This is financial terrorism by Reddit plain and simple. Thousands of jobs are going to be lost over one stupid game this Christmas. Someone has to complain to the SEC about this.
This is financial terrorism
Like we give a fuck
Terrorism is what makes the world change.
good fucking god. Am I on /biz/? Fuck off retard
don't mess with Sup Forums!!!
>A whole 1%
Thats equivalent to billions of dollars lost in pension funds for the elderly, like Sup Forums even gives a fuck, right?
>Employee's mess up
>Employee's get fired
Wow, it's fucking nothing
Investors feel fractions of a percent deeply
Maybe if EA stopped paying shill like yourself they could keep their sweatshop labour force intact.
If you dont want to lose jobs, make a decent game, don't exploit buyers
>Someone has to complain to the SEC about this.
I agree, someone needs to let the SEC know that EA has been engaging in shitty, anti-consumer business practices for over a decade now
Maybe if pirates didn't pirate 90% of games MAYBE we could have had cheaper games.
I should definitely buy some EA stock for once the financial reports from bf's microtransactions kick in
>Not buying shitty things is Terrorism
Peak Communist.
>invest your resources in a product
>it's shit
>complain that people aren't buying shit
Good. Hope EA headquarters explodes one of these days with no survivors.
>Stopping anything
Please kill yourself.
>EA closes DICE studios
dun dun dun, another one bites the dust
>Thousands of jobs are going to be lost over one stupid game this Christmas
maybe these people should have put more thought into applying for a job to make a "stupid game"
no piracy on ps4 or xbone, still no cheaper games
Being Nazi level control freaks over their image, maybe Disney will revive Lucas Arts. I hate only being able to get an occasional creative EA title.
>obligating yourself to buying every shit game ever made will makes jews stop being jews
REALLY made me think
>EA pisses off audience
>audience takes their money and leaves
the Free Market is fixing EA just like it's fixing professional Handegg. Actually, will that be a double-whammy for EA, since sportsball games are literally the only thing that keeps their whole shitty incompetent corporate culture afloat?
>Not supporting shitty business practices is reddit
achmed is right tho
Its not enough.
It must sink further.
This is business, you fuck with the people who buy your shit, soon after they don't buy your shit
>b-b-but the company's under attack
for shitty business practices. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Anyone who works for EA knows the company's repuatation
Madden is already basically dead in the US, now it's just Eurocucks keeping EA alive by buying millions of units of Fifa daily.
Isn't that a popular word these days?
Yeah, nice propagation you have there.
Warframe literally proves all that false
Nothing about boycotting is illegal you desperate shill. Tricking Sup Forums into having a guilty conscience when people here get their kicks out of other persons' misery is the dumbest thing.
Maybe EA shouldn't act so fucking retarded in the future. Obviously executives could just eat these losses themselves but you're right that innocent people will lose their jobs because EA is the fucking devil
Sup Forums did nothing here. All they've ever done is send people harassing emails during goobergate
What did that mysterious dude say in HITMAN again? With a stronger opponent you play dirty?
>1% loss
Give me a head's up when it hits 10%, then I'll be celebrating
>when you realize all of those were good things
I wish. /biz/ is nothing but coinshit now.
Lmao what a fucking moron
>If you don't like it, don't buy it
>EA does something shitty that makes them a bunch of money
>internet complains
>contrarians on Sup Forums shriek "m-muh capitalism f-faggot c-commies, vote with your wallet!!"
>EA does something shitty that ends up not making a bunch of money
Kill yourself OP
>implying the gov wouldn't defend EA
Republicans just voted against consumers to give corporations no accountability for fucking people over like Wells Fargo and Equifax did this year.
Actually executives fuck up and fire employees to recoup losses because the shareholders always get paid
it's amusing to see EA, a company notorious for killing studios, being put on the firing line by Disney for this fuck-up
>make bad product
>people don't buy it
Wow! Did you know Capitalism also causes companies that make bad decisions and bad products to lose money???
You're right - why the fuck is this stock over the Book Price Per Share? People will then start gambling, taking shorts, making derivatives, etc. using the stock market.
Somebody complain about this.
And yet Sup Forums still defends capitalism
>contrarians on Sup Forums shriek "m-muh capitalism f-faggot c-commies, vote with your wallet!!"
Here is your mistake
You seem to be unable to tell when its a shill talking when its a Sup Forumsirgin.
Thats why people keep calling you reddit newfag, because if you stay here longer than 3 years you would by now have captured the local mindset and be able to tell outsiders and posers alike just by the things they believe.
If anybody here should suicide my friend, its (YOU)
You mean peak capitalist, right? How do you tie cunty private sector behavior in a dramatically underegulated industry to communism?
Just the free market at work bro. Consumers vote with their wallets.
>Thousands of jobs are going to be lost over one stupid game this Christmas
>make games for a living
>make a stupid game by mistake
>experiencing consequences from it is somehow bad
>EA bullies smaller gaming companies
>suddenly the holy empire of Mouse pushes back
I don't like Disney either but it's hilarious seeing EA get put in their place.
You want the SEC to do what, exactly? Force people to like a bad game? Do you even know what the SEC does?
Reddit hiding in the back. No, user, you have to give credit where credit is due. We didn't do shit.
