Can someone remind me why her tit size matters?

Can someone remind me why her tit size matters?

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Anime tiddies

Because aside from her tits she doesn't have anything going on for her and her influence on Cloud has been mostly destructive.

Why should it be changed? She's fine how she is. And big anime tiddies are nice. I enjoy them, so there that's why. Big anime tiddies sell.

Are you breastofobic?

Because it was the artist's choice, a written part of the character (Orthopedic Underwear), and fuck you and anyone else for questioning that, goddamn.

because feminist don't like attractive women

What is she gonna be like in the remake?

because its why she got popular
mainstream giant tits are the best

I just want big titties, not huge flabby cow udders. D cup is perfect.

Because it pisses off screeching land whales, thats why

Every character has defining characteristics, if you think of tifa you think of tits, if you change that then it really isn't tifa anymore.

>not realizing that she saved the damn world by choosing to wait to tell Cloud shit

Not that she could plan it better, but still.

As shallow as it is, she is remembered more for her big tits rather than her punching shit. To erase something that a majority of people remember fondly is an acknowledgment that the people remaking the game would rather play it safe in today’s market than to their creative ideals. The idea that a game having a big titted woman who is in love with the MC is viewed by naysayers as wish fulfillment and an example of sexism in video games. Which while true should not be viewed as wrong. People play games to escape the normality of their life as well as experience something new. To ask the game creators to not make a character attractive is sexism in itself because you are now establishing parameters of what attractive is. So yes they can make tifas tits smaller and it probably won’t change anything in the game but it would be telling the older fans that their tastes are perceived as shameful

It's never made into a huge deal in the game, but a few scenes do bring attention to it. It's made a pretty concrete facet of her character by little scenes like Cloud's flashback when he snoops in her dresser, or when Yuffie calls Tifa "boobs" before she knows her name.

Besides this, why is it wrong for her to have larger breasts? If the intent is to give her a more "realistic" body, then what message are you sending to women who do have larger breasts? Should they be shamed for having such "unrealistic" knockers? Honestly, just leave her alone. It wasn't a big deal in the original, and it doesn't need to be a big deal now.

Let’s be honest here people. Would you really be mad if they decided to make Tifa DFC instead ?

They don't like them generalized in the media. I mean let's be honest there are a lot of guys that do value women almost only for their looks and sexuality. And they do so in many contexts.
Seems to be even worse in vidyas because the cute girls are interactive and thus more real in a way, even though they're virtual. Some of those feminists push things way too far. They just ascribe the worst motives and mindset to everyone who would enjoy that. Maybe some of them feel like the guys playing the games don't "deserve" the "attention" of fucking virtual characters kek.
To them there's a sexist "message" to all of these things. It's a sort of sexist decision that the patriarchy has taken to oppress women.
In reality it's just supply and demand. Men like these things. And this doesn't necessarily have anything to do with how they view real women. Most guys would love the female characters to be more developed (if it's not all BS meant to aggravate them) and to empathize with them. I mean you could sort of start feeling close to Tifa in FF7. There's a reason people still obsess over her. It wasn't all that much but still.
There's demand for that because men tend to enjoy retreating into these fantasies more than women, for many reasons.

That would be fucking terrible.


She’s a girl, why wouldn’t it matter?

TL;DR: REEEEEEEE stop having waifus!

What if they made her getting a breast reduction surgery a big part of the plot?
While cloud has to get a breast augmentation surgery for an extended cross dressing segment.

Nah waifus are great.
But there's no need to generalize and mischaracterize what feminists are saying.
Lots of them are being insane about this though.

underage pretend she's a good character just because of her boobs

Because they are the only thing she has going for her. Or were really, since there are a lot of superior cows now days.

>Aranea has big titties and Cidney is literally sex bait
>Sup Forums actually thinks they give a fuck about sjw

If tifa gets smaller titties is because Nomura chose so just like Advent.

Doesn't matter though, game is never releasing.

Not particularly I guess. I still have fond memories of her. It was a long time ago though.
It's how you imagined her to be like for a lot of people. You spent a lot of time "with" her and with the low res graphics, odd translations and japanese autism it wasn't always clear what was going on with her. So your mind fills in the blanks.


That why FF7 was love by her utter strength for fighting with those on.

Because they piss off sjws, which is endlessly amusing.

Wait Tifa is japanese?

She's white. AC just made everyone chinky. Even Barrett looks like an old japanese dude.

the power of a woman is determined by the size of her tits

During her fight with the big not-Sephiroth he pulls her top and it's clear it has padding in it.
Even retains the boob shape. Her tits are much smaller.

It is a protagonist delima , she is guns gf .
Never yours.
Even after yours dies.
She is all ways better, and never yours , even after he dies.

Design matters in games. Slim fit girls with sleek hair and big tits are attractive.

If I wanted to play as an ugly character I'd play a bioware game.


Why does her hair colour matter?
Why does her eye colour matter?
Why does her height matter?
Why does her fighting style matter?
Why does her personality matter?
Why does her backstory matter?

What if Remake Tifa has the biggest tits she's ever had and has full jiggle physics?

You still fap to this video, don't you?

Her tits are still fucking huge like they've always been.

I have no idea how this a thing on Sup Forums to this day.

>wh*te women

Source on pic? Also they aren't as big as in the original.


That image goes as car back as 2009, that isn't for the remake you fucking idiot.

