

I browse Sup Forums frequently.

I've only played MGS1

I savescum in eu4

I like to play shooters with a controller.

The guy who drove his motorcycle into my car in February this year apparently died. I feel neither good nor bad about it. Somewhat conflicted, somewhat relieved because no one else died other than the guy who caused it.

I bought battlefront 2

I'm a fat 600 pound middle aged jewish Mexican American living in his moms basement.

I jumped on the ropes of the bridge to avoid 90% of High Road and I haven't cleared the stage yet

i have dwarfism

I like building games, everything from minecraft to skyrim to the sims I mod it for more building/housing options
even play ark for this
also rp walk on MMOs
but I shit talk everyone that does all this on every other thread

Metroid prime is garbage

I'm sitting in front of the PC naked and so are (you)

I have sexual fantasies involving the creatures I kill in Monster Hunter.

Slept through the first cutscene of MGS4 and never played it again.

>Jewish Mexican american

How does that happen? Isn't one side of your family staunch catholics?

how dare yu

I'm gay when I play video games.

>likes building shit
>plays ark and the Sims instead of WURM

I bought a fightstick and I hate fighting games

I use it solely for TGM3

I played the first 3 hours of MGS1, then lost my save data and never bothered trying it again. I've completed 2-5.

i hate when anime niggers derail threads with pedophilia

my dick is pretty small

im going to spend the next chritmas alone

I like to play MMOs solo. While I have had fun with friends, literally everyone I have added has become a dead player on my friends list before me so I'd rather not experience the pain again and stay a solo player.

I'm too retarded to use KB+M controls in FPS.

I've never finished a Zelda game.

I bought battlefront 2

I fap to more video game characters than play video games

Dawn is my waifu

I've never played more than 10 minutes of the Metal Gear and Final Fantasy franchises
Both really seem up my ally but I've just never gotten around to it

I quite enjoyed Bloodborne

Big news nu-non, v is infected by polturds.

You saved yourself on lot of bullshit and im pretty jealous that i never did the same

Dark Souls 2 was my favorite Souls game to play

Within 40 minutes of landing in San Francisco, on my first visit ever to CA, my friend's car was broken into and they only stole one bag: my messenger bag, because they probably thought it had a laptop in it.

The total cost to me of it and its contents was less than $20. I'd even gotten the bag for free in college, despite how nice it was. Most expensive thing in there was a packet of Sudafed. Rest of it was classic novels and collections of essays from Goodwill and my binder with a years worth of reading logs and notes.

I know for a fact that whoever stole it is guaranteed to have gotten to a safe distance, looked into the bag, and just dumped everything in it, probably only keeping the bag. Grimm's Fairy Tales, Kafka's The Trial, Musui's Tale, Emerson's Essays, and Aurelius's Meditations just dumped unceremoniously like trash by some fucking CA thug. And they probably felt like the experience was a waste of their time.

Just wanted to share that story. I hope maybe they got some use out of the literature, but they were probably an illiterate Mexican.

Same. I prefer FPSs on consoles. I get motion sickness on pc.

I bought a PS4 just for Project Diva Future Tone.
it was worth it.

You misquoted but the context remains true.

I bind crouch to c when the game has a slide mechanic.

I bought mighty no 9 twice

Here baboon

i wish it would come out on pc

I dont own any of the 8th gen consoles

considered that one for granted, I tried to include every game in that post

That's why you digitize everything nigger. You're A dumbass for not having a proper backup.

My main strategy for pyro is w+m1 and it works

Never played a Zelda franchise game outside trying 4 Swords at a demo kiosk in a gamestop
Never played a non-MMO Final Fantasy
Ever played a Metal Gear franchise game even though i have Revengeance tucked away on Steam
havent owned a console since original Xbawks
I am periodically tempted to buy games even though my backlog stretches back literal years to prior sales periods

How can that even happen once user

I unironically buy games and sometimes spare controllers from Gamestop

they have really good deals on games sometimes

Also I sold my OG ambassador 3DS after hacking it to buy a hardrive and Overwatch.

I have a crippling addiction to benzos but manage to live a normal life as long as I can keep my script from my doctor. If I go a day without taking them, I feel like an utter mess.

I also have a good job but terrible credit from being a loser for so long. I've been lucky when it comes to getting a vehicle or place to stay without a credit check, but I know it'll fuck me in the ass soon, which is why I trying to build up my credit now.

