Let's settle this once and for all.
Should the classes and specs be balanced or should it be released exactly like vanilla in terms of balance?
Let's settle this once and for all.
Should the classes and specs be balanced or should it be released exactly like vanilla in terms of balance?
pure vanilla servers with separate optional ones for balance changes.
>Vanilla server or fun server
How is this even a debate?
Classes should be balanced, but meta shitters will fiercely defend their broken classes
Fuck off ret-tard
I feel they should balance the classes/specs.
But not to the point where it's "bring the player, not the class/spec". It should be "every spec has a use, bring the right spec". Because if I need a fucking hunter with tranq shot, I get one.
Not "oh oh my mage can do it! So can my friend's rogue! And so can my tranny e-gf!!!!" And have a trio of retarded fucks.
I want good players. Good players who know how to fucking play.
I want vanilla to be vanilla. I want to see people about how they couldn't fucking take Zal's head at level 8. Nigger, you're level 8, the quest mob is like level fucking 12, there are 6 of them.
They should be fixed but purists like their formula. If you change it they'll kick and scream like they're still 13.
I play a paladin, the kind with 30 second seals and 5 min blessings. I STILL think the server should be pure.
Keep classes the same, add new/unused content imo
Why are Blizzdrones so fucking retarded?
You mean the kind with "cast seal, auto attack once, recast seal".
Stuff like that? Make it more quality of life. Change it so it has like a minute duration and infinite attacks.
I still want it to be like vanilla. But I want some QoL updates on certain classes.
Like finally fucking changing it so void walkers never resist shadow damage anymore for the warlock quest
holy shit i hate it already
balance is where it began all those years ago
but you
you are too young to remember
and i am too old to be bothered
*shuffles away*
Imagine if they pushed TBC back a year, they would still balance classes in that time. Class balancing was literally part of vanilla, it only stopped when TBC was released.
No. Anyone who wants class balance isn't a fan of Vanilla and should just play retail. Period.
Suggest some faggy QoL change? Just play retail.
Play retail
This doesn't sound like a bad idea really. Vanilla had some real weird shit like that.
Personally I'm hoping crafting gathering gets tweaked to be less
>Long as fuck leveling process
>Shit payoff unless you're Enchanter
My first character was Druid and it's my favorite class. Would it be neat if Feral and Boomkin were viable raiding specs? Well, sure. Do I want them to do that? Absolutely not, because if they do that people on reddit and blizz forums would cry until all the classes are homogenized again, I guarantee it. Keep vanillla pure.
Pretty much the only balance changes I'd be ok with is tweaking the numbers a bit so that Warrior isn't the only tank
vanilla had over 60 class balance changes, there is no reason for that to stop into the future
There's already 4 types of servers.
having classic vs balanced servers brings it up to 8...
Don't use shadow spells on void walkers.
It's an RPG game faggot. Not every class should have the same tools and handle the same situations the same way. Choices make an RPG and the idea of a competitive RPG is counterintuitive to designing unique classes that handle situations differently.
>people have different opinions
This question killed Old School Runescape.
Legion general in on /vg/
How about you just cry and ask Blizz to do progression servers as that will net you the changes that you want.
>t. warrior
in b4 the pasta
alchemy, easy AH
tailor, selling 16s bags all fucking day
enchanting, spamming trade because there's no work
mining, AH masters
skinning, vendor masters
bs, AH mass consumers
engineering, actually nothing worth selling on AH. select toys worth having in wsg or wpvp
enchanting is actually kind of lame. little reward at the end, decent gold maker, semi useful to a guild but over saturated market.
just s a y i n
>Vanilla should stay vanilla!
>Should the classes and specs be balanced or should it be released exactly like vanilla in terms of balance?
just run with what the private servers have been doing, since theres a history there and the people who started crying out for classic were playing on that version anyway.
