What was his problem?


A bunch of people fucked with his mother. Or something. I don't really know.

Everyone fucked his mother except he.



To be fair though bro, a LOT of people got that. Im currently playing my first ever run of my first ever soulsborne game and im like over 80% of the way there.

A hunter decided to wonder into a nightmare where he was, causing him to hatch from his dead mother and realize he's stuck in the nightmare. Sounds justified. Also consider that the screams sound like a frightened infant


That looks exactly like one of the suicide bomb necromorphs from deadspace.

Have you played the Old hunters? It's the intro cut scene for the boss fight. Not really sure how I could elaborate on it more

If he was an infant he wouldn't know that he's stuck there. Either he's just a dick, or he was already born as a berserk asshole. Either way, he needed to die.

He's an infant, he literally fights you with his mother's placenta

same as mine. he was born.


But did you do it in 24 hours?

>a LOT of people
>very rare

Hunters butchered everyone in a village that worshipped his mom to look for eyes on brains and killed him in the real world by taking his umbilical cord to summon an ayylmao god. Thus his mom cursed the hunters for all eternity.

Infants dont try to beat you for death with their mothers placenta.....


That’s a lot of fucking people for a platinum in a hard game son. I platinumd REmake and im told that 0.9% is actually quite a lot of people who have it. Bloodborne has SEVEN.THREE PRECENT


Some of the umbilical cord is still attached to his stomach. Did you close your eyes during the cutscene? You watch him being born

REmake was made available for free, via psn+.

Isn't Bloodborne one of few games where people actually care about the trophies?

You don't know how long he's been there. These aliens are weird. He might be an adult already and he was just living in there because he's autistic.

I give up

Got Tekken 7 platinum on release day. YOU got a release day paltinum?? Huh??

Exploder. That was my first thought also. Looks even more apparent n the first phase of the fight when Kos has the weapon wrapped around a single arm.

He probably fights like that because he should show how murderous the hunters were. I mean no infant would look like some 80 year old anorexic fish man. The Placebta also has those 2 tyoes (straight attacks with the placenta and then with the umbilical cord, sirt of like the beast cutter) just like the hunter weaoons.
Also some say that it's actually Gehrman captured in the nightmare or that gehrman just has a strong connection to Orphan of Kosm, because Gehrman crying in his sleeps sounds like the cries in the cutscene and after killing OoK (letting it rest in peace) Gehrman sleeps calmly.

His second form really pissed me off.

and? Ok RE0 has 1.8% that is till high. 7.3 fucking % is high for a Platinum bro. Especialy one that memes its hard.

Not really. Thats a lot of assumption that other fan bases aren’t into their games.

>Mother Kos washes up on the beach of a fishing hamlet, died in childbirth.
>Byrgenwerth comes in and slaughters the entire hamlet, carves out their skulls to look for eyes. Finds Kos, defiles the corpse by carving it up and taking every useful piece, most importantly the umbilical cord of the dead orphan
>Eldritch concept of death isn't the same as ours, the stillbirthed child exists in a nightmare, an everalsting portrait of it's non-birth, non-death and it's defilement by byrgenwerth.
>on top of that, it's a child that's terrified

Orphan of Kos was not having a great time my dude


Was Orphan a child when we fight him, or did he age in the womb of his dead mother?

He was a babby when we fought him.

there are two reasons for this:
-no bullshit trophies that require grinding or monotony (besides, subjectively, the multiple game endings and getting ritual materials for Queen of Yarhnam)
-it's a game people revere and want to simply want to experience all of

Baby, which really exemplifies how fucking beyond everything the Great Ones are. And to an extent you, the hunter. A child of an old god freshly birthed slaps the everliving fuck out of the biggest dick hoonter around.
>When it cries out lightning strikes from it's mother's corpse.

Literally fresh out of the fucking womb - baby, at that.

I “might” get a platinum for BB but i really don’t give a fuck about finding alm the weopens. I certainly want ALL the boss trophies amd it’s just Kos left to go now.

The only games i really cared about platinum were all the tekken games and REmake. Is LOVE to platinum RE0 but i am just not THAT fucking good. Id rather have to platinum REmake twice over than try some of that shit in RE0’s

He was mad nobody knew how to spell his mother's name!

I have no idea what the fuck I'm supposed to be looking at. Is this the famous "dark souls faggots digging deep to find meaning" schtick I keep hearing about?


BB's platinum doesn't require any gimmicky shit, once you've killed all the bosses, found all the weapons/spells and seen every ending (which can easily be Save scammed to get all 3 in one playthrough) you've got the platinum.

It's pretty much a check marker for seeing all the content.

Dunno user, i hear blood queen Yarhnam is a right cunt.

The Hamlet guy says "mercy, for the poor wizened child".

Isn't wizened another word for old? He also kinda looks like an old man.


Not in the slightest, the road getting there is the difficulty. Watchdog and Amy are the "roadblocks" people complain about. It's more getting the materials for the chalices that takes a while. If you want an ez plat just use Simon's bladebow.

Queen Yharnam isn't bad at all, it's actually a really fun fight.

The problem is getting to her, the dungeons can get monotonous, and Defiled Hotdog/Amy is a brick wall for a lot of players. People will complain about Ritual material farming, but if you do all the dungeons you should pretty much always have enough to make the next one. People always skip Hintertomb and complain that they're missing Ritual Blood (4).

Im currently level 130 on my first playthrough. Can i do the thing user?

There's nothing deep about it, Kosm just looks slightly human.

Does Bloodborne unironically have the deepest lore?

Totally. Just have some patience for Watchdogs hp and whacking amygdalas asshole in the defiled chalice. I did it around 100 or so but I'm stubborn and generally good at the games.

Where the fuck did you learn to speak English?

I dunno, I feel Dark Souls 1 (on its own) is just as deep with more things left unanswered. Bloodbornes lore is pretty nicely filled out whilst Dark Souls 1 still had some relevant mysteries like the true nature of the dark and the pygmy.
