What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Not as good as Chaos Theory
It was the best Splinter Cell game.
Pure ghost run without knocking anyone out is harder than anything in the other games.
Other than mandatory areas that need people to be knocked out.
It took the bullshit closed levels of CT and made it open areas. That and you're no longer completely fucking invisible in shadows, thankfully.
It was very good. Nothing was wrong.
Have there been any announcements regarding the next Splinter Cell game (if there is one)?
>anything wrong
Yves said that they haven't forgotten about SC and they have a plan for it. Nothing certain at the moment.
Ironside was spotted at one of the Ubisoft studios about couple years ago; no one knows what that was about though.
Sam Fisher without Jeremy Irons
should've made a new character for this
Fucking plebs didn't buy 5 gorrilion copies so that's why I've been waiting for 4 years already for Blacklist 2.
*Michael Ironside
god I'm such a moron
Who knows, PSX might surprise us, if Ubisoft even attends that shit. Although E3 next year is more likely
The E3 trailer didn't do the game any favors. Made it look like a dumb action game and didn't highlight the stealth elements at all.
They are but at this stage its all concept art. Apparently Bend Studio is looking to make another Syphon Filter after they get done with Days Gone.
Alot of shit is happening senpai.
conviction with shoehorned stealth
Plot is very boring
Characters are sucks
Sam Fisher sounds too young and humorless
Enemies can't see shit beyond 3 feet. If they did see you, it will take them 10 seconds to process that they had seen an enemy
Tazers are OP as fuck
It's not old SC where it's a game of patient, the stealth are quick and deadly
That being said, it was immensely enjoyable, has lots of contents, and Grimsdottir is smoking hot. It's better compared to DA and Conviction.
Fantastic game and very good Splinter Cell. WAAAAY better SC than Conviction.
Love that game.
Also as always- /team Grim/ for ever.
Grim didn't get naked.
I don't get why people complain about this game, they want to have the classic experience? Turn off the HUD and go pure ghost on perfectionist then.
Watch Dogs 2 is essentially the new Splinter Cell
>Grim's outfit in Blacklist
I admit, it's got that sexy handler thing going.
He's just the voice actor, user. He reads a script aloud into a microphone, he doesn't make the game. He doesn't even really care much for the series and largely considers it to be just dumb violence. Honestly, Sam was mostly a dull character except for the one time in Chaos Theory where they gave him a little more personality than just gruff old professional man.
It was alright, a lot better then I thought it was going to be.
I know Sup Forums shit all over it because of that one webm of Sam running away from the drone strike with a million people shooting at him.
>He doesn't even really care much for the series and largely considers it to be just dumb violence.
Wh-what? Please, user, say it ain't so
he still defines the character for me, as I've heard him voice that character over so many games
far as I know, he doesn't care for the violence but he does like the character he plays.
if I remember right, he wasn't going to come back for conviction because he felt he had nothing more to add to the character
I don't know exactly what he's referring to, but when getting interviewed for Conviction, Ironside mentioned that Sam is in his mid thirties, which is enough to see that he's not extremely involved with the character.
Ironside is one thing, but loss of Amon Tobin is another.
I think he simply didn't expect the series to go the distance. When getting hired for SC, he thought it was a Pong type game. In Conviction (which was his last game he was contracted for) it also started to be about Sam simply murdering people so I guess he didn't want to do it anymore.
>that one webm of Sam running away from the drone strike with a million people shooting at him.
That mission didn't even end up in the actual game. I guess Ubi saw the shitstorm and realized they fucked up. But by then the word of mouth was "there's no stealth in Blacklist". The stupid release window didn't do them any favours either.
It's true. He said he took the project purely for the cash initially because his wife wanted a new car but when he saw the script he was so disgusted with it he pulled out. Ubisoft really wanted him so they asked him what it would take to get him to stay and he said he'd stay if they made the character actually human. So they gave Sam a wife and a kid and he said that will have to do because his wife really wants a new car. He doesn't care that he was dropped for the new game, he has no love for the character or the franchise.
