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name 2 games
Jackie Chan
Socialism is evil and this man is a dangerous terrorist
>this man is a dangerous terrorist
Sounds pretty based desu
How the FUCK did he get a seat
Looks comfy as fuck
*this man is a weenus peenus
he doesn't know what he's doing, calling him a terrorist is a bit much he's two tiers down from a terrorist, he's a populist
same thing
What's the backstory of this pic
>Dead bankers
>Dead priests
>Ever a bad thing
Back to Sup Forums bootlicker
man is based, kill yourself
Corbyn and his train tinnies.
Inequality is evil.
Wouldn't you agree?
>turn off sound
>fps increases
English Bernie Sanders and his bevvy of choice.
fuck off. this is thread about video games. takes your political crap somewhere else. report the picture if you have an issue and move on.
No. The world is founded upon inequality. No one is equal.
A top lad and his CANS
the man's a populist tool
that doesn't follow, no.
Some inequality is an inevitable result of people striving for success and making the most of their situations - allowing a certain amount as a byproduct of that success is necessary for that success to take place. The success is useful because it includes scientific inventions which increase the longevity of human beings and the happiness of mankind
>Socialism is evil
yeah the police and fire fighters should be privatized
you're a moron
>this man is set to be the next PM of the UK
>feels fuckin good man
he's much further left than sanders, He has allied with hezbollah and refuses to engage with israel
True, except for the fact that there's a difference between "allowing a certain amount as a byproduct of success" and 1% of people hoarding more wealth than nearly everyone else combined. The Scandinavian economy is not the same as the british one.
Also it's funny that you mention scientific innovation. I see it too as one of the most important drivers of human happiness, yet you'd be surprised to see how undervalued it is by western countries. I take it you haven't done/talked to PhDs/Post-docs/Research assistants in the sciences about their "rewards" from the universities for their value to society. And that's in the UK, one of the most prosperous societies on Earth no less.
I haven't spoken to many of them, but I doubt any of them would consider anecdotal evidence as something we can generalise from, especially if they're uni/fresh post-grads still looking for a job.
For whatever reason the best place to do science is libertarian, business favouring nations. I don't know why and I understand how rewarding those scientists would *seem* to be a benefit but I'm not arrogant to pretend to understand why.
That doesn't look "undervalued" to me
A man of the people is on his way to spoons.
Ah yes, Socialism! The system that drove the success of such nations as:
China (soft-landing)
Cuba (in progress)
Laos (80% of population works in agriculture, one of the lowest annual incomes of any country in the world. 1/3 earn below $1.25 per day)
Afghanistan (1978-1992)
Albania (1946-1992)
Angola (1975-1992)
Benin (1975-1990)
Bulgaria (1946-1990)
Cambodia (1975-1989)
Congo (1975-1992)
Czechoslovakia (1946-1990)
Ethiopia (1974-1991)
East Germany (1949-1990)
Hungary) (1949-1989)
North Korea 1948-1992 (in 1992, all references to Marxist-Leninism were scrubbed. Remains generic "socialist" state)
Mongolia (1924-1990)
Mozambique (1975-1990)
Poland (1945-1989)
Romania (1947-1989)
Somalia (1969-1991)
Soviet Union (1922-1991)
North Vietnam (1945-1975) (then they won the war)
South Yemen (1967-1990)
Ukraine (1919-1991)
Yugoslavia (1945-1992)
Non Marxist-Leninist Socialist Countries
Bangladesh (1971-)
Guinea-Bissau (1973-)
Guyana (1980-)
India (1976-)
North Korea (1992-)
Nepal (2015-)
Portugal (1976-)
Sao Tome (1975-)
Sri Lanka (1985-)
Tanzania (1964-)
Former Non Marxist-Leninist Socialist Countries
Algeria (1963-1989)
Burma (1962-1988)
Cape Verde (1975-1992)
Egypt (1958-2007)
Iraq (1968-2003)
Libya (1969-2011)
Madagascar (1975-1992)
Sudan (1973-1985)
Syria (1963-2012)
AND just LOOK at the damage capitalism has done to these poor, destitute former socialist countries like modern:
New Zealand
Hong Kong
Japan (a very interesting case of a country whose economy was stagnant under nationalism, and then boomed from imposed-liberalization, and then was stupefied in a Keynesian experiment gone mad)
West Germany (where the "German economic miracle" was sparked by a single man abolishing wage and price controls against the wishes of the American, French, and British occupiers.)
