Alright, Sup Forums. I'm about to get a PS4. What else do I get?

Alright, Sup Forums. I'm about to get a PS4. What else do I get?

Skyrim and Fallout on xbox

It depends on what you like. I enjoyed those and depending on the price I Can recommend them.

The Last Guardian
Taiko Drum Master
God Wars
Odin Sphere Leiftrhasir
Everybodys Golf
Yakuza Kiwami
Crash Bandicoot trilogy
Wipeout Omega Collection
Ratched and Clank
Digimon World Next Order
Dragon Quest Builders
Persona 5
KH collection
Project Diva X
Yakuza 0
Gravity Rush 2
Project Diva Future Tone
The Witch and the Hundred Knight
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
Disgaea 5
Infamous Second Son
Gravity Rush remastered
Deceoption IV
Uncharted 2

you can get Bloodborne + TOH cheaper if you buy them separately. that's a pretty ridiculous price. depends on what you like, otherwise. Persona 5 would probably be a good pick up.

>Physical Bloodborne GOTY Edition

It's on sale for 20 bucks every 3 months and I bet it will on sale this Xmas again

Bloodborne is $10 on Black Friday or possibly even now, the dlc is like $25 and it'll probably be cheaper tomorrow with the psn sale, don't get bloodborne just yet pal. But if you want the physical copy then I guess, it's your money.

>bought a slim last christmas
>literally only own Bloodborne a year later

You can probably find bloodborne by itself and get the dlc for $10-20 less than that.

>bought a PS4 slim for 300 bucks half a year ago for Persona

Persona 5
Last Guardian (because it's cheaper now, definitely wasn't worth full price though)

That's about it

OP here, I can't believe this console has been out for 4, almost 5 years and only has like two games that are worth it. How the fuck has it sold this much? I'm pretty much buying it for Monster Hunter World(if it doesn't get a timely PC release) and Street Fighter 5 Arcade Edition, which I already own on PC anyway. I'm interested in console fighting games, but most of them are on PC where I can play with my friends and DragonBallFighterZ is going to be about as active as any other ASW fighting game(not at all) and I don't even care about Dragon Ball. Fuck me.

Ask your mommy and daddy for more games this christmas, timmy.

I don't need another copy of Bloodborne though

Some guy listed well over 20 games. It's your own fault to buy a system without actually doing any research on games that are on the system.

Buy some meme loot crates from or amiibo nintencoon

>How the fuck has it sold this much?

Because the average consumer gets it for Fifa, CoD, Destiny and other shit? I have 3 normie friends and none of them own Bloodborne for example, but they sure as hell have the stupid Uncharted games and Last of Us

>its still 279€ in europe

the fuck

Not enough of a price drop ? How poor are you

>what is VAT

not him but it's really not fair.
People wanted to play P5 and BB, it's bullshit that after they have your money Sony decides they're not going to release any worthwhile exclusives.
There is an expectation that you support your own system.

This is a black friday deal, i think.
And europe doesn't give 2 fucks about Black Friday

Get some poptarts

Some popcorn, its a nice thing to snack on while you watch movies.

There are plenty of sony exclusives on the system. Yet again, you're not interested in them but it doesn't mean they don't exist. There's also plenty of third party exclusives on the system. Persona is also avaible on PS3. You can rent the system to play a single game if that's really all you're interested in.

It is your fault, no matter how much you try to move the goalpost or discredit existing things, this will not change.

You're all set already

Skyrim and Fallout 4.

The Uncharted series, God of War, The Last of Us, etc. are more than worthwhile in the eyes of pleb consumers. Sony itself is all about appealing to the west nowadays, and that means the focus is Narrative, not gameplay.



>How the fuck has it sold this much?

Because regular people don’t play their video games on a PC tard. Those multiplats you don’t count on PS4? They probably don’t even know you can get those on a PC.

The Last Guardian, Gravity Rush, Tearaway, Ratched and Clank, Bloodborne and Gran Turismo are all sony games aswell.

I'm not saying it's my fault for supporting them but it's just so disappointing that they won the generation by default and they did nothing with it.

I hope Monster Hunter World and RDR2 are exclsuive, at least I'll get some use out of it again.
>The Uncharted series, God of War, The Last of Us
those are all soniger games, sony fans and people who like games don't want to deal with that shit.
It just pisses me off.
I really thought I'd play this thing regularly, I even have it set up next to my PC so that I can quickly start playing if I wanted to.