He was literally a terrorist that bombed organizations dedicated to funding tribal terror across Africa.
>jew people by asking money for every single thing in the game
>oy vey goyim if you don't want to pay extra, just grind for 6000000 hours to unlock it otherwise
>people get pissed
>oy vey anotha shoah
I think this whole fiasco is really showing who is and isn't a leftist cuck
i've seen a weird amount of people encouraging government regulation in the vidya industry recently
>Execs make terrible decisions
>Company loses money
>Lower level employees lose their jobs with no fault of their own
>Execs come out unharmed once everyone forgets
>Sup Forums defends these people
>pensions for the elderly
but no not really. They are the generation that fucked over most of the current world so I dont really care.
How are big publishers like ea able to buy up and dismantle every studio? At what point do anti trust laws come into effect?
Don't mess with MY MONEY faggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>not buying something that's shit is economic terrorism
Why are all capitalists brainlet bootlickers for the nearest corporation they can find?
What's your solution then corporate cuck? Force people to buy a bad game? Please off yourself
Reminds me of when Iwata paid out of pocket for some of Nintendo's failures
Mandela was a war mongering monster .
good I hope everyone at EA loses their jobs and company shuts down forever. The world will be a better place.
>lol if you don't like it, don't but it
>Vote with your wallet
it would be interesting. Most of the dice employees are really skilled and make above average games. Chances are high, with them staying together, make a startup company.
it's one thing to fuck with gaming companies, but the fact that now there's gambling being implicated into Disney games means that Disney is gonna ream out EA for the loss of sales because of gambling/loot crates.
Not to mention all the people who are now on a tirade against gambling, shitty customer service from them, and now, the false-flagging of games being ''underpriced'' by analysts.
>release fifa 18 holiday edition
>ronaldo and messy now have collectable santa hats
>stock rises by 15%
>At what point do anti trust laws come into effect?
Which is why we need government intervention. The entire industry is shady.
Oh wow down by one measly point
Time to buy that dip I suppose.
>t-this is good
Sup Forums Poorfags and piratefags central
pls, you can't stop it, keep crying, i'm pretty sure the lootboxes will stopped by your tears, not only you are denying people that work for it their money, but also want to pirate their games too, go to be a piratescum elsewhere.
>be low level employee at FuckyouGames
>get fired to no fault at my own
>find other job
Wow that was difficult
except in reality reddit was trying to get the government to step in and ban lootboxes
Losing 1% isnt significant unless you have invested like 1 mil or more, and if that's the case you still have like 990k so why should you give a fuck.
I mean, Achmed did pretty much demolish the status quo of the 70s, 80s, and 90s with three little hijackings.
>Thousands of jobs are going to be lost
Good. Maybe other companies will learn their lesson and not embrace greed so fucking much. Also fuck off OP, I understand you're being paid to shill here, but you need to tell your boss that this is the wrong site to do it. There are only autistic manchildren here.
Read the post dumbass, he's condemning the execs, not defending them
Maybe EA should've stopped being so entitled
>falling for the reddit hate meme
2011 called, they want your forced meme back. EA are fucks. Stop whining about reddit for once
This is the post of a "m-muh capitalism mothafucka" fag when it doesn't end up working for him
Hopefully you lose your job at EA friendo. Make sure to jump off a floor high enough
>implying any actual capitalist would be angry at this
If anything, it'd be some dumb fucking leftist getting angry at the market response to a shitty game and wanting to government to intervene to shore up their job.
Alternatively millions of people would have been preyed upon in lieu of purchasing what they thought was a "complete product".
It's been a long time coming EA was on the opposing end of the financial bleed. You are only defending leeches at this point.
Every one knows the true victims of this debacle are DICE (excluding Criterion), but they knew exactly what they were getting into when they were purchased by EA in 2004. They have had 13 years to see the state of their father company's despicably greedy interests entrench into their products through Battlefield already.
Stop shilling for these snakes.
>hurr durr buy my bags
fuck off pajeet, just stop buying shitcoins
1% in 5 days in a company as big as EA is a lot.
stopping apartheid, slavery, and the nazis were all objectively bad things
>Get laid off at EA
>Never find work again because your resume is now poison because 1) you were laid off and 2) you worked for EA
Of course you wouldn't know since you've never had a job
Not your personal army faggot
Eat a bag of dicks
>Get fired from FuckyouGames
>Find a new job that is most likely better in every way possible.
In its own ass-backwards kind of way this is doing them a favor.
subterfuge and crooked deals, mostly. John Spaghettios got EA by doing shady deals with the Doctors to sell out to some company John Ravioli ran which immediately sold bioware out into EA's hands, and John Boyardee getting himself a PROMOTION to the top of the EA totem pole.
1% isn't a big deal by itself. 1% down in 5 days is a crisis.
>Madden sales plateaued around when they got the NFL exclusivity.
Are are these corporate shills coming from EA?
Neither terrorism nor occultism have ever impacted history in any constructive way.
Tell that to the people who made fidget spinners and fucking hoverboards, they're irrelevant as fuck now and nobody gives a shit. Just like ea has been irrelevant to all but the lowest of mouthbreathers for ages
Yep. I cannot imagine anyone shilling EA unironically, the amount of stupid required in a person's mind would probably form a black hole due to the sheer, unimaginable density.