Hybrids aren't super optimal for raids, but you have the flexibility whilst levelling, or doing pvp etc, so tough shit. The game is the way it is, if you roll a class knowing you aren't going to be able do a role you want then you set yourself up for failure - dont be a hipster
Literally the only thing i can think of that i'd want changing is Ignore being an option without mods, modern script language for macros, and mobs in raids to drop soul shards so you dont have to fucking drop raid and go farm them mid raid
>classic crew thinks the world is going to magically revert to 2005 where their only pressure in life is school and everything in wow is going to be new, fresh and exciting and everyone will be helpful because they're all learning
>not realizing they're going to be steamrolled by the hardcore nostalrius neets who have been obsessing over classic gear/specs for years and it's still going to be 2018
why even
might aswell have hired the new team to develop a completely new mmo
>I want banilla to be Legion-lite! wan ret paliden!!!!
retail cuck
This is only a discussion because people are fucking stupid. Anyone asking for changes is wrong. Classic is not being made for you. I watched the Q&A Ion did a few days ago and, even though they didn't talk about Classic, Ion said, "we know Vanilla means Vanilla". They aren't changing shit. They are just deciding on which patch they launch the game with because the game changed over the course of 2 years. Blizz knows that only retards want changes that weren't in original Vanilla.
It should be the same. Probably just releasing it with 1.12.1 balance.
There's several reasons for this. Mostly that Blizzard can't be trusted to make only positive changes, but also because there's literally no way you can get people to agree on a single set of changes. Satisfying purists is easy, just make it exactly as it was. Satisfying people who want changes is impossible, because there will always be changes they didn't want, or no changes where they wanted them.
Also because if you really desperately need balance changes and updates and new content, Blizzard already has an MMO which provides that.
>B-but that's not what I want
That's what you'll get if you let them make changes to vanilla. The entire point of wanting classic is acknowledging that Blizzard don't know what the fuck they're doing.
yeah but the nos neets will be distilled between eu, aus and na servers. i don't think all of the servers will be nearly as competitive. plus, we don't even know what the pop cap will look like. could be 1/4th of that before you hit the queue.
i agree that they should have moved on. but it was still making $. they missed the classic hype by three years, it's a fucking joke now. paying how much per month? for cross realm bg shit again? NO MAAM
>Warriors are the best tanks uncontested and have two of the top DPS specs
>For some reason is not considered a hybrid and subject to some arbitrary hybrid tax
sup yall its me its ya boy asmongold
>vanilla is too hard for me
>give me flying
>give me group finder
>give me raid finder
>give me heirlooms
t. ret paladin
Right, I'm just going to kill this thread with my shitty copy pasta.
warrior was always an easy kill unless it had a healslut. the only class that had it rough v warrior was rogue and priests with no cd's.
that's the hybrid part- pvp all about burst, warriors just get nuked and kited by everyone. pve does not matter to anyone important
It was in retail for the first few weeks.
It was a bug carried over from beta that I reported.
No, crafting should be a fucking effort.
Not "hey, play for few hours and boom magical enchanter".
At the time of the quest, all you had was immolation, an imp and shadow bolt. I had to video myself for ten minutes straight (while a warrior at level 40 taunted non-stop) attacking some mobs until they decided to change it.
Should begin on patch 1.1 and slowly progress to 1.12 because doing early game content like MC and BWL with 1.12 talents and gear trivializes everything.
There is no point in having RP servers as classic had extremely limited RP functionality compared to retail. No RPer will play such an old game where you can't customize the look of your character at all, and all the ERPers only care about the Goldshire Inn anyways which is exactly the same in retail as it was in Classic so what's the point then?
They are balanced though. Each class has its niche role that it fulfills. All old school MMOs were balanced in this way. You might not like that you are pigeonholed into a single role, but that doesn't make it wrong or bad.
>pve does not matter to anyone important
Prophet warns of demons, only the orcs believed him, orcs leave and make new friends and enemies, meanwhile human prince and Ex-GF investigate a plague, turns out it's undead, shit gets real for the prince as he learns how the plague of undeath is spreading, because of his hot headedness him and his mentor clash when he decides to burn a whole town, also the real leader behind the undead is a demon, his mentor and Ex-GF abandon him to murder zombies by him self, he succeeds in his task of wrecking the town but is so angry he follows the demon to an obvious trap on a frozen continent, long story short he killed said demon but falls under control of the real bad guy(a dead orc who's working with the demons) meanwhile the Prophet convinces Ex-GF to evacuate as many people as she can and head in the same direction as the orcs, the prodigal prince returns and exterminates his old kingdom, and the elves with the help of a cult leader he had killed, he then fucks up a mage city and summons the CEO of E.A. and the demons promptly forget about the undead prince and friends. Shenanigans and misunderstandings ensue and are resolved as every one who listened to the prophet now do their best to defend against demon dick, they succeed and kill the CEO of EA. An edgelord beta gets rewarded with banishment and his tsundere lesbian waifu chases after him as he enacts more shenanigans. With the demon dicking defeated the undead prince rebels against his demon masters at the behest of his dead orc master, meanwhile the elves are in a sorry state and are hating life serving a racist who didn't put points into diplomacy, the edgelord beta helps the elves accomplish a difficult task and the racist dude spergs out on them for it, so they join up with the edgelord and leave the planet for a demon infested world that the edgelord thought would be a good idea to hide in. Will continue in the next post keystrokes keystrokes keystrokes keystrokes keystrokes keystrokes keystrokes ke
(let's go softlies)
Warriors are the only Hybrid. The other classes had 3 or more choices for their tax.
