Defend weapon durability

Defend weapon durability.

only affects early game

It's ok when Nintendo does it.

Makes it to where you can't use the same over powered weapon forever once you get it

Encourages more creative use of weapons.

Or just do a 5 minute sidetrack to hyrule castle every full moon to replenish your royal weapons

It's Shit.

Why is this an issue?

When I was playing MY problem was my constantly full inventory. Whenever the game threw new weapons at me I had to make room, because I had so many.

So not an issue.

It's only not okay when nintendo does it

Its good in MH

Logistic features are inherently good. Zelda just fucks up because its permanent.

Durability is a shitty grind mechanic

>Defend weapon durability

Its impossible to defend weapon fragility as it was implemented in zelda and anyone that tries with the likes of "it forces you to switch weapons/gameplay" reveals himself as kinda slow imo.
Since when was forcing people to switch weapons outside of the enemies forcing you good again? Oh right it isnt.

Just make it harder to obtain said weapons, and add less weapons in general so they don't all blend together and effectively do the same thing.

I think it actually justifies lootdrops and that we're gonna see this system in future games.

all you have to do is not make overpowered weapons
problem solved

>Logistic features are inherently good
no. they are "inherently" a pain in the ass

Can't defend it in BotW. Fortunately, it's inconsequential after early game.

Essentially this, although the problem isn't "why can't I just use this good weapon for the entire game" like people who I assume didn't play the game complain about. It's more of a problem with the game trying to compensate for that by feeding you vast amounts of weapons as a nearly sole source of reward for exploration and puzzle-solving aside from seeds. This makes all of them feel inconsequential because you'll eventually just have so many weapons that if you want to actually open up a chest you find in a shrine or something, you'll need to toss one of your other good weapons that you also got as a reward, removing what actually makes them feel rewarding at all. It's really a shame and I'd like to see whatever succeeds this game move towards a more permanent or tangible reward system.

name another game that does durability like zelda does that's considered "good"

It's more realistic than a blade that never even dulls. Provides more value to weaker weapons you pick up. Increases the variety of gameplay since you'll be more likely to experiment with other weapon types. Makes the finding weapons more rewarding than "oh it looks really fucking sweet is a unique weapon, but its lower in all stats by one compared to my level 203492392409 steel sword, so fuck it, I'll just sell or break it down for parts."
How about you give a good reason why a weapon shouldn't have durability, sword swallower?

It's functionally the exact same thing as the ammo system in any of the million shooter's you've played. The only reason you don't like it is because you're genuinely autistic and can't stand things being different.

New Vegas. Before you cry about the game being shit, it gets plenty of positive threads here daily.

Breaking people's gear online is fun


Fucking retarded in 99% of the games that use it. Most of those games either make shit break absurdly fast like everything is made of glass and paper, and/or make the act of repairing so simple and cheap that why the fuck even bother having it in the first place.

However a long, slow durability loss is a great way to make a player driven economy cycle to persist in an MMORPG like SWG.

no it doesnt
it literally boils down to
>wack weaker enemies with weaker weapons
>wack stronger enemies with stronger weapons
>throw weapon at enemy when low durability
all weapons are the fuckin same except big swords anyway, you just wack enemies with them until they die, and with big swords you just spin at enemies until they die

It completely misses the point that is trying to make by making every weapon just puffing to existence again once blood moon arrives.
Just teleport where your favorite weapon, there's 0 consequence.

>New Vegas.
except in new vegas weapons last way longer andf you can repair them, and you also arent limited to holding like 8 swords max
same answer as with NV

>Durability is a shitty grind mechanic

It has nothing to do with grinding. As you use up weapons you find more to replace them. You don't even know what the word grind means in video games.

I can't. You are annoyed but can stomach them or don't

>I can't just get the strongest infinity +1 sword early game and then coast on it for the rest of the experience

stay mad plebs

Unless you pick traits that make them degrade faster you shitty little pedant. Next.

Only Bethesdrones say New Vegas is shit.

No it fucking does not.
It encourages you to hoard your good stuff until a boss and play extra conservatively. Meanwhile you just use crap you pick up to kill the stuff that drops more of the same crap, making the whole durability concept pointless.

You're such a fucking idiot holy shit fuck off...

There's a bunch of other ways they can restrict access to high tier gear in a game that's not this stupid shit.

