It's shit, but it's free

It's shit, but it's free.

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no thanks.

fpbp, everybody go home

so is Sup Forums

the RTS elements ruin this game

thanks OP

>gotta register
Too much effort.
Also, why did this game get such good grades when it came out? Is it because PS3 had no games? It must be one of the most boring games I have played in my life, haven't even finished it.


>0.00001 cents have been deposited into your account
Sup Forums is a shitty wasteland and I hate everyone who unironically uses the term shill whenever they dislike someone's opinion

In fairness, I imagine a lot of the hype came from playing the demo, which was totally fucking rad. It was like Darksiders, but wicked metal shit and Ozzy as the devil or something I dunno.

Then the game came out and it turned out it was some sort of really shitty RTS thing that literally nobody wanted.

It is not shit, but it is kind of glitched on PC
I can't exaclty point out what it is, but when I played it on 360 i looked great, and the music was amazing
in this one, the music doesn't play half the times
the cutscenes sound overlaps with the video, suddenly someone is talking and nobody is there...
out of the blue, the NPCs that need to follow you stop doing it, and get frozen, and you need to restart the game
it is an untested bad port, where everything is kind of broken

>tfw I got called a shill so much I filled the Humble Bundle partner form to become an actual paid shill
It's been a month already, I guess they only like streamers

Last week was Killer is Dead, and today is Brutal Legend. Feels good, man. Two games that I wanted to play back when I had a 360.

The game sucks. The gameplay is bad and there are way too many glitches.

Everything before the RTS parts wasn't shit.


It's not shit. It's not the best game out there but it was okay.

I enjoyed it. It lacks content though. All those cool locations and hardly any side quests.

they had to expend those 7 years of development hell somewhere

I wouldn't even have minded the RTS parts if they were properly fleshed out but in the end all the single player missions were basically nothing but tutorial missions for the multiplayer that no one played anyway.
Hell, some shit WASN'T even explained like the defense mechanisms of your stage and I figured out that you could mount the floodlights simply by accident but in the end it didn't matter since I never needed them anyway.

The escape sequences were cool, at least.

>it's shit
fuck you

Meddl Leude

sounds like your pc is broke

Works On My Machine tm

I feel like i shouldn't have enojoyed this game as much as i did.
The spicked war axe that put needles in enemies was the shit

looks fucking embarrassing, would not want it on my steam profile. Give me one reason to download it.

>Missed out on Killer is Dead


>tfw I loved Brutal Legend and there will never be a sequel

It´s free

>Works On My Machine tm
play the full game, after playing the console version, and come back

it is probably a chink job

It's a perfectly competent RTS/action game with Wayne's World tier comedy. Also Ozzy Osbourne repairs your car.

It wasn't as good as Psychonauts, but I liked it.

The setting and music were a lot of fun, even if the RTS stretch of the story was lacking.

This guy was legitimately kino.

you want a code for that, user?

It was okay. I loved the atmosphere and the humor, but it was very unfocused and spread itself out too thin between the adventuring and strategy aspects. Also, the world felt really dead towards the end of the game. The guys you free don't really do anything, they just roam around and get into fights with enemies. It would have been nice to see some settlements spring up with them having their own jam sessions or something.

>the multiplayer that no one played anyway

I thought it was fun.

But I couldn't play it because no one else was on. :(

I'm hyped for any villain that has Tim Curry at the reigns.

>buy KiD on the store
>it goes free
>buy Brutal Legend on the store
>it goes free

Next is Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

Yeah fucking this, the first leg of the game you're going around this big ass metal band album cover art world beating up enemies and rescuing people so you get tricked into thinking you're playing an action/adventure game, a somewhat generic one but it had a lot of flash and personality going on. Then you find out the rest of the game is just a shitty RTS and you never get to do anything cool ever again.

I hope, I hate every single game I have played from this genre, but I want to try out TQ without spending a penny. That's the only way for me not to kill myself if it turns out to be shit

Yeah, I'd like to see a sequel, bu I'd hope that they would fill out the world a little more.

All of the heavy metal set-pieces were fun, but I wish there were more hubs or densely interactive environments to explore, like Psychonauts or their other adventure games. Zooming around in the car felt kind of padded out when you were combing the landscape for those pieces of background lore.

thanks for the info buddy i was going to buy but guess i'll wait

a new expansion is out so there's a chance...

It's an ok game. I don't get all the vitriol honestly. 7/10 games should exist as a nice diversion.

The game sucks, but it has one of the best title screen intros ever.

You can TASTE the dev hell.

That'd be much appreciated frienderino.

[email protected]


you're da bes

t. shill

i like the design, shame that it was wasted on a bad game.

It's an average game, but not unplayable. You fags speak of it like it's sonic '06. The RTS was meh, but it didn't burn my flesh. I got a solid play out of Brutal Legend. It was comfy as fuck rolling around in your death machine with metal playing.

Fuck me, I bought it last year on christmas sale for two bucks.

I didn't think it was bad. Wasn't fantastic or anything, but I thought it was pretty quirky and entertaining.

have you ever heard piracy you weak faggt?

I liked it. It ends way too soon, but it's a unique and fun.

I don't know if anyone can redeem this code because it says it's linked to my steam account, but here you guys go just in case someone can use it. have "fun"

So what's the incentive for Humble Bundle to release two games for free? I understand bringing in an audience with one, but I don't see the point of releasing another so soon.

They are flooding with IGN money now so they can afford to give away these games that no one buys anymore.


this was a good ass video game fuck off faggot. you don't know what's good obviously

This was the first game from that gen that i brought back to the store. Such a fucking let down