>he doesn't realize in vanilla there was more to do endgame then raid
Beware the Legion-poster by this mark
No, I just want Panda women
Turns out it wasn't such a good idea to hide from demons on a demon infested world and the edgelord beta and friends are cornered and forced to do the bidding to the demon's second in command, the CEO of Activision, so the edgelord beta goes back to the world that was just saved and tries to fire a lazor at the home of the undead prince's dead orc master, turns out the edgelord beta has shit aim and damaged the world pissing off his preposterously alpha brother and subsequently gets chased off. Meanwhile the undead prince gets a splitting migraine and a message from his dead orc master to come home, of course he listens and leaves some bitch he killed and his cult leader friend in charge, it turns out that beta edgelord is going to give the dead orc master a lesson in why the handicapped don't get into fist fights with ambulatory retards and it's up to the undead prince to stop him, the undead prince puts the beta in his place and chases him off, he then vulcan mind melds with his dead orc master, while that was happening the dead bitch that he left in charge realizes she has freewill again and she stages a coup allying with a racist, an ogre, and demon in the process.
The End, you are now caught up to vanilla
that is why laintime was so important
he was a solo warrior being the hero everyone wanted so hard to be, when 99.998% of pvp warriors got actually shit on without a healslut. search your heart, you know it true
The aforementioned market will not be saturated on retail servers.
The economics of private servers are different from retail. Everyone knows this.
Start with mid-late vanilla balance then after a while balance as they would have anyway if vanilla didn't end.
hm, i don't know. i didn't play past 2007 desu. played a few classics since. that post was always my experience
>We know Vanilla means Vanilla
Annnnnd I'm sold on classic.
The only specialization I can think of off the top of my head that has absolutely no value in any part of vanilla is deep boomkin. sometimes world pvper druids will spec into balance to pump up their wraths, but beyond that full boomkin isnt even a joke spec, its just a flat out nonexistent spec in vanilla.
The classes are already balanced by around patch 1.9. The word you are looking for is equalized and/or homogenized.
Vanilla shouldn't stop at patch 1.12.1 but keep on going to p 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, etc. New dungeons, New raids, New class balances, Bug fixing, New itemization balance, etc, everything vanilla should have been in 2006 If they did not throw all time/ressources into their next dogshit expansion.
in that case - no, you're trolling, enchanters never had a hard time finding work. I don't know what realm you played on back then, but I'm sorry.
Too bad they're calling it classic wow and not vanilla wow, you spastic.
No ones stopping you from leveling and doing some pvp with boomkin
It's just that you won't get into any raids with it. Not every spec has to be good.
No way, I like the ladies.
>Probably won't get the "kill two dwarves" joke back
what exactly were balance druids balanced for? what roll did they fill? dungeons? no. raids? no battlegrounds? no. world pvp? no.
There is nothing even wrong with class balance in vanilla. Every single class is good in PvP and in PvE.
The people who say "the balance is bad" are retards who think a Druid should be able to tank as good as a warrior, heal as good as a priest, and DPS as good as a rogue.
>B-BUT I wanna play a ret paladin and do DPS as good as a rogue!!
shut up, ret paladin is already very strong in pvp, borderline overpowered. And your holy spec is one of the strongest healers in the game. And your prot spec is amazing for gold farming in Stratholme runs, literally better tank than a warrior.
They shouldn't be but all those dumbasses who play shamans will cry infinite tears.
