!

>friend someone from Sup Forums
>they want to play vidiya and occasionally make an awkward attempt at striking up a conversation
Feel free to keep on doing this.

Them suddenly becoming rude is the turning point of a friendship.
Means they're comfortable around you and secure in your friendship, so they're more true/relaxed around you.

> have a new MMO friend
> do a lot of ERP with him
> eventually he becomes a real friend and I visit him
> no longer wants to ERP with him
> horny but no release


Not sure how to describe my tastes specifically, I just like a lotta things.

If you name some I'm sure we'll become fast friends!


by all means go to Sup Forums servers or steam groups to find people to play shit, but NEVER add any of these people to your friends list

pls go away


I did that. Work got in the way, sorry Alex.

Okay, sorry.

Here is the point where one of you two makes a throwaway email address and asks the other to send them some way to contact each other, usually a steam account

>going to dedicated steam friends threads to find genuine, sane friends

>meet qt on Sup Forums
>start dating
>fall in love with eachother
>help them get their life in order
>once they have the confidence to be a normalfag they drop me
This has happened so many fucking times. To all the desperate degenerates out there, it's not fucking worth it. What ever special way someone makes you feel will be pulled out from under you in a heartbeat. If you ever find yourself going down that rabbit hole, treat them like utter shit and keep them in line. Remind them that they are nothing without you constantly because the second they get an ego they are outta there.

It's ironic because I had a friend from Sup Forums who used to avatarfag with this slut and he was the biggest closeted homoslut erper I've ever met.

He said he fell in love with me and wanted to meet up and I decided maybe it was best to delete him.

Adding people from Sup Forums is probably a mistake.

>add someone from Sup Forums
>two minutes in and they're already dumping all of their personal problems and depressed thoughts on you like you're their personal confidant
Every single time. Every single fucking time without a fault. Depressed sad sacks, the lot of you.

>Add someone from Sup Forums to friends once
>They talk about sucking dick so passionately that you start getting jealous

Please help raise my confidence and self esteem.

I added a random back in the pre-summer days before soyboys and nu-Sup Forums and we're still bros. Even though we don't play vidya much anymore. I guess times change when traps are around every corner, back then all we had was linetrap.

>join a discord server hoping to make some friends to play vidya with
>the first thing i see is two faggots with anime avatars spamming the main chat roleplaying gay shit with each other

Animeautists sould be exiled to their own corner of the internet, like how we did with MLP and furries.

Sorry Keith :(


Please add me

some of the tightest bros i met while playing vidya also happen to browse here but if you want to befriend some needy fuck that drank too much bottled water then yes, go hit up steam friend generals

>tfw joined the /vg/ runescape clan
>tfw there is only ironic ERP not real ERP and some e-drama every once in a while but overall it's pretty good

How often do you fall in love you attention starved man-whore?
Calm the fuck down and live your life, there is more to it than looking for other lonely prison gay losers.

Hey user, you're probably a pretty cool dude and you might seem cooler if you just pretended like stuff doesn't phase you. Most of us do that you know?

If you want to raise your confidence, do non-videogame stuff that you are decent at and get better at it. Maybe go for a run and beat your times, lift some weights, just something that you can show a minor improvement in over time. Or get into gardening (succulents are easy) and show that you can take care of smaller things with ease. I have faith you aren't a complete mess.

>people who do this shit are so fucking gay and lonely it's fucking pathetic
it's really true, just visit any /vg/

>having the urge to relate to other people

wtf is wrong with you all

This is why I don't join in on those fucking threads.

This guy gets it

>drunk one night and make the stupid mistake of asking of asking someone about rimworld on one the Sup Forums steam groups
>after talking about the features of the game for less than 10 minutes this guy is ranting about his personal issues, HRT progress and wanting me to make him feel like a girl

You guys need therapists or something. Stop unloading this shit on random people.

Please come help raise my self confidence day to day.

I hope you ended up playing Rimworld though, it's an excellent game.

Sometimes I come into these threads hoping I'll see him posting.
I hope he's doing okay, the way we ended things was pretty sad.
It's one thing to just erp with another guy, 2 guys just helping each other come, but it's another when they start thinking of you as more than a friend. Feelings can get a little messy.

No, find yourself some chaser who wants a trap bf and use him for that.

Tonight has been fucking terrible here on Sup Forums, I can only hope other boards are doing better than here. It unironically feels like Facebook is invading or something.

I'm having fun with it. Hard to decide how to split my time between rimworld, endless space 2 and factorio.

Never played Endless Space. The other two are good choices though, you have nice taste user.


Everything you just wrote i find disgusting.

Sunday night means the shills and marketers are off work, its tragic to see how far this board has fallen when users cant even make their own threads anymore.

Why do you think we rally so hard against them and shitpost all the time in those threads?

It kind of is disgusting. Nothing very appealing about erp or e-drama.

Tell us about him.