Estonia (whose young Prime Minister reformed the post-USSR economy based on suggestions in Milton Friedman's Free to Choose)
>I'm a fucking loser
>So I want to take from those who aren't using violence
God, I love Socialism.
>Equality is evil
Fuck off ancap
>the ruling class takes all the surplus value of their laborers and gives them table scraps and if they don't like it they can go to jail or starve
>this isn't violent
Which is why you really need to talk to some doctorate students and beyond. The payment scheme in universities is completely skewed, the professors and above get paid by far the most, while the students often work in slave conditions. There is a huge difference between a country producing a lot of useful research and the working conditions provided by the country to the people that produce said research. Scientists endure it because they love their work, but just because they do that doesn't make those working conditions ok. I'm using the UK as an example, but the US that spends more is even worse in that regard.
This shit has been happening forever, it hasn't stopped.
>game let’s you hate Jews
>ruling class
>aka those who succeeded at what they set out to accomplish
>surplus value
>aka I think you have enough, give me the rest
>table scraps
>aka I want more for my menial and easily replaceable job
>if they don't like it they can go to jail or starve
>aka why is it that my lack of importance results on indifference from society???
>everybody is either an ancap or a commie
But you agree that:
>Also it's funny that you mention scientific innovation. I see it too as one of the most important drivers of human happiness, yet you'd be surprised to see how undervalued it is by western countries
The point is not to be arrogant and assume you can adjust one little measurement, rebalance the payment, and nothing will change as a side-effect.
It might be that big business drives innovation, and that even moderate socialist reforms will cause that to collapse.
You see that the UK and the USA produces the best so why change it to follow notions which produce less scientific output?
There's no evidence to suggest the way you propose will increase the amount of research done.
imagine thinking you're going to one day be rich as opposed to barely scraping by in basically any job from minimum wageslave to doctor so badly that you post something like this
Wait, I thought socialism was championed by the rich upper class, Isn't that what le alt-right has been saying?
So are the socialists the failures of society with menial jobs or the successful rich ones? Which is it?
that ISN'T violent, it's not behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
You're pretending it is to justify your own genuine violence
This, Jeremy Cobyn is a total tool.
The douche bag praises Hugo Chavez and his government, but now that his government failed and left Venezuela in ruins he's all hush hush about it.
As a Venezuelan, fuck this uppity cunt and sanders for that.
>ancap doesn't realize his mega-corporation ruled society is just feudalism by another name
Don't forget to pay that $500 fee to the local warlord in order to leave your driveway
Except I was born in a piss poor family, instead of hanging out with friends as a teenager I studied hard, set myself out to find a sector in society I could service, and now I own my own business, which albeit small and still growing, is mine alone. You know what's the worst problem for me? The fact that I have to struggle harder to pay for the endless multiplying families of niggers and mexicans who pop a horde of babies which in return take even more money from the work I had to bust my asshole to succeed at.
I don't care about being rich, I just want to be entitled to the fruits of my own labor. I don't mind funding public schools and other services if that helps the community get on its feet and give opportunities to the disadvantaged, but you Socialist scumbags want to take absolute control over the state so that nobody can win and everyone is dragged down to the same level as the welfare leeching subhumans, destroying culture and nation in the process.
If you live in America there's a ten percent chance you can move from the middle class all the way to the 1%
Look, dude, you're a loser on an online internet forum so I get that you're scraping by as a blue collar, but a lot of us are in the middle class and don't want to risk ending up like this:
for the sake of a stupid pipedream
Every modern economy has socialist elements you fuck nut stop telling people healthcare subsidies and stalinism are the same thing
You actually worked hard and got far? absurd, you are evil. Now give me my piece of the pie, pig.
>There's no evidence to suggest the way you propose will increase the amount of research done.
I never said it would. If anything, slave schemes are actually very efficient at working towards an objective for the profit of the "master", in this case the master being the research team leader/lab head.
I'm just pointing at the hypocrisy between those that praise their country's scientific output and worship its scientists whenever they top rankings or feature in some news article but are completely oblivious to the fact that their governments are subjecting said scientists to near-poverty conditions, or worse, condoning it. If you think there's nothing wrong with shitty working conditions for people in any occupation then there's nothing more we can discuss, because he have diametrically opposed moral views, and that can't change.
