Can we talk about this game? New patch is coming out tomorrow. That MOBA PvP mode looks fun, more MMOs should embrace battlegrounds style PVP.
I'll talk.
What's the closest thing to either a rogue from WoW (perma-stealth so I don't get tagged by mobs when I'm afk) or else a hunter/warlock (leave pet on attack if I get attacked) so I don't die to mbos when I afk.
AFK in general when questing, not when in a group.
Rogue/Ninja has stealth and move faster than other classes.
Arcanist/Summoner has pets that can handle mobs.
Ninja and Summoner
Ninja has stealth and Summoner has a pet, but there's generally no reason to be afk near mobs
Dying game
Welcome to the lala brothel, what will it be?
How about a gnome race that doesn't have disgusting proportions?
I looked up ninjas, they have a 20 second cooldown on stealth. Can I reduce that at all?
Nope but the cooldown is already short and you don't use it often only for openers.
Stealth is a toggle, once it's on, it doesn't turn off unless you attack. So, if you need to AFK, you just turn stealth on and leave.
Things don't die as quickly as they do in WoW, and there's no reason to be in stealth to begin with unless you're actively looking to avoid fights. It's not like a Rogue in WoW where you need to be in stealth to start fights a certain way.
Who /unsubbed/
Did they ever fix summoner so their summons aren't just floating lumps? That was always mad shit.
I played 2.0-3.1
Came back for 4.0 and dropped it before 4.1 even dropped.
Never again.
Well what I mean is, at times I'll be afk, I'm wondering if it's like a rogue in WoW in that I can just go: dead enemy > use hide > be safe
Also, I definitely don't need it as an opener like rogues in WoW?
Yes you can use hide like that. You also want do it anyways after a dead enemy so you reset your mudra cooldown.
My Stormblood experience
>Get it on day 1, somehow manage to get through the event wall. Not Raubahn's. The SAM one
>All my friends tell me I'm a dumbass but I spend my time leveling up SAM
>Actually learn to appreciate FATEs, then jump into pvp
>Learn my class through what works in pvp. Manage to hit 60.
>Do Stormblood's story quests as SAM
>Hit level cap
>Absolutely destroy things as SAM. Get good gear. PUG Lakshmi and Susanoo tons of times. Top DPS most of the time. If not, am 2nd.
>Raids hit
>Can't find a static because all the groups either hate SAM or already have 2
>Go on vacation, don't play for 2 months
>Come back, feel behind. Log on and don't have much to do. Already hit max on my old main, PLD
Are they finally adding anima/relic weapons in 4.15? I want a reason to play again.
I'd play this game if your weekly tomestone didn't have a maximum cap, so if I don't pay for 8 weeks I can still get the 3,600 tomestones.
I'm resubbing tomorrow.
yes you summon a big ass bahamut now, so big that people complained they couldnt see
Once stealth is on it doesn't turn off unless you attack or a high-level enemy aggros on you (10 levels higher IIRC). Hide also resets the cooldown of Ninjitsu, so you use it for that as well. There's one Ninjitsu that you only cast once before combat (Huton) then continuously upkeep, so your opener is something like:
Huton, Hide, Suiton input prepull
Use Suiton on pull (lets you use sneak attack without steal)
Sneak attack between the 5th and 6th GCD
You can't actually use Hide in combat, so it's purely for open world stuff and resetting mudras.
>still playing FFXIV instead of the superior mutliplayer Final Fantasy game
Being stealthed might be useful since that will give you access to Trick Attack, an ability that places a debuff on the enemy that increases their damage taken. It has a few uses but overall a Ninja's stealth isn't as integral to the class as a Rogues stealth is.
Even a 2.5s GCD is infinitely better than moviegame autocombat.
look at all my bitches
>tfw currently trying to level fisher past 60
Weren't you a low level fisher only a few days ago?
>All characters have Noctis's stupid run and walk animations.
Bosses ignore Hide so you can't use it in serious combat anyway, instead you have a ninja skill that lets you use Trick Attack without hiding.
Also, gatherer jobs have stealth.
>in a group for farming a mount
>YOU - above average dps and know mechanics
>others - average maybe
>always one - lowest common denominator degen doing 800 dps as blm and dies 3 times each pull
>all has equal chance of getting mount if it drops
this is why communism fucking sucks
>the boss just flails around most of the time regardless of what you're doing
Embrace the pain and use it as fuel for your journey
>even if the raid boss was just an inert HP stick with no mechanics, BLM would still lose out in DPS to nearly everyone else
YoshiP get off your potato ass and make your class viable
yeah i was like level 20 last week
Gross. Why do literally everyone who plays a female character make themselves up as gigantic whores? Generic NPC girls look 5000% better.
All I see are three catgirls and a homo roe
>night before reset
>realize I haven't run Rabby yet
>"okay, one quick run before I go to sleep"
>two conjurers and 3 afks in alliance A
Alliance raids are fun.
>Not on PC
>That stupid run animation
>Webm only shows the player running
Not even remotely convincing me this is more enjoyable than Royal Menagerie .
I still want to play FFXV on PC
Does he at least do megaflare and divebomb people
t. lalafell
>loses only to sam, and smn on regular exdeath
git gud retard
Either girls don't know how to make attractive girls most of the time in XIV or guys make girls who cater to their exact fetishes and don't care what others say. Pic related the only girl PC I've ever made. I should level her up.
