Did Nintendo just win?
Did Nintendo just win?
Switch is going to be the worst version. jaggies and framerate dips everywhere while PS4 PRO does 4k and smooth frame pacing
bro it's portable, the best feature any turn-based game can have
ff tactics switch and then they win
And it will be the best selling version.
who cares if it's portable, the virgins buying this game DON'T go outside.
who the fuck cares vc1 was the only good one and the one that matters.
Nobody has made a single thread after vc one which was huge after it came out and still gets threads every once in a while now
They do in Japan.
>PS4 Pro
Win, you say?
*Stands up and clenches fist*
There is no winning, son. As we have already won. All there is for us is to become even stronger.
>Switch gets its first game
Nice. Enjoy it, children. Unfortunate that it's also on every other platform, but gotta start somewhere, right?
not to mention entire vc 1 gameplay was scout rush
Yeah, I really doubt it. It isn't first party so that rules out 80% of the people who bought a Switch right off the bat.
Um, sweety, it's also on ps4, so no.
Also it looks like shit
xbox one x will do it no problem
I remember people saying the Switch wouldn't absorb the Vita game development, but it's absolutely happening. Niche weeb games + Nintendo's offering unified on a single system + tons of indies + really good Japanese third-party support + passable-to-decent Western third-party support (at least so far) is an incredible combination for a system, and it's portable to boot.
Is that why Sonic Mania in Dragon Ball Xenoverse where the best selling games on the console?
It's not even an exclusive.. It's a weeb game on the weeb system, ps4. Don't know why y'all are trying to paint this as a win for nintendo.
>qt artist
Do her and other Sega artists enjoy racing I wonder?
So best versions will be Switch for Portablity and Xbox One X for visuals/framerate
>literally wanting the garbage shovelware Vita has been getting year and year out
No thanks, i rather get the same support 3ds has got with actual games.
I don't think it's a big deal. Valkyria Chronicles' ranking system places way too much importance on scout rush than actually playing the game and if you don't get high ranks you don't get the upgrade material you need for you units.
>also on PS4 and xbone
>switch version comes out months after the PS4 version
Unless it has extra content then no, Nintendo lost.
Who cares about (third-party) exclusives? What matters is that something is part of a system's library, not that you can't get it anywhere else.
>>switch version comes out months after the PS4 version
>PS4 PRO does 4k and smooth frame pacing
Wait a second. You're saying "we get the same games you do, yay!" Is somehow a win for nintendo? LMAO
t. mad pc owner.
>It will launch in the Americas and Europe in 2018. In Japan, where an Xbox One version will not be released, it will launch for PlayStation 4 on March 21, 2018 and for Switch in summer 2018.
How is increasing third party support not a win for Nintendo?
Release dates for Japan are March 31st for the PS4 version and summer for the Switch version (there's no Xbox One version there), but in the West they're all simply slated for 2018.
If it was a new tactics id legit cream myself and post it on Sup Forums
With a delayed release and an objectively underperforming, worse looking game? Probably not.
The Switch will be the worst option objectively.
Those are both familiar franchises to Nintendo fans. Valkyria Chronicles is something they've never heard of before so as usual none of them will be interested.
>I remember people saying the Switch wouldn't absorb the Vita game development
It's not really, Vita will still be around for two years or so and still get all the niche stuff, Sega is porting this on the Switch because Valkyria Revolution was a critical failure on both PS4 and Vita, so they're trying to sell this shit to people who don't know much about the franchise and see if it sells.
And don't be suprised to see it bomb either, because that's what's gonna happen.
it's coming out on everything else and every game besides the first one is otaku pandering trash.
>Did Nintendo just win?
No but it's more good news for Nintendo. They sorely need 3rd party support for the Switch to continue being a success.
Do you personally know all Switch owners?
There's no delayed release in the west
For having a game that comes out several months after the PS4 version?
When the PS4 version will probably be better graphically and performance wise. About the only thing the Switch might have is like a Samus character or something else nintendo.
