So Sup Forums, net neutrality is going to end in December. How will this effect vidya?
So Sup Forums, net neutrality is going to end in December. How will this effect vidya?
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smaller multiplayer games who cant afford isp extortion will fail
Good luck trying to buy a gamer package with stingy ISPs, while also paying for Nintendo, PS Plus, and XBox Live.
What's worse is that AT&T is trying to merge with Time Warner. So we already know customers are going to see a massive pricehike if that happens. Luckily the Department of Justice is finally stepping in to prevent an even more bloated monopoly.
All that will happen is that Soyboys at Google and Facebook will have to actually pay for their fair share of internet usage.
>Luckily the Department of Justice is finally stepping in to prevent an even more bloated monopoly.
Really? Care to elaborate?
Imagine paying for PS+ twice except now everyone will have to pay for it at least once regardless of platform.
Hopefully no more Americans in online games.
Not happening in my country, sorry bro.
Won't matter, everyone who grew up with the internet and remembered how it was and what it could be are now oldfag 25+ like me.
Newkids and even newerkids, as evidenced by the influx of faggots the last 5-10 years shows clearly that people are growing up believing the shitfest of an internet we have right now is actually good.
Kids will be born in a time when the internet is completely locked up, and they'll be fine with it because they won't have known any other.
This entire generations thinking of "it's fine, fuck the future" is going to bite itself in the ass when they're all 40 year old white people living in a brown world that won't pay their pension and ritually hunts and murders them like whites in South Africa
>am 25
I'm not old, stop.
I thought time Warner merged with charter already.
>like me
Thanks, I needed the laugh.
President 46 (or 47 if Trump is impeached before 2020) would bring back net neutrality day 1 in office
Why was this whole post done just to complain about blacks? Also whites are less than 1% of the homicidal rates and more black farmers died than white farmers. If you wanna complain about blacks make another thread.
Why do you guys vote for republicans again? Don't you ever get tired of taking corporate ass poundings?
Democrats are honestly in the pockets of cable companies too. Less than Repubs, but still bribe-able.
>eternal september fags calling themselves oldfags
Both sides suck corporate kike dick like there is no tomorrow, don't delude yourself into thinking either of them give a shit about you.
Social conservatives are universally the stupidest portion of any country's population.
So, should I download my 400 steam games before this happens?
Like the dems are any different
Yeah but rallying for net neutrality would be a good point to run on.
They're suing to block the merger like it fucking matters at this point, it's already a trust system at this point thanks to endless deregulation
i believe the dept of justice told at&t they have to sell off their other cable holdings if they want to acquire time warner. they got flak because people think it's the trump camp trying to punish cnn, but even if that's true it's an important move to prevent a monopoly.
Doesn't this only affect americans?
As a leaf, should I be worried?
Clinton was shady so the democrats and independents stayed home in 2016 and trump won by about 50000 votes across 3 states.
>Kids will be born in a time when the internet is completely locked up
It's still like the wild west, you just need to go farther west. The internet was never protected by the constitution, net neutrality doesn't really effect you at all. It's just ISPs and bloated silicon valley conglomerates flinging shit at each other. From a moral standpoint it makes more sense to end it, though. The government shouldn't be enabling places like netflix to essentially fuck over ISPs and pass on costs to consumers who don't even use their services.
As a BRHUE, I'm worried too.
That's already happening to a degree with anti net neutrality dems getting shamed by midterm changers
Burgers only
I said 25 + retard. I'm 29.
Will somebody in Silicon Valley pay to have this guy killed already? If it's so easy to have people killed like people say the Clintons do HOW the fuck is this guy still alive?
According to congressional voting records they sure as hell are. And when did obamas fcc appointments try to kill let neutrality? God this board is full of fucking retards
They kinda are tho.
Far from perfect but still better.
>implying there's a difference between the parties
So what are you guys going to do once the internet dies?
Fuck man, I don't want to watch TV.
The internet is the least of your worries cancuck.
Canada doesn't even have real 'net neutrality.'
>he still thinks there aren't parts of the internet that are untouched
Although things are worse now then they where even 5 years ago you can still get drugs online, torrent till your hearts contend and have a bunch of illegal stuff done without the government watching you. You just have to know how not to be stupid. stupid
TIME to pirate everything worth pirating before they are able to enforce piracy laws online for the first time ever en masse?
At least we'll be free. More time to play videogames.
Not video games
>download all my favorite music beforehand
>go outside and live free of the internet
The current CRTC and federal government is pro-net neutrality as of right now, so it will only affect us if it leads to precedent for government officials to give into lobbying in the future.
because you dont own a gun
what a reddit post
All of your favorite online games are going to fucking die next month. Give us a goddamn break.