>unless you actively go out of your way to make weapons degrade faster, they degrade way slower!
even if you do pick traits to make weapons degrade faster you can still fucking repair them instead of having to find a new one
stop shitposting so hard

>functionally the exact same

not him, but I don't recall playing a shooter where my gun disintegrated when it ran out of ammo, faggot.

Yes you can, it's one of the first big rooms in hyrule castle.

He means higher level weapons. And being able to obtain those early on gives the player a degree of freedom. They can put strong weapons in Hyrule Castle for you to raid in the early game with the knowledge that you won't use them the whole way. Other rpgs primarily use level restrictions or random drops to prevent this from happening, but that just takes away some of the organic scenarios in BotW.

And there goes the autism. Your shotgun is completely useless without bullets, what is the FUNCTIONAL difference?

You. Can. Get. More. Bullets

Bullets aren't durability, you fucking idiot.
In NV you can literally just craft more, or buy them, or find them.

So you can kill an enemy or find more ammunition laying around in the world? What is the FUNCTIONAL difference?


people don't remember the 99% of the time where they were running about with a full inventory, they only remember the 2 or 3 times they had to improvise and they hated it.

I can't. After all the attacks, my argument broke.

.....the fact that ammo is recoverable. Durability in BOTW is not.

A gun without ammo is useless sure, but you can always pick up ammo somewhere, there are exceptions to this, but generally, thats how a gun usually works. Shoot ammo, run out, pick up, reload.

You cant just "find" some weapon durability lying around in BOTW.


all it does is make the game fucking tedious and trick you into thinking the game is hard
first thing i did when i played the game was run off to a major test of strength with 3 hearts and beat the shitty guardian after like ten tries because my garbage weapons kept breaking while dealing no damage
it wasn't challenging, and it wasn't meaningful, considering the rewards i got from it broke super fast too


>You cant just "find" some weapon durability lying around in BOTW.
That's literally what happens in botw

This pretty much invalidates any arguments for weapon durability. Once you know where good weapons spawn you never use those awful moblin clubs again. You either do your trials of strength or do a royal weapon run on hyrule castle every time you run low on weapons.

The only places where weapons durability was actively interesting was in the plateau where everything was fragile it was only good for a few hits and you needed to try things outside the box. The master trials make good use of it as well.

Rest of the game though, weapon durability just adds monotony and busy work every couple of hours when you have to restock your weapons.

Every weapon you find functions the exact same way as an ammo clip or magazine. The only difference is that you can't look at your weapon while it's out of ammo.
If we give all bokoblins a 9mm, does anything about the gameplay change?

get creative nigger

no, you just find new shitty weapons and have to choose whether to throw away your old ones or not

I don't remember those being there. I thought it was the dark, low durability, high damage weapons.

How is that different from ammo. You find ammo not for your favourite gun and in survival games with weight limits you have to decide whether to keep it or ditch it

wow dude that's super cool
too bad there's no practical reason to ever actually do that in-game and therefore isn't an argument for how the system forces you to be "creative"

>too bad there's no practical reason to ever actually do that in-game
Saves durability

I would, but my argument just broke.

You get only fucking weapons as rewards so they feel useless

It's not even like Diablo where you have a chance of getting something +2% stronger, and now you can sell the old one. It really does just becomes ammo, since endgame weapons are pretty much the same.
Imagine finishing a sidequest and only getting five shotgun shells. I even stopped fighting enemies altogether, because the only rewards is a worse weapon than the one I wasted fighting them

you're late, rebbit

because in survival games with weight limits you aren't deciding to either throw away a high damage weapon with low durability for a shit weapon that isn't about to break or not
your weapon will always be a constant, you don't have to replace your good pistol with a shitty one, the only variable is how many times you can use it before you need to find more ammo

there are no good boomerangs worth saving durability for

Ammo types makes your argument void, because ammo weight is a thing too, or inventory space. You are functionally throwing weapons that way

Or hit the enemy twice

>you aren't deciding to either throw away a high damage weapon with low durability for a shit weapon that isn't about to break or not
You are tho, for many survival games in fact

You can do that, but if you choose to do that you have no right to whine about durability as you simply refuse to use more creative ways to overcome it

Bullets don't weigh as much nor do they take up as much space as battleaxes lmfao

Have you played resident evil 4 kek

>here is this extremely cumbersome and extremely specific way to save durability and circumvent all of melee and ranged combat
>now you can't complain lol