Why can't we just get the remaster of the first one that came out on PS4/PC? I'd literally rather have that.
I mean probably, but you don't know that officially yet.
So why not just wait before projecting?
Why did Disgaea 5 sell as much on Switch as it did on PS4 then? I don't remember people lining up to buy Disgaea DS.
*In Japan
As far as we know, in the west they all release the same time
That we know of, but it would be retarded. Disgaea 5 and M+R shows that there's a good audience for tactical games on Switch in the west and not taking advantage of that would be stupid (tho this is Sega)
>When the PS4 version will probably be better graphically and performance wise.
Switch is portable and VC is an SRPG. One of the most popular handheld/portable genres out there.
Depending on how much they have to downgrade the visuals to make it work, Switch will probably be the main version for a lot of people. At least as far as people who actually play VC series (previously primarily PSP releases) are concerned, anyway.
>When the PS4 version will probably be better graphically and performance wise.
Who cares? If you're buying a Switch you already know right from the get go that it's not going to be as powerful as a PS4. People buy it for portability and for Nintendo exclusives, not to get the best performing multiplats.
>Why did Disgaea 5 sell as much on Switch as it did on PS4 then
It didn't?
Disgaea 5 on PS4 is sitting at around 350k globally.
Complete is only at around 160k.
Granted that's total sales and the PS4 has been out for years so it has an advantage, but even if you count first week sales the PS4 version opened at 22k while Complete only did about 5k in its first week.
Pretty good fit as a handheld game but the story looks gay as fuck. Way gayer than 1 and that's already about as much gay as I can handle. Hope it has a lot of features outside of the story like custom scenarios. Maybe even a level editor.
Why get the PS4 Poop Edition when you can get it on Xbox One X, which is 40% more powerful? You are a real gamer right?
Hey, here's a thought. How about don't scout rush?
there hasn't been a good Valkyria game since the first one[
What about worldwide?
>At least as far as people who actually play VC series (previously primarily PSP releases)
Those games flopped in the west. Everybody who knows VC knows it from the PS3 and PC versions.
>Disgaea 5 on PS4 is sitting at around 350k globally.
I still haven't found a legit source for this claim.
Why can't we get a remaster collection of 1-3 on Switch with all the DLC? It would sell.
Vita won't make it past 2018 at the latest even in Japan.
If you don't believe me look through Japanese weekly hardware sales for this year, and Vita software sales for this year. Hardware this year started at 5-6k a week and now it's hardly pulling in 3k a week. Overall, hardware sales are down 60% this year compared to last, and last year was about 20% lower than the year before.
The best performing Vita exclusive for 2017 was DT2-2 and that sold in the 50-75k range. Just about everything else is multiplat now, even the extremely niche stuff.
>Aliasse in 1080p
yes please
Why do they continue to make to make this game, didn't it sell poorly?
I love that the Switch is like the Vita except this time everyone is forced to recognize the """weeb""" game as legitimate game because it's on a nintendo machine.
2 and 3 weren't flops in japan
1 sold well in steam after a price cut
revolution though yikes what were they thinking
I guess I'm getting it for the Switch instead of the PS4 then.
They are eating up Xenoblade 2, the most weeabo trash nintendo has put out on their home console, even latest compile shit games look and play better.
except this time Switch games are $60 instead of $35-40 they were on Vita.
Here's the only existing official data on the PS4 version, by the way: famitsu.com
It sold 60k in Japan and 112k in the West, meaning 172k. That doubled number from vgchartz is bogus.
As for the Switch version, the latest official data has it as an unspecified "over 100k": gematsu.com
Please never use vgchartz to substantiate a claim.
That is worldwide. In the West Complete sold a bit better in its first week than the PS4 version, but it wasn't by a huge amount.
Media Crate.