>europe doesn't give 2 fucks about Black Friday

we copied that shit, of course

Mustards buy pretty normie shit too user, they just look at it in 4K 175 fps. Doesn’t mean it isn’t just AAA console games.

>revelations 2 over 1
>no sign of resident evil 4 or 6
the fuck are you doing

already pirated that crap
they were shit


>thinking 6 is shit while liking 5

They released quite alot of game. Again, some guy listed over 20 games that aren't on PC. You completely ignored him. And not only that, according to you it doesn't count if he bought the sstem for those games because you personally don't see them as games for whatever reason.

Get Yakuza 0 and Wipeout
If you don't have a decent PC also get Nier.

>woah, why does a platfrom for video games keep being filled with games i can just play on my other platform??
Why isn’t PS4 an exclusive machine marketed specifically at people like me who also have a PC??

Gee user, its almost like they expect most of their consumers will just play ALL their games on the PS4 or something.

>The Last Guardian, Gravity Rush, Bloodborne

Literally NONE of the average consumers own these games, also i was specifically talking about games that the person i responded to might not consider worthwhile, but evidently are deemed worthwhile by a lot of people, namely those who buy everything that's marketed towards them.

No I don't like 5 either, I'm not the guy who posted the picture.


Trifecta of shit

4 is in the post. RE6? What the fuck are YOU doing user. Also Rev2 is FAR superior to rev1. Deal with it.

I didn't say he's not allowed to enjoy those games or that they don't exist.
If you buy a PS4 for some cinematic games that's up to you.
I'm just annoyed that the last 2 generations have been so bad for consoles.
I'm probably going to buy a switch for BING BING WAHOO and have this same experience where I don't play any other games after that.

>4 is in the post
point it out for me there, user

>remake was shit

All further opinions discarded. Go play skyrim or pubg or whatever the fuck.

then fuck outta here and keep your nose outta my business nigger

raid mode is the only superior part to revelations 2 my guy

What? As in it’s on its way IN THE POST. MAIL?? not image post. I can’t point it out becsuse its not here yet. Kek.

no, fuck you

>moira’s creamy fucking little asshole

I have no idea what you are talking about user.

>moira's creamy fucking little asshole
all completely bullshit my guy
i'll give you barry and graphics though

>I didn't say he's not allowed to enjoy those games or that they don't exist.
>it's bullshit that after they have your money Sony decides they're not going to release any worthwhile exclusives.

>If you buy a PS4 for some cinematic games that's up to you.
This guy listed 21 japanese games. Unless you're saying that that rhythm games or RPGs are "cinematic games" then chances are you haven't evne read his fucking post.

>I'm just annoyed that the last 2 generations have been so bad for consoles.
According to you, someone who dismisses well over 20 games as cinematic games, some of which don't even have dialogue at all.

>I'm probably going to buy a switch for BING BING WAHOO and have this same experience where I don't play any other games after that.
You should've done so in the first place, you are clearly retarded. You didn't do your research, you don't accept any kind of help, you immediately dismiss everything that people bring up and I suspect you made this thread to start yet another consolewars thread.

so this post is basically someone sperging out about people continuing a conversation and not discussing a post that listed 20 other games earlier in the thread.
just so we're all on the same page.

I'm pretty sure that this post is sperging out because OP called racing games and rhythm games "cinematic games".

I'm not OP and believe it or not we weren't actually discussing a single post just because you have some affinity towards it.
If you read the thread it was in response to another post mentioning Last of Us and Uncharted.
Stop getting so upset over video games.

>moira's creamy fucking little asshole
>all completely bullshit

We aren’t going to agree on this user.

Is there any significant difference between the original PS4 and a slim?

This kids is selling his PS4 plus all 9 games for $170, that's a good deal right

I'm not the guy who made the post. I'm just pointing out OPs hypocrisy. He asked for game, people listed them and then he went on to say that there are no games.

i know we aren't because you're a faggot who can't get a gf

Persona 5
Until Dawn
Yakuza 0
Uncharted 4
Nier Automata
Gravity Rush

why are you assuming that was OP?

There were 2 PS4 models before the slim. The cuh-1000 which is loud as fuck, has a glossy top and has higher power consumption and then there's the cuh-1200 which is overall better.

Because he quite literally said he's OP.

Lost Legacy was pretty good for a stand alone title, and its hella cheap now and worth it. Solid 8 hour campaign with uncharted 4 multiplayer added

Yeah that's a good deal, regardless of the model. I have a cuh-1000


>he is actually becoming upset

My last girlfriend was spanish and the one before that was iranian. Both used to suck my dick and show me my cum on their tounge nefore swallowing it. Trick is, don’t tell them about the vidya waifus.