Chile under Allende was actually pretty OK until the CIA shit its pants in terror of a functioning socialist state and went for one of its merry old coups
>Every modern economy has socialist elements
having universal healthcare isn't socialism you dumb cunt.
Socialism is incompatible with capitalism, and those countries that offer universal healthcare are capitalist first.
Socialism is ALSO championed by very specific castes of the upper-class, namely artists (who will gladly rely on the state for their funding, absolutely oblivious to the fact they will become their lapdogs), big silicon-valley hotshots (who understand they hold a power greater than any government) and the disgruntled children of millionaires who hate their parents and just want to destroy their societies out of spite and revenge (see Michel Foucault).
That said, looking at the Bernie campaign, there was no shortage of middle-class pot-smoking losers who just wanted the state of run a racket scheme and funnel free cash to their doorstep.
>Chile under Allende was actually pretty OK
Chile after Pinochet led it to be the leading country in South America, Venezuela had that spot before Chavez and his socialist goons took power.
You haven't listed any countries with successful Socialist systems.
Any reason why? Just cuz?
>As a Venezuelan, fuck this uppity cunt and sanders for that.
This. Any South American who's lived under their ever-progressing states of Socialism would love to strangle these fucking cunts.
>. If you think there's nothing wrong with shitty working conditions for people in any occupation then there's nothing more we can discuss, because he have diametrically opposed moral views, and that can't change.
Don't be a soyboy, that's the crux of the issue, that's literally what we would and should argue about (if we were in real life, obviously on the internet it's different)
The fundamental underpinnings of our morality are well worth investigating and everything follows from it.
In my view it's more utilitarian to maximise scientific development at almost any cost. The planet is shifting ever closer to annihilation and the benefits of having a well-educated and hard working scientific class outweighs their short term suffering.
Do you think that it's not as grave as that? Do you think their short term "suffering" (which I'll accept for now, but I'd research if this was a serious discussion) is not worth the benefits?
The word to describe them is Champagne Socialists.
They're basically virtue signaling cunts that would survive the advent of a socialist state, while the middle class pays for the freeloaders.
Bismarck and Karl Marx had very different conceptions of a welfare state, you slimy weasel.
Go on then...? I'd be happy to hear some.
>violence is only physical abuse
>Chile under Allende was actually pretty OK
Spoiler alert user.
There are none
that's not very constructive. I thought socialists had high IQs, prove it
>He doesn't believe in the man who said he will give state funded gfs
You first.
I'm not a socialist, nor am I the guy you were replying to. I just found your completely ignorant take on violence funny, so I expressed my laughter to mock and shame you for being an idiot. It's normal, don't think too hard about it.
You are correct. The ruling class does maintain its power through means of violence, but guess what bubba, that's the way life works. The intelligent and powerful rule over those who aren't. It's a relatively modern idea to think "hey, let's gather all losers and easily replaceable people, and just murder everyone who we think has succeeded a bit too much!".
No one believes people are equal you retard. End this meme.
t.boys so full of soy semen they actually write like women
If only you were right, my friend.
>worth the benefits?
Benefits for whom though, for yourself or for society in the future? Some scientific fields have more immediate applications while others may not have application at all. If you take the utilitarian point of view, then some research fields shouldn't be researched altogether. Many niche mathematics fields and theoretical physics departments should be axed by that logic. Are you in support of that?
Also another problem is the fact that this "slave" scheme is efficient at producing OUTPUT, as in PAPERS. Thing is, when you pressure researchers to get grants because they can't conduct research any other way or get paid, you also pressure them to push out as much output as they can, regardless of quality. There are multiple cases where researchers push out a ridiculous amount of papers that are poorly researched and not even replicable (cancer research comes to mind).
Another big problem brought by the "short term suffering" of researchers is that many opt to work for private companies that will pay them 10 times what unis or the government pay them. That might sound nice, except that means that individuals hold access to knowledge and scientific innovation and have only an obligation to share if it makes them more money. But then again I hope I won't have to explain why giving so much power to corporations is a bad thing, unless you unironically think that Google is your friend. Research as we know it and see it in the papers is only good because it's public.
There are many problems with the current model of research, even if you just assumed that the suffering of the scientists is OK. I don't think it's fine, and even from a utilitarian point of view it's not good, the pace of quality research wouldn't slow down enough to make a bad difference as I see it.