There's another pic with white guys saying an asian athlete probably has a small dick because he had women fawning over him. It's not just white women, it's white people. There's something seriously wrong with them.

No one cares what you thin, Jamal.

literally in AC during the opening flashback.

i'm just a nigga who loves big ass titties

Some women feel self-conscious about their small tits but it's NOWHERE near as bad as say a guy being short. They need to chill. Society definitively coddles women too much.

>you will never titfuck Tifa

>Picture of a white woman with a black man

>Picture of a black woman with a white man

Allowing niggers to continue existing was a mistake.

>you will never watch Tifa getting titfucked by Barett
why even live

Nope I watch huge tits Tifa fuck a really long dick

>If the intent is to give her a more "realistic" body, then what message are you sending to women who do have larger breasts? Should they be shamed for having such "unrealistic" knockers?

Don't act like you give a fuck about body-shaming or the feelings of women, you pretentious fuck. Just admit that it's because people want to fap to her tits.

If you actually ever played, there is a moment in the game where her tits save her from falling off a cliff. You can't expect itty bitty titty Tifa to live long with mosquito bites.

>you will never watch Barett stretch Tifa's pussy with his arm gun and then stretch it even more with his yuge dick
why even live


Go take your medication, Grandpa. You're being retarded again.

>i-is there something wrong with my tits?
You know before you guys started this shit she probably never even thought about it much and now she might feel bad. I hope you're happy with yourselves.

I think she should wear a burka to please both sides, that way we don't know how big they are.

This is not the right pic for this. Anyone has pics where Tifa is self-conscious about her tits or something like this?

They don't. Just as long as they're not bigger than her head, cause at that point it gets ridiculous.

>entire character only rememberd for her titts
>all these years and nothing but titts come up when talking about Tifa

They're taking extra long to show her or Aeris because they know that if there's even one hair out of place on them, all of Square-Enix is getting murdered.

I mean, I guess. If it fits her character.
And it doesn't. Tifa's fairly conservative.

As for Cloud, don't be ridiculous, he'd just use inserts.

>Orthopedic Underwear

Oh my god, I had completely forgotten about that. Wow. Cloud rifles through Tifa's drawers and finds that.

Is Tifa the ONLY videogame girl to have back problems from her giant udders? I certainly can't think of another one.


I don't care about body shaming. I'm just playing their game.


Well shit what is there to say? She had a distinct pretty strong personality and she was well used in the story. She was your childhood friend who remembered you before what was done to you and made you this way. And that becomes really important. It's frankly pretty emotional at times. She's there for the whole adventure and she's super important in it and you can sort of date her. So I don't think people who have played the game remember her only for her tits. It was pretty well done. Just not the most interesting female character ever or the most empowered or whatever. And there were technical and budget limitations trying to do these kind of things at the time. They were already putting a lot of resources on developing these characters.

>Besides this, why is it wrong for her to have larger breasts? If the intent is to give her a more "realistic" body, then what message are you sending to women who do have larger breasts? Should they be shamed for having such "unrealistic" knockers?

The answer is, they should, because the real motive for all this bitching is jealousy. Every single woman ever who complains about the appearance of a videogame girl sees her as her competitor. They will totally do the same to real women, in fact they'll be even more bitter about it. 'Cause it's not about realism or body-shaming or any of that shit, it's simply that they're jealous as fuck that somebody (real or fake) looks better than them. That's all this has ever been about.

I don't think the English version had a picture of that.


Try again.

Black men don't give a fuck who black women are with ya silly little snow nigger.

Supposedly the best compliment you can give a woman is that she looks better than another woman. Not "you're cute to me" or "lol don't worry about it I like how you look" or whatever. No it's gotta be "you're prettier than so and so". Dunno if "you have one more dimension than Tifa, anime girls literally cannot compete" would do it. I'd feel bad about lying though.

>Is Tifa the ONLY videogame girl to have back problems from her giant udders?
Quite possibly. Which is actually kind of odd considering a girl as fit as Tifa is actually much less likely to develop back problems from having large breasts. I've always interpreted this as meaning that her breasts are even larger than they appear.

They're mad as fuck that black women are all sweet and nice when they're with white guys but absolute cunts when they're with black guys. Black women are terrible I'd be mad if I were black.

somehow cave story seems an inferior game now.

Hi, just pointing out that although the picture shows panties, it is still referring to back posture.

Another way to think of what it's saying is they are "limit break" panties...

Nigga why the fuck would they give a shit about that when there's a wide variety of women to fuck along with the fact that black people are used rudeness from other blacks at this point?


Please stop posting this garbage. Random plain Japanese girl does not compare to Tifa

It doesn't matter too much, to me at least. If she lost the rack I'd be sad, but I'd still like her.

Came (hur hur) for the tits, stayed for the gorgeous everything else, sweet personality and endearing loyalty.

The panties in this picture aren't Tifa's "orthopedic underwear", they're a deleted item from the game that was supposed to be used in the crossdressing mission.

Because its her defining trait due to that one CG cutscene where you see them jiggle around like water balloons.

None of the characters in FF7 are Japanese. Her name is Tiffany Lockhart. That's not a nip name.

>breast reduction surgery

Kindly shove yourself into the nearest oven, faggot.

Well Yuffie is definitely asian, but yea, nobody else from the main crew are.

But it's causing her back problems.

Uhm no. It's Tifa, not Tiffany.

Care to provide a source to back this claim up?

Would you not bitch about it if I magically took three inches off your dick/height?