I see.
this is where the confusion arose, I'm the one that commented about Last of Us and Uncharted and so you assumed it was OP and that he ignored the 20 game list post.

>he thinks i'm upset
damn son i'm sorry i came off like that

>mfw my ps4 died to roaches
I wish I was joking I don't even know where fuckers came from. Is getting a slim worth it? I had a total of 4 games before mine died bloodborne, persona 5, nioh, and kh collection. Is there anything worth coming out that I wont be able to play on pc? all i can think of is KH3 since I don't like naughty dog stuff and have yet to play RDD despite having a ps3 for a long ass time

would it be worth getting a ps4 for monster hunter world, nier automata, gravity rush 2, estival versus and peach beach splash?

or should i build a pc which i have no idea how to do? could i get anything good for about $800?

At this point you might as well get a pro, especially if you're gonna be getting more games in the future like Spider-Man or Yakuza 6, but if that's too much yeah the slim is cheap af this holiday season

You used swears and cusswords user.

OP here. I bought the PS4, Bloodborne(the $20 version) and Until Dawn because I thought it'd be fun to play with friends.

I'll buy Monster Hunter World if it doesn't come out on PC a month later and Street Fighter 5 Arcade edition(which I already own on PC) so that I can have a mobile Street Fighter machine. Other than that, I am not interested in any other exclusive games on the system because I am not interested in remasters of old games, games that are already out on PS3/PC or Remasters of old platformers.

Sorry if I came off as a console war faggot or something. The PS4 does have decent exclusives but nothing compared to what the PS3 had or the plethora of amazing multiplayer games that PC has that I can all play online for free.

i thought about it but I dont have a 4k tv which i might get this black Friday. Honestly I'm wondering if I should get one and wait till next holiday to get the ps4 I feel like I could wait just fine.

could you forgive me for cussing user?

>boasting about tricking shitskins into performing fellatio


it's not your fault.
The PS3 has a shortage of games itself, the fact the PS4 makes it look good says a lot.

Dunno user you doubted my ability to be loved

I'm about to buy one for the exclusives, is the pro worth it?

Dude any of us could die tonight. Waiting a year to save a few bucks is asinine.

I own a 4k tv to, that's not what I'm talking about. At this point the pro is only good for 1080p running better, with a few resolution bumps here and there. For example Yakuza 6 runs like shit on base ps4 but actually has vsync and a stable frame rate on pro.

as I said above, yeah pretty much

Ironically iran girl was as white as the moon. She was fantastic. She realised my dick in her mouth was my favorite thing so she would always rush to my dick whenever i came.

>PC faggot in disguise

get out nigger we see past your trickery

don't doubt yourself i bet you get mad pussy

There is no flat benefit for the ps4 pro. Developers themself can pick how they utilize the additional power. Most devs simply don't care and upscale the game a bit, some games actually try to give games some additional graphical effects. I think there's a single game that goes from 30 fps on base ps4 to 60 fps on the pro. You'll definetly get the most out of it if you have a 4k HDR TV, otherwise you mostly get some sharper edges. Old games that were released before the pro often don't have pro support, for those there's something called boost mode. If the games have unlocked framerate you can squeeze some extra fps out, sometimes load times are shorter.

it's not about saving money user, I just cannot think of anything I would get aside from one game which has no release date other than 2018. I could get a slim today and let it collect dust for almost a year or get a 4k tv and get a pro later on with likelier a cheaper price and actual game to play
really? I keep hearing the 1080p support for the pro is pretty bad with most people without a 4k tv regretting it

Don't buy Bloodborne yet, it will go on sale.

If you mean mad as in they are literally insane psychos then ye

>He didn't just buy a cheap PS3 and Persona for PS3
Thats where you fucked up user.

For games before it released yeah it's spotty, but most if not all games coming out now have two modes for 1080p: better visuals or better framerate, neither of which you can go wrong with.

Wait for spoderman

>mfw bought a ps3 for 300 for persona 5 ages ago
>ended up buying a $400 ps4 for persona 5
>it finally comes out
>it's ok

Ps now.

Does anyone know if gt sport was a spinoff, or was it basically gt7 and the series dead?

It's a spin-off. That's all they said beforehand so hopefully it's true.

>he actually typed out this whole thing with a DS4
>he keeps anime reaction images in his PS4 gallery