Grim is based and Sam is an idiot for not fucking her brains out on that intel table.
>shoehorned stealth
>in an SC game
I thought actors were paid well enough to be able to buy a car at a moment's notice.
Not all of them are wise with money. And someone like Michael Ironside is not exactly an A lister that is going to command huge paychecks. I'm reminded of Bruce Campbell once talking about how annoying Evil Dead fans are about giving him shit for making "bad" films all the time and how they don't seem to understand not all actors get to choose their roles and especially so when they have a wife and kids to take care of.
>not fucking her brains out on that intel table.
>he didn't watch after credits scene
>this lighting
this is SFM
give me source.
I love replaying this game in autumn/december. So fucking comfy. There's a Christmas themed mission as well.
This is a screen from the game, sadly I'm not aware of any SFM clips.
user I know you're lying
that dull lighting and blank stare are SFM giveaways
share it
You think I wouldn't if I had it?
>yfw the final co-op mission is rescuing Kestrel
Still gotta give him credit that he just didn’t lazily phone it in when voicing Sam, even if it was a ”bread job” for him he still clearly put some effort to it.
Lack of faith due to the shitshows that were DA and Conviction
He's got one of those voices when you don't even have to really try.
This. Most probably didn’t even try Blacklist after those 2 stinkers.
Wait, is this a meme or is the game actually good?
Not a meme, it's fun as fuck.
Not as good as CT, but still a very good stealth game. If you play it, don’t get in frenzy about the fact that it has loud options in it too, as you can just safely ignore them an be a ghost.
Nothing. I enjoyed it. You have more options than you did in conviction which is essentially john wick the game
I think BL is an even better Wick game because of all those crazy takedowns. You can tell they were mocapped so they look smooth as fuck.
This, trying to ghost wave 6 in Charlie mission is fun as fuck
Nothing to be honest. It's the second best splinter cell game right behind Chaos Theory.
Losing Ironside was a big blow to Sam's character, but they made up for it by making Grimmsdottir hot as fuck.
Mechanically it's fucking fantastic, going guns blazing is an option but basically impossible past Normal, so stealth is actually viable and encouraged.
The only problem I had with the game was that Sam has the personality of a brick wall, and I straight up don't remember who the other guy was other than he was black. The Co-Op team should have been Special Agent Bob and Secret Agent Steve from Chaos Theory's Co-op campagin
I don't fucking care. You look me in the eye and tell me there's a better launch trailer out there than splinter cell conviction. His voice was perfect.
If we had a psycho nuSam mentally torturing terrorists as he interrogates them, it would be so much better. I will never understand why they took out interrogations.
they still didnt droped the shitty shadow mechanic
>you are in the middle of the day
>you are wearing a bright gray shirt
>you are holding from a pipe
>there are 5 guys looking right AT YOU
>there is a shadow on you
>they cant see you
>forced FPS segment with Mr.Token
It's not Chaos Theory but it's good on its own right
>they don't make anyone leave the room or anything
>nobody can say shit because Sam's in charge
I actually didn't mind these segments because it made the twist of you not playing as Sam in the final mission all the more amazing.
You didn't notice it the second Sam had a mask and went mute for some reason?
I thought the mask was because he was in the snow and I thought the silence was because he didn't want to speak too much while on in the frying pan aka the heart of the enemy HQ..
It sucks that they never showed how Sam got in and managed to pose as an officer.
They did that again? They already used that trick in Conviction.
Nothing, the game is fun. Coop is really awesome.
>Boasts multiple playstyles
>Non-lethal stealth, choosing to ghost or knock everyone out doesn't matter.
>Kill everyone quietly stealth, and yes I mean lethal option every enemy you can otherwise you're just gaining points and upgrades for the above (and non lethal) playstyle.
>Knocking out/killing the guards when the alarm goes off instead of just restarting at the checkpoint.
>The second you've earned enough points for the upgrades you want, the different playstyles immediately stop mattering.
I was bummed the fuck out man. I thought it'd be a mix between Chaos Theory and conviction, but it was more like Conviction with side missions and the possibility to ghost.