As much as I hate GameStop, I'd really hate to see it go.

I buy games for my friends so that we can play them together.

I have over 10000 hours played in WoW and most of that is either roleplaying or running/flying around cities in circles while talking to friends

I hate videogames but can't stop playing help

me too, but without Gamestop or EB there'd hardly be any games shops here

I post fake confessions in these threads to false flag sony and Nintendo

Stalker is shit. souls games have bad combat and are boring. Yakuza is qte trash and the minigames are better than the game itself. GTA IV is better than GTA V. Bully sucks. Riddick butcher bay is better than half life 2 with both releasing the same year. Nintendo switch is tablet garbage. Donkey Kong Country series is better than any metroid prime or Mario game. Goldeneye 007 is better than perfect dark. None of the fallout games are good including 1&2. WWF No Mercy is a better video game than majoras mask and lot. Death Stranding will have revolutionary gameplay. Brute Force was a better shooter than halo. Doom 2 is the worst Doom game. Unreal tournament is better than quake.

I have my friends buy me games because im poor and cheap

I may never glow on these hoes

for PC if I can't get a physical copy of a game or a GOG version to burn on a dvd I just pirate it, no exeptions

MGS3 is one of my favorite games of all time, I can spend hours in its wonderful world and I've bored all my friends to death talking about it but I'm garbage at it. I get alerts all the time even though I've studied the AI and I know all the gameplay tricks like ground holdups or the CQC slam timing window. I'm always just a second off on my timing, or I have bad luck, or I forget about one guard just around the corner. It brings me great shame because every alert I get makes me feel like I'm not living up to how great cutscene Snake is.

can't get into crpgs older than nwn1
nwn1 is so fucking good

I'm borderline obsessed with mommy porn.

i savescum in ironman mode

I play games on medium and I never played Dark Souls because I don't like hard shit

I play vs bots exclusively in moba games

I actually think Andromeda is better then the orginial trilogy

You monster.

I'm listening to Burn it to the Ground by Nickelback and enjoying every moment

>i play vs bots exclusively in moba games
not judging you but how do you manage this? i get bored very quickly vs ai in those games

I like to crossdress as video game characters

Competitive online games give me extreme anxiety

I've never platinumed a game in my life.

I'm slowly getting less against furry porn

I get the satisfaction of playing the champs / heroes

I crave that part of the gameplay, I can't stand the competitive shit nor can I stand other people

you get terrible credit from being 'a loser'?
by loser do you mean having near zero income or you actually skipped payments

I played 1, and Metal Gear Rising. I feel like I don't really need to play anything else.
I agree.
You're being cucked by Cynthia.
Play Revengeance. Even with 0 info about the rest of the series, it's a solid play.

At what point in the series would you say it gets bullshit? No spoilers please

it's okay user
I havent either

Me too, user.

>friends want to play a competitive multiplayer online game with chat

No, we acknowledge our Jewish masters.

I platinumed Skyrim

I'm naked

How do you enjoy working at Hot Topic?

Cheevos are fucking dumb. With that said the only game I ever platinum'd was the godfather 2

I will never understand the Pokemon craze.
I find the games boring as fuck, I don't like the designs and I don't see what's fun about memorizing the retarded names of +500 Pokemons. Even the anime was boring to me as akid.
And I say this as someone who grew up during Pokemon's peak popularity.

I really liked Call of Duty WW2's campaign.


I only play games if they have cute romances to them and put yuri above everything else.

SMT games are good but are overrated seemingly by people who have only played Final Fantasy and Pokemon and think they found the ultimate hardcore RPG series now

i don't understand your posts

I like Ubisoft games
I've played Watch_Dogs on four different platforms
I'll play any first/third-person shooter and call them "average" at worst
I like Mindjack
The only multiplayer game I'm good at is TF2 on 360
Before that, I've spent $25 on Mann Co. MvM Tickets
I'm fine with 30FPS
I bought a WiiU launch week
I play some games so that I can fap to the characters[/spoilers]

I'm a virgin

UT being better than Quake I can agree with, the rest made me uncomfortable.

I played all MGS except for 4.
I simply decided to watch all the cutscenes on youtube.

i own 2 copies of duke nukem forever. both bought at full price.......

I almost never go for every achievement because there are usually a few tedious ones. The only game I've platinumed was Bloodborne since almost all of it required going through new content.

I enjoy videogames.

How small?