>you have no right to complain about this awful fucking idea because you didn't choose to do something """""creative""""" to get around it.

the fact that you have to do that kind of proves my point that weapon durability was a mistake

>You are functionally throwing weapons that way
no, you aren't.
botw: hmm do i trade this sword with low durability for something with the exact same fucking moveset, less damage, but more durability?
games with ammo: hmm do i hold this ammo for my shotgun, or would i prefer ammo for my pistol instead? well, it's not like i lose either weapon no matter which i choose!
except the argument is about ammo being equal to weapon durability, if you're referring to games that have weapon durability as part of the argument you're being stupid

>the fact that you have to do that kind of proves my point that weapon durability was a mistake
Not really, because it's who who is whining about it, not everyone.
It's not really cumbersome nor specific
You loose usage of your weapon, and can regain it by finding the weapon/ammo. what's the difference

>who who
You who*
People whine about shit all the time, doesn't mean it is a mistake. For instance the time limit of MM

Make enemies immune or highly resistant to certain types of damage. There, that's how good game design encourages creativity.

Apples and Oranges.


I just use the master sword all the time so I always have maxed weapons and never have to look for any. I use up maybe 1 or 2 weapons while it is charging but they get replaced quickly.

Early game:
Use bombs because wrapons are shit

Late game:
Kill everything easily, because you have 500 fucking swords

Also spend 90% of the late game looking at guides to find the last missing shrine or autism seed, that kills all human emotion

>Make enemies immune or highly resistant to certain types of damage.
Then you fucks would whine about it like with DmC

The only people complaining have clearly not actually played Breath of the Wild. Because the game gives you way more weapons than you use.

not everyone is as autistic as you, normal people don't finely comb every area for every chest

DmC was a completely different genre though.

I honestly think the people that complain about it have legit autism and get triggered by changing weapons.

I don't like it but I don't hate it either

What do you think was going through the mind of this user when he typed this up?
Was he chuckling to himself, thinking it was funny?
It's not funny, it's fucking juvenile and you should actually kys irl

Okay two points
A) If you aren't exploring in an exploration based game you are clearly playing the game wrong and
B) Monsters literally drop weapons at a much higher rate than you use them unless you are smashing swords on rocks and shit like a full on retard.

>what's the difference
okay, hear me out here, because you really seem to be struggling
when you lose usage of your gun because you ran out of ammo, you still have the gun
you don't have to go out of your way to find the gun again, it's still there, it will always be there
you aren't stuck using a lower damage version of that weapon, it's still there, it will always be there
you may have to use a different weapon, like a shotgun or pistol or something, but you don't have to worry because those won't break and you won't be forced to use a lower damage version of them either
in botw, if my royal sword breaks, i have to go out of my way to find another
i'm stuck using shitty weapons with the same moveset until i find another of that weapon


Now to be fair, he hasn't actually played the game and bases all his views on Sterling's review, who did smash his swords on rocks life a full on retard.

yeah the game gives you a ton of weapons, that doesn't make durability management any less tedious
in fact it makes it even more tedious because at every fuckin chest and after every fuckin kill you have to ask yourself "hmm is it worth switching this weapon out because the durability system might screw me, or not?"

I can't.
Weapon durability is cancer in most games, with few notable exceptions.
Dead rising, for example

nintendokiddies is dumb.

>when you lose usage of your gun because you ran out of ammo, you still have the gun
Which doesn't matter, because it's useless until you find more ammo.
You could replace all weapons in BotW with guns and the "durability system" wouldn't change. You scrounge up ammunition from enemies and your environment, once you run out of ammo you have to switch to another weapon.

>Durability management
Jesus Christ user. Just use the weapon that is going to break next and keep the strongest weapons for Lynels and shit. It's not hard.

What fucking game are you playing where this is a chore?

>Some legendary weapons don't break once worn out.
>But just become unusable
>they can be repaired
>but repair is very expensive

Fixed it?

do you lack all reading ability or are you being intentionally dense

>Fixed it?
No, witcher 3's system sucks too

It keeps you on your toes if your a noob.

Once you hit about 20% complete of the game and complete 24 shrines durability goes from
Early game
>"Your bolo spear is badly damaged"

you're fucked lol
Mid game-Late game
>"Throw spear for double damage"

Could you please explain what would change if bokoblins carried a 9mm?

Do you?