That's FFXV. The game where Gilgamesh is a serious, grimdark, edgelord with one arm. Nothing in FFXV resembles FF in anything but name.
>Get runs with people like these
>No one besides yourself calls them out or cares
>Get epic meme responses
r8 my c@
>ywn live a comfy farmer life above the clouds
>ywn grow crops on a floating isle in the sky
>haha I'm a lalafell xD aren't we so wacky?! xD
Kill yourself.
The PVP in XIV is shit now. Thanks Yoshi.
Just stop wasting time and resources releasing new PVP modes and remove it completely.
>comfy life
>having to stop and catch your breath after walking to the toilet because the elevation is so high
Loving stormblood so far
No, he just flails around with his sword like a retard
FFXV has passed the point where it was a mistake and is in full jumped the shark territory
>try to level mining
>fall asleep
good god the gathering classes are boring in this game, just stick to the raids.
>excited for MOBA trash in a mode filled with bots
Let the game die already.
Downs syndrome
Looks like a corpse
or better ye
>ahah I play lalafell to trigger people and I have a cancerous meme name to boot! xDD
New relics are probably gonna be 4.2. 4.15 has pretty much nothing relevant in it other than the PvP mode.
>being this angry
>yoshi won't buff dps potency in pvp
>odds are tomorrow he'll buff healers even more
when will it end
giv lakshmi gf
Does this game do that thing where if you max a class, leveling other classes becomes faster?
>implying there isn't some magic bullshit so that doesnt happen
Leveling any class below your maximum is faster
face down, ass up.
4.2 when? I need more Hildy.
Does this stack by any chance? If I got two 70's, does the next class benefit double whatever the increase is?
Next Omega better be FF2 based I swear to me mum
>Play 2.0-3.0 with a close friend
>Having a blast, found a chill guild, etc.
>Another friend joins in 3.0, I unsub but they keep playing
>Come back for 4.0, they've made a guild with people they've met over the last year and a bit
>They've all changed their characters to lalafells
>They all have matching/themed names
Needless to say I don't play with them anymore.
Best part is this mode will have 6 teams of 4 on each side. Good fucking luck getting a healer for each team.
The mode isn't even out and everybody knows it's going to be a shitshow.
+50% kill/quest XP to any battle class lower then your highest.
well, its cummin user, just gotta wait for the inevitable shit port
It's even funnier when they don't realize how many people simply immediately blacklist them as soon as they say anything, too. It's always the same shit from the same obnoxious type of players, the complete lack of self awareness is astounding.
This is your farm party tonight.
i was gonna say premades but then realize they're all split up
>vehicle combat
>only 3 vehicles to drive on each side so most people are just gonna play creeps
Who the fuck approved this
At least they figured out having 3 sides in PVP is fucking retarded
>oh no! the lalafells have shit taste in waifus! we're going to be so triggered!
>he doesn't breathe wind aether
if anything i assumed they planned it like that, with the bots and stuff, for lots of deaths and minimal healing
>playing on NA servers
Re-subbed for 4.1 to get a house...
Waiting for news about how getting a house will be "fairer" to decide if I will ever re-sub again.
>those slow as fuck divebombs
Not OP but I'd actually just leave. How can anyone seriously play through the story as a Lalafel
Somebody somewhere thought "You know what Bahamut needs? SWORDS. A LOT OF THEM"
I rate it /xivg/ out of 10
How long until this is dead?
I kinda wanna try it out at some point, but I fear if I don't play it now it's gonna be just me in a few months.
You did get the knight of glory title before frontlines died right?
I feel the same way about cats.
Why is the divebomb so goddamn small? He just barely sidestepped it. And why does it not instantly kill somebody that got hit by it?
Yeah it's shit.
SB has been pretty boring so far.
PvP is shit, especially since they nerfed exp. Rival Wings wont save it. It'll stay shit.
The Omega Raid was fun, but it becomes a pain to shit through shit groups because the general playerbase is absolute ass at the game.
ShinEX is a perfect example of easy content that people struggle with for no other reason besides being bad.
Su and Lak EX are fucking jokes. Sophia and Zurvan are turning in their containment bays.
The base end game dungeons are beyond boring. The latest one had potential to be interesting, but refuses to offer anything new to keep it fresh.
Two new DPS jokes complete fucked queues that were already bad to begin with. DRK is still shit. MNK is still poorly designed. BLM is still poorly designed. Omega and Coil killed the SAM hype train thankfully. WT is still trash. The Beast Tribes are shit. FATEs are still shit.
5/10 expansion simply because of the OST.
It's really hard to die in XV
When you get to 0 HP, you do not die and it seems like MP mode doesn't work any differently
Because XV isn't an mmo.
Its stagnating so much that the Perform skill is more interesting to people than the new PvP mode.
Modern players are only interested in cosmetics and XIV is particularly full of retards that have no business playing video games
Susano is way harder than Sophia and Shinryu is harder than O3S
>just gotta wait for the inevitable shit port
They'll probably do a shit port, complain about lost sales and how much it cost to port it over and we won't see another current-gen FF game for another 5+ years.
I just refuse to buy a console for 2-3 exclusives. I just want muh 1080p/60fps Final Fantasy
BLM is literally the same thing as 3.x but with a big button every umbral cycle, and a extra instant you can use every minute
Nobody plays FF14 for PvP.