>Getting scared by a game
Not even as a child, Half-Life 2 terrifies me to this day
RE3 was sort of scary with the nemesis chasing you between loading screen rooms, that never happened before.
Magic school bus goes to space or w e it is called. That Pluto level made me feel so isolated, gave me strange deep thoughts I couldn't comprehend as a child.
Lion King. Fuck that game over screen
reminder that soyboy is a politically correct term for faggot which only low test males use
Which lion king game?
Resonance cascade is pretty rough when you're 11.
Silent Hill, I had to turn the console off when everything went dark right before the school. It haunted me for weeks. I was 9.
Haunted Mansion for the PS2 was quite scary for a kids' game.
Mario 64 awoke my fear of deep, endless expanses of water.
the DOS one
Bio Hazard Battle. My dad is a doctor and specialised in parasitology, so he explained everything about the designs of this game with precision and horrible details
I loved that game but fuck the musical number level.
The first resident evil game.
I was like 9
Dino Crisis
I was on the phone with my cousin when the t-rex popped his head into the office. Never screamed that much before in my life
Pinestripe from Crash Bandicoot 1
>enjoying sa2
>manage to gitgud and beat the last story
>the ultimate what?
>what the fuck is that shit
>giant lizard screeches autistically
>spooky song
Bart vs. the Space Mutants
The aliens in the intro combined with the 8-bit Simpsons theme creeped me out.
Mario 64
That fucking bowser laugh man. Also the haunted house.
Also Ocarina of time because of the well.
>the well
harry potter ps1 game. idk why but everything just had an eerie feel to it like your all alone
The Area 51 Arcade game
Biohazard 4 was pretty scary when I was younger
resident evil 2
This fucker right here.
The sounds he made scared the shit out of me as a kid.
Everyday I wake up screaming and covered in sweat, afraid that I'll become a gambling addict
Silent Hill 2. I was like 9 years old and couldn't get past the apartment section.
I was scared of driving in Driver 2
It's called Resident Evil, don't say the japanese name, it makes you look like a weeb retard.
Super Metroid music was scary for me, and I didnt liked Resident Evil 3 Nemesis at all
My big sister would play the Evil Dead game on our Dreamcast. She'd tell me before she put it on so I had time to leave, but often I'd just sit on the sofa and watch under some pillows.
It was a pirate copy and I don't think she knew how to use saves properly, so she would play from the beginning each time. The opening cutscene would scare the shit out of me, when he's in front of the fire or something and then he accidentally cuts his hand off and it runs away or something?
I can't really remember because I was so young and scared.
One time I got the courage to play it by myself. I got to a bit where you you're in a corridor in the log cabin. As you walk around the corner, a window breaks and a skeleton sticks his torso through and starts attacking you. I almost wet myself and had nightmares for weeks.
This second bit could actually be from Resident Evil: Code Veronica - she would play that and it would terrify me too.
shit is intense
Fucking Croc and those stupid gay arse worm thigns
The green thing kinda made me think it was a silhouette of Pepe
correction, it is a term only pathetic, image obsessed self-concerned losers care about.
Silent hill
Parasite eve
PS1 launch sound
The ocean was terrifying.
And before you say anything, Wind Waker is 14 years old.
this baby
original Torok, the jaggy shapes left a lot to the imagination, and my imagination was vivid
I forgot the American name faggot
ocarina of time
ecco and it still does :(
Half life 1, the zombies scared me
guess i'm happy i didn't finish it and ended up being a fan of the series considering how it ended up
still never finished any of the games, though it's not like i hate them
Some hot wheels game but the intro had a loud noise that scared me
Just kill yourself, they are like 5 hour long games don't call yourself a fan when you grasp nothing of their greatness.
The noises your character would start making in Rise of the Triad when you picked up the Hand of God power up spooped the fuck out of 8 year old me. I would turn the fucking sound off when I picked it up until the power up wore off.
Maaaaaan fuck this magic school bus,
I remember running afk as soon the cutscene shows up.