I'm sure other people have more legitimate complaints but I was excited to play the panther playstyle, then I realized I needed to ghost in order to get the stealth gear I wanted. Then I had trouble getting enough panther points because I was institutionally leaving enemies alive and just getting more ghost points. It was an effort to appease the hardcore and casual stealth fans that just felt like a complicated participation trophy.
Did you seriously have trouble earning money for the gear? I had shitloads of it before the half point of the game. Doing side missions first helped a lot. Anyway, playing it with the starting gear is way more fun. Some of the later shit you can unlock is really op.
Well that was a shit video, NEXT!!
I didn't watch this, but looking at the thumbnail: did people really think the performance was bad? I thought the voice acting was great and it fit a military type character very well, it's just that he came after Michael Ironside who has a ridiculously distinctive voice.
I wouldn't put too much weight into the opinion of Rageaholic, he's a but of a contrarian douchebag. Especially in regards to stealth games. He gave Solarix a good review, for fuck's sake, and that game is utter trash except for the mildly interesting story.
Holy shit, the "Blacklist is good" retards get more numerous with every thread. Also, stop playing the shitty version of DA and saying it was bad, fuckers.
It was just some dude shouting into a mic, I mean sure he has the right to his thoughts and opinions, I don't agree with him but the way he conveys his opinion isn't optimal to me, that's all. I will accept it if it's satire but he sounds 100% serious.
BL > PT > Con > DA > CT > SC
the game was trying too hard to be cinematic with gameplay segments like the kobin escort, the neurotoxin sam bit and other kinds of on rial segments.
The escort parts weren't entirely on rails iirc, you could go off path and even accidentally fuck up, sneak past the enemies or kill them. But that neurotoxin part was annoying, mostly because Sam acted like a macho shithead.
""I have to confess I'm not a gamer. And when they sent me the contract for the very first game, it was quite lucrative, and I said 'absolutely, I will do this.' I thought it was going to be like PONG, and I would just have to introduce it."
"When I got the script, it was very stiff, very inflexible, and very blood and violent. And I didn't want to do it. And told them I was going to give them back their money. They asked me what would it take to keep me on the project, and I said we would have to change the character, and give him some type of humanity. To their credit, they sat me down with the game creators, and we came up with the present Sam Fisher, who had an empathy and was not just a 2 dimensional killing machine. And we got as much humanity, I think that that format will allow."
Come on, played the shit just the other day. Best Splinter Cell hands down. Arguably even better than MGS V but that might be because I'm not a sucker for incoherent Jap games.
Well, at least he's being honest.
>And where I thought the stereotypical gamer was an oversized pair of pants, runny nose, sitting in a corner, playing with his control, it's actually none of that. It hits every level of society, and every socio-economic group.
Brutally honest.
>Arguably even better than MGS V
Have you even played MGSV past like, 15 hours?
Total shit heap that doesn't deserve to even be mentioned in the same breath as games that were actually finished
Both Blacklist and MGSV have extremely similar gameplay.
Say what you will about Splinter Cell Conviction but this was a pure kino moment
played blacklist and chaos theory back to back and i gotta say the gameplay is a bit better and more fluid in blacklist but the level design and mechanics of CT are better.
all the maps in blacklist are ass almost
>Splinter Cell Conviction = Hitman Absolution
>Splinter Cell Blacklist = Hitman (2016)
If you're saying that MGS V fucking sucks I agree, if you're trying to tell me that I have to grind around in an empty world like some mediocre MMO to get to a couple hours of good content and that it's totally normal then you've got Kojimbos cock a little too deep in your scrotum.
You're right.
So if I wanna start from this game on PC, do I need any mods? Are all the games in the franchise worth playing? I only had the original on PC and pandora tomorrow isn't on the computer.
I actually enjoy the m&e mode when I'm not looking for a challenge. Obviously it casualizes the game if you're using it, but it's really fun to pull off crazy scenarios.
It's a solid franchise throughout, though PT is very buggy on modern systems, I don't know if there's a fix.