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God damn those two are ugly

It begins!

i want to fuck marina

The black squid is incredibly sexy. Just wanted to say that.


Sad to see my girl lose her streak but fantasy>sci-fi.

Jogo muerto
Posta porn pls

Huh, I'm 4 for 4 on splatfest wins, though I didn't play this one



Wrong. Marina is life

>Brainlets win in popularity


Two faggots that I work with we're talking about this game. Can't believe a grown ass adult would play this kiddie shit.


Brainlets are where Rick and Mortyfags at.


I missed a fucking splatfest.

We had to let her win one as a token gesture eventually.

Reminder that Marina is Mexican

Fucking lagging pedros.

would of been more than 57 if people realize time travel is fantasy


Rip Metroid, F-Zero, Kirby: Planet Robobot, Donkey Kong Country 6, and Xenoblade X

Metroid Prime 4 confirmed for losing GotY to Pokemon?

i have never played splatoon but both scifi and 'fantasy' are for garbage nerds, fantasy is worse though


4 in a row now. Surprised Fantasy won as I was stuck with morons for most of my matches and barely cleared 2050 power.
Also worst Station so far. Hated fighting there as it was always a shut out that was decided in the first 30 sevonds.



Its another episode of 'I Can't accept that I wanna fuck a black cartoon so she's now Mexican instead so that makes it okay'

>didn't want to win anyway

Marina has a dick.

No one payed attention. I didn’t even know there was a splatfest until the day of. Honestly couldn’t be bothered

this was the only splatfest i didnt play and pearl lost. i'm sorry pearlbros ill be there next time

>no squids in the background
See, nobody cares.

>ill be there next time
You better.

who cares?
Jellyfish and Octo are superior anyway

Is there ever going to be another Splatoon hologram concert? It'd be nice to see both the Squid Sisters and Off the Hook.

Is Marina still a cunt in the US version?


maybe in the splatoon tourny final in japan?
who knows


no! eat dick!

lose weight

Octopussys can literally fuck themselves

Fucking attention whore, you are like the "soyboy" faggot posting these shit everywhere?
Fucking hell cant read good shitposting anymore


>mint chocolate is ugly


Your mom is ugly

Finally. The one time a splatfest that I both wanted to win (FANTASY BEATS SHIT ALIENS WOOOOOOO) and the waifs wins.

I was worried that I’d be stuck with Pearl keep getting the better options (except mago and vampires. Both are fucking gay)

>implying my dick cares

Sexualize Marie

IT IS NOW THE LAW. In always knew LOTR was better than fucking Star Wars since I was a kid and noe it’s THE LAW SCI FAGS

So what’s the artwork for fantasy/Sci-fi look like? Sexy mint chocolate armour? Mage? On is Marina a rogue because she likes invisibility and being an octo?

Dont you dare to make fun of my girl, i fuck you up. She is too pure and has the most anelical smile

I'm 2 - 4 now with wins but I've always just chosen what subject I liked more not which idol girl. It's nice Marina finally broke the streak though.

I might be racist but mah dick sure isn't.

They seriously toned it down. She doesn't outright attack Pearl anymore, her comments mostly pointing out what's wrong with what Pearl said. She doesn't call her a corporate shill when Salmon Run is available either.

Nobody fucking cares about splatoon anymore. The novelty died when they decided to port the game and change the best characters instead of improving the game.

I've been on the winning team every splatfest. Who else here has supreme taste?


Who the hell didn't vote Fantasy? When are we gonna get a castle themed map.

I missed the testfire and went with ketchup, but have been on the winning team ever since.

I did in Splatoon 1 including the final Splatfest, even though the supreme taste choice didn't win

But user, Marie did win, what are you talkig about?

>supreme taste choice didn't win
but she did

I'm just going with the ones I like and it's been straight wins so far, guess my taste is just that good. :^)

Only got nine snails though, wasn't in the mood for much splatoon and after getting home from work I had about five hours until the splatfest ended, and I wasn't going to play it for four hours straight or something.

But nine is better than zero.

don't be sorry, some peartlbros were cheats that picked inferior fantasy.

I apologize to team Sci-Fi, I meant to play more but didn't have the time to carry you guys to victory.

She's not Mexican or African you fucking retards, she's Octarian. She is fictional.

Pic related are the best girls.

Shit taste right there

Anyone who picks based on the girl is a fag.

I said, sexualize Marie



You can't, for fucks sake user you're better than this

Elder God tier taste right here my men.

and that's supposed to be bad, how exactly?


>It's another episode of "B-But all brown characters are BLACK!"

>left is liked because of pity and "dude memes lmao"
>right is factually the worst sister determined by a splatfest

lmaoing at ur life, get some taste my dude

I wonder what squids taste like.


Octo Callie = Marina > Marie > Normal Callie > Pearl

or maybe none of them can compare to normal woomy and octoling

what was this one supposed to be?

fantasy is still worse

Fried food with or without lemon juice.



Do you prefer to eat your fried food with lemon, or without?

Would impregnate and take responsibility for octoling

I want to be an Octoling

Gee. I didn’t know that was a crown

all those sounds at night


>Nintendo: NEVER EVER

Americans, especially blacks in America, are so fucking stupid. You are a fucking retard to even think she looks black.




>let's pretend anyone plays this shit


>wearing a halloween costume make you mexican
I guess wearing a ninja halloween costume makes me japanese now. Just let your dick like what it likes user, you'll live longer.

boss baby and a female muk