Wind Waker

What do you like about the game? What do you dislike?
And what should the next big Zelda game be like?

It appealed to soyboys too much with the cutesy, feminine shit

Is soyboy the new meme word?, I hate it already.

I wish link impregnated mila!

What is going on in op picture

well that's because it insults soyboys. No one likes being insulted.

He's pussywhispering.

Part of the game has you follow her for some reason, and she goes to turn around and you hide and meow to make her think it was just a cat

I like it cause it instantly weeds out the underage and I don't need to read the post or take it seriously.

Please don't memepost like that. Personally I really enjoy the art style, it's timeless and colorful
In case you really don't know, there's quest later in the game where you have to follow the girl in the picture. If she almost catches you, Link pretends to be a cat and meows

he's catcalling

>And what should the next big Zelda game be like?

Wee need a MAjora's Mask for BotW: A more condensed world with the same engine, but this time no rushed development. I really like BotW direction but the world was so big and putting everything into the game took so much time that enemy and weapon variety were harmed.
A tinier but compact world with lots of things to doo and eploring further the mechanics and worldbuilding could be great.

I don't know and don't care the meaning of that word, but it's exactly the same as "cuck" or "numale", everybody forces its use, no matter the context, like a child who just learned a new word.
Yup, gotta do that,too.

I wish we had a better conclusion for this sidequest, she got a job and learned a reason but she's still poor and it's not fair
at least the other girl was doomed to become a moblin rape slave

I want botw but with more traditional dungeons, make them focused on a item but just make so that items improve a skill instead of depending on it, like using the hookshot to climb faster, so you still can reach anywhere with enough stamina and patience or you can come back later and do it easier with the item

>What do you like about the game?
The cel-shaded look aged fairly well, it was a nice concept, the grappling hook was a nice break from the hookshot
>What do you dislike?
The level of difficulty was too low, noe of the characters really stood out to me, the implementation of the concept was underwhelming (islands were too small), the temples were too few, Hyrule was un-explorable
>And what should the next big Zelda game be like?
BotW was a nice start, but it left a lot of things undone
A sequel that's just about Link adventuring outside Hyrule instead of letting Zelda kill Ganon again could be good

I like the art and the way the ocean waves vary depending on weather, as well as the high FPS and deku leaf. I don't like the low dungeon count or the extreme abundance of chests with 20 rupees in them.
Still haven't played BOTW so I don't know what the next Zelda should be like.

>Don't like low dungeon count or extreme abundance of chests with 20 rupees in them

Don't play botw

>The level of difficulty was too low
That reminds me, as someone who hasn't played the HD remake, is hero mode actually hard?

I played WW for the first time, when it originally released but didn't like it much so I never finished it. Now, I'm giving it a second chance on the Wii U. I just arrived at the Deku tree dungeon and so far I have enjoyed the game, even though I'm not completely content with the controls. I don't like how you have to come to a complete halt in front of vases to be able to pick them up, or in front of walls in order to press yourself against them. The controls seem a bit unresponsive in that regard compared to OoT and MM, at least.

For the new game, I'd like Nintendo to find a way to bring a lot of Zelda staples back into a BotW kind of game. I'd rather have a smaller world with fewer dungeons that distinguish themselves from one another than a bunch of samey looking shrines, for example.

>BotW was a nice start, but it left a lot of things undone
I forgot to expand on that
Large roaming enemies (shit you would climb Talus style, but larger than Link's house. Molduga was my favourite enemy
a weapon-repair system so you could save your favourite weapons instead of always using the crap ones until your former saved-for-bosses weapon is crap-tier
animal taming so wolf link isn't the only animal companion
higher variety of enemies (flinging darknuts around with magnesis could e fun)
a return of classic items (I want 3d pegasus boots)
More aesthetically varied hidden/sunken temples to explore instead of sheikh shrines' identical looks
removing Hylia

toon link is an abomination and shitwaker was the start of the decline of zelda

thank god botw saved the series

Wind Waker had great waifus though

>botw saved the series

Nintendo already delivered a 10/10 with ALBW and a 9/10 with Tri Force Heroes. BotW didn't save shit.

for those who enjoy dumpster diving

It's not really a good insult though. It's too weird and it doesn't even sound like an insult. Shit it even fucking rhymes. If you yelled that at someone they wouldn't get offended they'd be weirded out at what soy has to do with anything. At least cuck sounded like it was insulting

Of course it is a weak insult. After all, it is a politically correct way of calling someone a faggot or queer. If someone uses that term unironically, it is obvious that it is his own masculinity that is lacking the most.

>10/10 with ALBW
I mean, I enjoyed it, but not 10/10 enjoyed it
More like a comfy 8. The infinite items thing really upped my usage of them though

TP's main problem is the incessant tutorial feeling all the way to the last three dungeons and dull dungeon design. It was dull, but not horrid.
SS only has cute Zelda. Nearly everything else is garbage

/10 with ALBW
>I mean, I enjoyed it, but not 10/10 enjoyed it
>More like a comfy 8.

In truth, I think that there are only very few 10/10 games but nowadays everything gets rated 8.5-9/10, so I simply adopted the current scale.

Perhaps he was talking about the 3D installments? Use your noggin', context clues help.

-Mirror shield (best LoZ item of all time)
-Sailing, especially comfy sailing music
-General aesthetic, especially smoke and explosion swirls
-Bottle mechanic for picture sharing in Wii U version was cool
-Facial expressions and characterization
-Final boss fight/setting
-SPLOOOOSH minigame

-Small islands
-No truly amazing dungeons
-Wind Waker not as fun to use as Ocarina or MM instruments
-Can't swim underwater
-No fishing

Next Zelda should be to BotW what MM was to OoT. Same engine, radically different mechanics in some way, smaller scope but denser. Also bring back intricately crafted "classic" dungeons. I always like the Old Man Link picture that was floating around before Skyward Sword. Would be cool to play as Old Man Link who somehow has to gradually de-age himself, gaining abilities and strength as he goes in order to fight Ganon.

Fair enough
I still naively think of 8 as a good score, though it's mostly my scale and I wouldn't trust professional sites anymore

The next game should bring back the Deku
I'm not fond of the post WW Korok

I'm a massive fan of sailing / boats / the ocean so Wind Wakering was right up my street.

Coupled with cel-shading (my fave artsyle) it's literally the perfect backdrop for me.

Sure it's not perfect, and the game suffers from a grindy fetch quest, but it was still a 9/10 from me.

someone post the webm

I'll confess I've only ever played through WW twice, but the Triforce quest didn't bother me either time. I started collecting the charts and paying Tingle to fix them and shit before the quest properly started, so there was less to do when it was time.

>And what should the next big Zelda game be like?
Open World like BOTW with places and people as memorable and comfy as in WW and with more indoor areas and dungeons like OOT.

Right now they hit a homerun with how fun it is to traverse and explore the world, and how fucking adorable Link is. But there's not enough interesting things and people to discover even if there are a few really cool things, and the game is very lacking in terms of large indoor areas.