>what do you hate about america
>i hate people who say bay and claim to be woke
I'm looking forward to downloading a virus that absolutely wrecks my computer, then suing the everloving SHIT out of the telecoms for letting me download viruses over their internet.
nice reddit spacing
Shut the fuck up.
I'm going to laugh when Net Neutrality dies, and absolutely nothing changes.
>The government shouldn't be enabling places like netflix to essentially fuck over ISPs and pass on costs to consumers who don't even use their services.
What the fuck are you talking about? ISPs were illegally throttling service from Netflix, while also getting Netflix to pay them billions to do their damn jobs. Then turning around and using it for an excuse to raise bills.
...would that actually work?
why not
Feels good not to be an Americuck
Republicans love him. Obama appointed him as a favor to Mitch mcconnell and now Trump has made him chairman specifically to deregulate the internet as much as possible before Reps likely lose their senate majority next year
Talking about the internet and its politics is tertiary at best, user.
>Doesn't this only affect americans?
no, if backbone providers can shape bandwidth and poison routes because they want you to use them instead of the competition, or pay more, it affects everyone that routes through america (so it affects everyone, period)
>Don't worry user, we're just getting rid of these fire safety regulations because it will benefit you!
Fuck you, you dehumanizing piece of shit.
not as likely as you may think considering the DNC's collapsing while Sup Forums somehow remains.
>No more porn unless I pay extra
>No more access to information unless I pay extra
>No more access to games unless I pay extra
>No more access to sites that organize events for non-normie interests unless I pay extra
>No more access to online purchasing options which are usually cheaper unless I pay extra.
I’m honestly kinda terrified. So much of my life revolves around the Internet that dropping it cold turkey will be a huge adjustment.
I’m scared, Sup Forums
As much as I'd love for it to happen, there's no way Dems are getting a majority in 2018, the map is fucked for them
House is more probable
shut up, stormfag
lol, sounds like someone got their internet in late 2006.
Kill yourself, you greedy kike.
It's honestly hilarious how deluded everyday Republicans are. They genuinely think their representatives give a fuck about the Constitution, morals, or helping people.
US conservatives are some of the worst people on Earth. They have no moral compass and will screw over anyone for money. The FCC destroying net neutrality has nothing to do with helping the country, it's just to benefit big telecom companies.
>there's no way Dems are getting a majority in 2018, the map is fucked for them
It's a merry-go-round. Democrats change nothing, everyone votes in Republicans. Republicans do nothing, everyone votes in Democrats.
In the past, we'd see some feign of change. Now it doesn't happen, so people are constantly being voted out.
I was visiting Verizon for work and they literally gave us a sales pitch on how they can we can buy their users' data. This was illegal until recently.
I don't know why people think the carriers won't fuck them over when they regularly admit they will.
Your private life is not private as long as business is a priority. Regulation is literally the one thing holding them back from doing this shit.
Doomguy is small time
thanks :)
nothing will happen for awhile but give it time and it will creep in slowly but surely. Its just like this loot box business. its been around for awhile and is slowly getting worse until finally some people woke up and bitched about it. But in the end it won't matter and it will be back in some other form.
Amerilards and Drumpf are the stupidest fucking shits.
Same here. I know I'm going to lose my fucking mind.
Wasn't net neutrality supposed to end 10 years ago?
Isn't Sup Forums hosted in america?
I hope it isn't affected by this...
I can guarantee that this is going to push every major service provider away from the United States. They're going to leap from their California HQs and either move to Canada or some European bigshot country.
Well at least Trump is president and he's going to make it slightly shittier for niggers.
That's all that matters right guys?
Based weedman
wow what video game are you talking about
>comcast will give up the chance the make more money
Enjoy your future, burger. This will be the last time you get to post on Sup Forums. No ISP will offer the racist anime website in their packages.
Another glorious victory for capitalism.
So many commies in this thread, are we being raided? Stop being poor, as Milo would say. Eat shit, niggers.
Nothing leftists have done has ever helped the country.
>let's import massive amounts of alien peoples who don't speak our language or share our values and tear up the constitution because we consider it to be outdated and we want to silence any opposition to our agenda
You've made your bed Sup Forums, now lie on it.
Obama was constantly fighting to maintain it. Then Trump came into office and it was one of the first things to go.
If I were ISP, I would just invent some bullshit to create an internet plan only for gamers.
Actual regular internet speed & ping with 4 times the price, only for steam and origin.
If there are no net neutrality, what would stop me?
All this is doing is pushing the same greedy corporations away from a country that constantly aims for profit by charging everybody more. No wonder the fucking Chinks are rising in power when we keep freeloading them every single thing that's valuable within this country.
>muh boomers
Like the following generations aren't going to rack up their own list of stupid bullshit that will be comparable in size, if not longer.
>Why was this whole post done just to complain about blacks?
Because this is now Sup Forums - Identity Politics
>forgetting the other half of Sup Forums, being straight up unironic fascists
Fucking BASED