Are there any games where you play as a Chad?
Are there any games where you play as a Chad?
Gears of War
>soyboys roleplaying as chads
Get the rope
They're both Belmont
Red Dead
Dick Kickem
Duke Nukem
have the original one from yours truly. thanks for saving my gay shit
Damn, Slim Shady wasn't always so slim.
Any RPG where you can min/max like crazy I guess
until dawn
Wrong Chad.
Devil may cry
Far Cry 3
Like, fucking loads OP, how is this a question?
>nathan drake
>solid snake
>Chris redfield
>Kazuya Mishima
>Kiryu Kazuma
>duke nukem
>even Yu Narukami
>loads more i can’t be fucked to list across multiple genres
It would be harder to list the games where you play protag as a beta
but only DmC dante
>fucks bitches
>doesn’t get laughed out of bars
>makes fun of classic DMC nerds
>not in a million years
best one
Rance vidya
Danganronpa V2