Is Assassin's Creed Origins the Most Detailed Open World Game ever Made?
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Is Op The Most Obnoxious Enormous Mega Faggot To ever Walk The Earth?
Not even in the slightest. Hope whatever Jewbisoft is paying you is worth it.
What possesses a human being to make a thread like this?
Yes it is
I think it has surpassed GTAV in terms of the sheer details
Low poly and a shitty normal map is now something to post about in 2017.
>Thumbnail had red arrow with a red circle.
Fuck off.
Money from marketing obvs
Whoooa they used modern 3D shading and lighting techniques. Whoooa
Watch the videos, it's more than that
Is this a parody right?
It's just a joke video right?
Is the vagina modeled?
If it's so easy then why can't other video games do it?
$0.05 deposited into their U-Play account.
What whould you guys say if I had Cleopatras nudes in-game not fake?
They do. Most things in those 2 videos are nothing new.
FFS the 2nd video mentions fucking fish AI and underwater rays.
Like a bad joke or something. Some details are kinda nice, like Bayek hallucinating in the desert but something like Cockroaches moving out of the way? come the fuck on, even MGS2 had that back in 2001.
Wow they gave that camel an eye ball, thats fucking insane. That shit right there probably took a month of development, and the devs didn't even HAVE to do that. Now thats dedication.
>Most things in those 2 videos are nothing new.
Name a game that has all those details, and I mean one games, not from 20 different games
It's amazing how well this game looks on a console. They nailed the details.
They spent more time on small shit to remember to make the game good. Crazy how that works out.
fuck off asscreed 3 was already doing that stuff.
Looks familiar
wow they applied a cubemapped texture to the camel's eye
welcome to 2003
>Can't fix the engine bugs that has been shitting on the game for years
>Spend time and work adding useless cosmetics graphical details
And i'm not even impressed. Mediocrity everyone.
>shows a static image reflection that is applied to any surface tagged "Reflective" in the engine.
It doesn't matter, the videos portray these detail as something revolutionary and (literally in the title) insane.
But those details aren't anything new and they're especially not "insane".
Like I said, portraying something that a game from 2001 has as an "insane detail" is hilarious and sad, because it's nothing special. Is it nice those details in one game? I guess. But are they insane or anything like that? Lmao, hell no. Fish ai literally turned into a meme because of how old the technology is, and that was years ago. Afaik even Mario 64 had moving fish.
nothing showed is impossible to indie devs, i've see more details in many unity games and unreal assets than your whole game.
So... This is... The power... of console... peasants... WH... OA...
Are these people just so fucking retarded they don't even bother to look at the stuff in OP's videos?
If the image isn't the best example of his claim, why did he choose it to represent his thread?
>all these things are nothing new!
>name a game with as much details
>i can't
>b-but it doesn't matter!
How much does Ubisoft pay you per post? Is this a part-time gig, or are you trying to claw your way up the corporate ladder?
id argue its on par with unity, but in unity it had more complex architecture and verticality
Lmao, dude stop acting so pathetic.
I never said that it doesn't matter. Again, it's nice to see those details in one game. But in the end, those details aren't new, special or insane. That's all.
>stop talking about video games!
The actual state of the videogame industry.
Sad thing is that is the consolfags who fall everytime for these pieces of garbage games, and even further with the microtransactions bullshit. Fucking us all.
Name a game that includes more details, or fuck off, moron.
This is PS4.
I watched both videos at double speed. The most impressive things were probably just the idle hand motions while walking through flowers (which fucks up after leaving the flowers). Everything else has been done before. Ubi shouldn't be proud at being just good enough.
>I never said that it doesn't matter.
Quality of details > quantity of details
Also, GTA V has more details, by far.
Here, a list of 805 details in GTA V. These details are either better, or similair to those in the videos:
no one shills as blatantly as ubisoft
>literally MGS levels of details
>Sup Forums is still bitching
This board has become a meme.
Still better than 90% of modern games.
And considering its a ubisoft game I'm actually surprised to see that attention to details, cant wait for it to get cracked
people still replying in anger weeks after its release are more than likely angry piratecucks waiting for a crack
Check out these grafics boys
Low res textures are really impressive
I'm not gonna watch videos with textbook clickbait thumbnails and titles, and you shouldn't either.
Ok looks like this is my post to link it better
Egypt girls on aco
I just got to Piremids and it's fantastic. I'm already a Gypsian.
Welcome to the best looking game of 2017
Where the fuck did it go wrong?
Why is post-patch Unity objectively the best game since Brotherhood?
Made. The game is just like Wildlands. Great environment and this time the gameplay is a-okay. It's still way too easy but they improved the game quite a bit. Solid 8/10.
Neogaf/Resetera twitter campaign against sexism in videogames, when!?
>they clip through the top
they weren't even trying to hide it
It has to be money, ass creed is absolutely garbage gameplay wise the scenarios have a rare moments of impressiviness into them but only if you look from far and only if nothing is in motion, coz once shit is moving it exposes the farse.
Absolute garbage, can't believe they killed prince of persia for this.
Such a blatant shill thread.
It's okay when liberals do it
Or minorities
Modded Skyrim has had better shit than that for years and Oblivion has has better skin and body models for even longer.
Congratulations, you are now starting to catch up to 2012 PC.
Blaze it, faggot
I didn't watch the video but that picture is just cubemaps (360 degree picture of the area), not realtime reflections.
That was impressive in 2002.
This literally just happend to bayek minutes ago so when I saw her look behind my boner instincts kicked in.
I had em all my life
whats the lore explanation for this?
its a glitch in the animus, dumbass
Why does the sand look so fake?
>nips so pointy they tear through shirts
it is, but blunder of the wild cucks will tell you otherwise
>m-muh shill
>ultra wide
lol, its not
Last photo.
Yet smooth?
That's all m8s I have a vidiod of her walking and looking back a bryek with nips out lol
they need to find new line of work asap
>Animals in cages will attack if your close enough
And dropped.
The trasnference is lagging.
I lied.
I need to travel more. This is fantastic. I'm not even high but this is still pretty nice.
So I just want say that my main goal her was to buy this game to screw Cleopatra
Too bad that these you'll just get beheaded when traveling there.
No, I love desert, was joining FFL few years back but didn't. Camping in desert night etc, sounds damn great.
>eye reflection
It's just a .jpg from a location pasted on eye.
It's really nothing to brag about many 00's games did that cheap "reflection" trick.
I don't understand why people like you even participate in the shit talking when you obviously haven't played the game. Just because it has AC in the title does not mean it's a shit game. There is a ton of quality to experience but you all don't even actually like games. You just spend all of your time flinging shit at each other.
This game is sexist AF. All the animals are female.
it's not Dwarf Fortress so no
ITT: Salty pirates