Thanks for my scariest nostalgia...
correction, soyboy is a term used by soyboys
Your dad sounds awesome.
I don't have a game that spooked me as kid, just some movies and shows. Although pic related came close with the G-Nome monster.
oh fuck that shit,i had the demo
fatal frame
silent hill 2
I wonder if you are the same fucking shitter with that pussy ass word in every fucking thread... if that so, good fucking effort
When I played OoT for the first time as a wee lad, Gohma scared the shit out of me.
Somebody else had to beat her for me because I started freaking out when I fought her. She even showed up in a few nightmares afterward.
majora's mask
I punch faggot who use buzzwords and have anime profile pics
Star Wars Bounty Hunter
When the tigers would leap across the entire map far from the view distance fog and one shot you made me terrified to play the jungle levels.
this is one of those games that I had a demo of that I played over and over but never once saw a copy at the store or any rental place. same thing with that one nip ps1 game where you play as an evil little girl and you kill heroes by setting booby traps and luring them into them.
I had a demo collection with the tutorial level for this game. The burning people felt pretty freaky back then.
Dude, that game has some weird as hell atmosphere. I think the lack of music has a lot to do with this.
Ski Free
The further down the mountain I got, the more I dreaded what was to come.
Majora's Mask is still an unsettling and uncomfortable game. One of my favourites, but I've only completed it twice. Need to be in a very specific mindset to play it.
i said i did not end up a fan because i finished none of their games, kys if you can't even read a sentence properly
those early harry potter games for the pc. hard to explain but it has an empty and strange atmosphere - probably what actually attending hogwarts would feel like.
Also it had a bitching soundtrack composed by Jeremy soule of Elder Scrolls fame
This. I played time gate addon though, it was even more scary.
Not even kidding.
Fuck the suitcase and fuck the possessed duck
was too scared to fight him
Fucking dinosaurs man.
A lot of the game lacked music and most of the hallways were empty.
Picked it up at a Poundshop, shat myself because some of it was genuinely upsetting.
>Enter the bottle
>Fucking scary masks just watching
>Grab the key
>Oh shit!
>Manage to escape
>Wew, that was close
>Now the are in the normal level, chasing you
PTSD for my 8yo self
>That part in the basement with the sword
My nigger
Micro Machines for the Genesis.
>Empire Interactive
hit me right in the feels
I was a shitter and could only cheese him with a bow around the staircase
The intro section in Egypt was eerie as hell. I never had a memory card, so I never got past the tournament section after it.
Resident Evil, the scene with the first zombie: youtube.com
And Resident Evil 2. I think I rented it and didn't even play it.
I got pokémon Blue and jammed that shit into my super gameboy, excited as fuck.
When the old man started the catching tutorual, the game glitched, showed one of the ghosts from the Pokémon tower, played a horribly mangled sound, then froze. I hadn't saved.
I started over, got to the same point, and was confused by the lack of ghost.
I proceeded to viridian forest.
The music was unsettling.
I thought what a great creepy theme, wanted to play it loud on halloween.
I got to pewter town and went to bed.
I dreamed about a sark forest, full of swarms of realistic Caterpie and Weedle about an inch long, chasing me down and binding me with spiderweb string.
That music was playing, slower and creepier than ever.
There were ghosts in the shadows of the trees as the army of caterpillars dragged me through giant grass that scratched and cut my skin.
I heard a demonic voice that boomed earthshakingly loud say "You were not going to.." and I woke up sweating.
Took me a week to go back to the game. Nothing weird happened after that, outside of learning the known glitches and exploiting them.
I was scared of that Scarface room in Vice City
Chicken run for ps1
I was scared when I saw my brother play Manhunt. The chainsaw of Pigsy almost made me choke when he appeared behind the player character.
I am disappointed in you nu-Sup Forums.
That's some spooky spaghetti, user.
>My dad is a doctor and explained the design of this game with prevision and horrible details
>Game opens up with a mosquito and a copepod shooting lasers at giant squids in space.