And NIS publishes their quarterly financial reports on their main site too nippon1.co.jp
Granted the first two might not be 100% accurate since they don't count in digital sales, but there's nothing to suggest that Complete sold better overall. Though again, the PS4 version is going to have the advantage in total sales since it's been out years longer.
>PC literally saved the franchise
>no PC version
>Vita won't make it past 2018 at the latest even in Japan.
Yeah, I've been hearing this shit every year since two or three years, yet the Vita is still getting games, as much as Sup Forums likes to shitpost about VNs.
>The best performing Vita exclusive for 2017 was DT2-2 and that sold in the 50-75k range
That's pretty much the average for niche games, which is what we're talking about right now.
>Just about everything else is multiplat now, even the extremely niche stuff.
Yeah, point is that the Vita is being used as base for a lot of the games that are also on PS4 or ported to PC later, see stuff like the upcoming Zanki Zero, Aegis Rim or the new Metal Max Xeno(Which moved from the 3DS, for the record).
aren't the other VC after 1 shit though
what'll make 4 different
There are no data on the PS4 version of Disgaea 5 past what I posted here , if you claim there are, please show me them. Media Create stopped tracking it before it even hit 60k.
No segmented maps, for instance.
I go to the washroom.
Because the games were on Vita pipeline for the entire development.
Switch getting the lionshare of market put pressure since there is no vita 2 or some crap to run. Japan still prefer portable versions over home.
Not him, but why doesn't vgchartz count? I get that they're not 100% accurate but inflating a game's sales by nearly double for no reason seems incredibly unlikely too.
because they have no source and literally make up the numbers
>Unfortunate that it's also on every other platform
Except PC.
I want to fuck her while she's making that face.
Didn't that franchise turn to utter shit after the second game?
i play it in bed and on my porch when its nice outside, whichever is comfiest with the snow aesthetics
America ≠ Japan
The third game is the best and one of the best srpg of all time?
But of course, it wasn't a Nintendo console.
>Game looks like PS2 graphics
>Not going to hit 4k
They have no sources, they just try to pass off estimates that you and I could make as real data. In Disgaea 5's case, the number is completely off. The Japanese figure is almost accurate, "just" 10k over the official data, but the number for outside of Japan is a ridiculous 160k off the official number. There is no way NIS wouldn't have commented on such an upsurge in western sales if it was real.
vc3 despite the psp limitations is worth a try
Don't post shit anime in my house, thank you.
>some shit jap pedo game no one ever heard of is about to come out
holy shit you shills are the worst. no one is buying your shit no games console
VC3 is one of the best SRPG ever made and best game in the series though.
>Because the games were on Vita pipeline for the entire development.
Yeah, which brings us back to the point that Vita still has a lot of support considering the entire 2018 is covered with announcements and if this is anything to go by 2019 will be also.
>Switch getting the lionshare of market put pressure since there is no vita 2 or some crap to run.
Switch isn't getting any lionshare, the vast majority of devs moved over the PS4 and started porting on PC, not to mention that Android and mobile gaming is MUCH bigger than Switch in Japan and is growing exponentially now that newer tablets and phones are powerful enough to support Unreal Engine, Switch will get the worst version of whatever big multiplat Sony is going to get in Japan, and this is the best case scenario where devs actually have the goodwill to put up with Nintendo, but you can bet your ass Switch ain't gonna get a fraction of whatever support the Vita got in its lifetime, though of course since this is Nintendogaf you people are going to say the contrary and swear by it for a good decade.
valkyria chronicles will never be good again.
give me the first game on the Switch then I'll care
Hi neogaf
whose getting the superior version on the X?
>game is on every platform even the fucking xbone
>retards still manage to start console war bullshit over it
every day I wonder why i still browse this shitheap of a board
>Game have anime artstyle
>Plz don't post anime.
>sony loses another exclusive
my fucking sides, can't wait for the sonygro suicide
They ever finished translating the dlc for it by any chance?
I said don't post "shit" anime.
ever been in a MHW thread?
Can I really trust this man to not play with my feelings?