Game lets you revisit locations from older games

>game lets you revisit locations from older games

If he location is going to look drastically different each appearance, what’s the point?

So why did BotW's iteration of Spectacle Rock move to the Gerudo province instead of staying on Death Mountain/Eldin?

Who are those other trees next to the Deku Tree? Are they his children?

What is the point of this image? Is it just terrible or is it supposed to be cherry picker nonsense?

did you expect the games to let you explore every single location?

deku shrubs. some of them didnt survive, others got blown away

Never been so excited and dissapointed in such a short space of time.

those are big shrubs

the deku tree and lon lon ranch are in botw...

>there is no need to search that place
bullshit there isn't

what place is it?


You realize the deku tree was in botw, right?

All of those locations are in breath of the wild

Fallout 2
Super Metroid
Clear Sky
Some of the Castlevanias
Deus Ex 2
One of the Monkey Island, I forgot.


>no security
>literal infected, hunters and tyrants released around that lab and upper marshaling yard

Resident Evil 0 was so fucking retarded. Thank fuck for Rebecca’s perky breasts and flat tummy. I was finally producing physical nuts when RE0 came out and not a drop was mispent.



This is preobably one of the best revisits ever, next to like, Dantooine in KOTOR2.

I remember wondering what was on top of the waterfall when playing BK originally. I was excited as fuck all those years ago when I realized you could actually go inside the little waterfall cave in BT and find the little BK cartridge, it was probably the very first thing I did the first time I played.

Without fucking question

Is it bad hoping that Konami will be money grubbing fuckheads and throw out remakes of MGS 1-3 rebuilt in the Fox Engine with MGSV controls?

Because I dick couldn't take it if that happened

Going back to the Ishimura in Dead Space 2.
That part was great, really tense and unsettling