Survival Hunter is probably worse than Boomkin. Melee hunter was just the worst meme imaginable but I can understand why people would want to do it.
you'd just pm your guildie and give him mats dude
(tips appreciated) at the end of every spam
everyone had a buddy that had crusaders or sp etc, that's my point. i said decent gold because ah souls
>All of these will have different names in WoW Classic
Were enhancement shamans ever viable?
unfinished, under-tuned spec.
And it's not the only one, Enhance shamans were supposed to be tanks, and look how that turned out.
Vanilla was a mess, and so is retail. You couldn't pay me to go back to WoW.
>Let's settle this once and for all.
Its already settled, its going to be 1.0 original release.
You have to be a complete fucking moron to think otherwise. Regardless of what happens Blizzard has to port/remake WoW as it was before anything else happens. They will release that 1.0, either as a beta or as the official launch then decide if they do progression or alternative.
you could pull off some cool 1 macro shit with survival hunters but super rare yep.
pure arcane mage could do some cool shit in raids too, but also rare because no one liked getting ganked and not having all those tools in 21 fire or frost. some specs wooped ass but had little versatility
You had the obligatory raid enh shaman for Windfury totem
Only retarded shitbirds thought Survival was MUH MELEE spec. It had insane value for lategame raiding due to its 15% bonus Agility talent.
thas the most pathetic fucking response ive ever seen. no, they were way way worse than just bad. they were fucking worthless. no, you couldnt reasonably level as balance not that it matters because leveling doesnt justify the existence of a spec alone, and you would get the shit kicked out of you in pvp if you went 31 in balance.
every spec deserves to have some place where they can at least survive. balance druids had no place in either pvp or pve.
Did you expect to just be a warlock that could shift out of roots, cast heals, have mail-equivalent armor and fucking stealth?
The funny thing is, they're totally fine for all of those things you mentioned. Run the math and you'll find that starfire does similar DPS to frostbolt, lagging just slightly behind at most gear levels but scaling better with crit because of nature's grace. They're not going to beat DS/ruin warlocks with shadoweaving or ignite rolling mages, but what can you possibly expect? The class can literally do everything.
Stop with this meme, leave it at the same patch Nost did and don't fucking BREATHE on it, much less touch it for the next three years.
Until Naxx is out, don't touch fucking anything.
After that point, small changes can be discussed with the community in regards to balance and future content.
jesus faggot christ you are so disgustingly stupid. no one is saying that whatsoever you cocksucking cumdrinking strawmanning retard. we're saying every specialization should have some sort of purpose that justifies its existence and balance has absolutely nothing.
>shut up, ret paladin is already very strong in pvp, borderline overpowered
the real question is
cross realm bg's or not?
imo that's what matters. shit was personal. it got real personal.
Balance/resto hybrid is the best druid pvp spec in the game.
My guild on Light's Hope brings boomkin druid to raid sometimes. They're not useless, you get a 3% spell crit bonus. And guess what, not EVERY guild is a super tryhard min-max guild! Vanilla content isn't hard, you don't have to completely minmax every single raid spot to clear it.
I'd rather the spec be moderately okay at something at it's best rather than moderately shit at everything except getting it's ass kicked.
You literally don't know how to play Boomkin or Ret if you say they have no place.
I bet you'd stack Strength on the latter too like a wannabe Warrior cuck.
Every spec DOES have a purpose that justifies its existence, you are a moron who thinks every spec needs to have a raidspot in end game raiding, when they do not.
If you balance the classes the entire game is suddenly broken and none of the raids work
Such a shame that Blizz wouldn't even attempt to do a two handed tank until WotLK.
Doesn't every video game in existence have low tier characters? Aren't there people who play said low tier characters on purpose?
>not EVERY guild is a super tryhard min-max guild!
Oh, shoot, you're right. All the other ones are just standard tryhard min-max guilds.
They literally had shields.
proof positive right here that rogues are massively overpowered and counter everything. paladins need buffs
i expect every specialization to have something to justify its existence.
>The funny thing is, they're totally fine for all of those things you mentioned.
thats funny, because the entire playerbase from vanilla disagrees with you and would spit on any balance druid that wanted to tag along for any purpose whatsoever.
>lagging just slightly behind at most gear levels
what fucking gear levels? balance doesnt have gear you fucking retard.
>The class can literally do everything.
yea and a foot can do everything a hand can, right? except balance is a foot that cant walk either.