>enemy subtitles revert to original language
Crysis did this, but wasn't it the voice lines rather than the subs?
NOT PICTURED: The parents, grandparents, and all other generations of those dumb spoiled kids, who at some point in history succeed and invested their fortunes wisely and carefully, enabling their families to live a lavish life style in the future.
The rich have every right to dedicate their fortunes to their kin.
>Capitalism: exchange of wealth for good and services
>Socialism: Forceful distribution of wealth
Not buying it user. Capitalism is flawed, but it's better than whatever retarded dystopia you imagine.
capitalism is one huge pyramid scheme. The wealth you generate goes straight to the top. fuck capitalism
Capitalism is only as flawed as the state is allowed to control it. Once a free market is established, the only flaws that exist are those in human nature, which are still plenty which is why we hold our horses back.
What the fuck was that remember me.
Fuck that game.
Agreed. Just because people make and spend more money then you, doesn't mean they don't deserve it.
Tell us about the wealth you've generated, and how you were truly irreplaceable on that process.
You're very close to convincing me, genuinely, and all it took was you directly confronting my actual metric of value with facts about the world.
If what you say is true then I suppose it's worth looking at reforming the system by considering those in the middle of it.
I'm amazed that unreplicable papers are published and that counts towards grants.
I'm against that kind of bloat.
As for the kind of "niche mathematics" - I don't know if they'll have some esoteric use in the future. I'm quite conservative and that means if it aint broke be very very concerned about how you fix it. I don't know why we'd even do that or who funds it. If it really is "useless" in terms of making more scientific inventions/hypotheses then yeah, I'd close it.
I'm a happiness up and pain down man. And that would be for every single creature that is or could be capable of those feelings (or potentially better feelings when drugs and chemistry gets really good)
You first.
Remember when he was suppose to win and lost hard? That was funny
I was too poor to afford college so I studied on my own to become a full-stack web developer, filling up a sector within my city which is somewhat small and a bit backwards, and thus enabling a lot of bigger business to kickstart their digital endeavors, like online applications and intranet tools. It's enabled even some NGOs to find investors and improve the local environment, all privately funded, so I'm pretty proud of myself for it. It's still got a long ways to go, but I'm quite positive that nobody else in my town could do what I do.
Alright, feel free.
>The parents, grandparents, and all other generations...who at some point in history succeed and invested their fortunes wisely and carefully
That's the thing, they never worked for their wealth either. They simply owned things.
Capitalism isn't only the exchange of commodities, at some point someone decided to push people off communally owned land, enforced private property laws, created what is now known as the police state, forced people into wage-slavery, charged people for rents, and threaten them with unemployment: en.wikipedia.org
The reproducibility is not a meme unfortunately, read this: sciencebasedmedicine.org
Researchers are pressured to produce "innovative" research essentially, rather than spend resources on reproducing their or other teams' results. Like you said, bloat research can be catastrophic.
As for the mathematics thing, there really isn't or at least there won't be any application for them in the near future. Some of those research fields are only relevant to reality through their association with theoretical physics, but even certain parts of theoretical physics is completely removed from reality. Put simply, whether they will have any "esoteric" use in the future is irrelevant to you or me, because that will be so far into the future that mostly everything will be automated and people working on obscure mathematics fields won't be draining resources to do research like now. So from your point of view, those departments should have no place in a university. I'm not decided on this myself however, although I am in favour of understanding our universe even if it costs and doesn't give back. Also it's good thing to provide opportunities for people that have a passion for researching these things.
>t.insidious little rat who thinks *his* socialist system will do better than
Socialism isn't egalitarian, only the political/historical illiterate believe this, e.g. liberals and Sup Forumstards
Has anybody ever done the math to see how much everyone would have in America if all of the wealth was distributed evenly?
>That's the thing, they never worked for their wealth either. They simply owned things.
Now THAT's a very curious proposition. How come did they end up just "simply owning" things, then? Surely such a common state of affairs such of ownership of production wouldn't arise simply out of general apathy and desired to be exploited.
I love how these little fucks always sneak in these insidious little words to basically say "THIS TIME AROUND IT'LL WORK, SWEAR ON ME MUM!".
Your wouldn't even exist without social democracy.
corbyn is based
social democracy isn't socialism.
Corbyn is a piece of shit.
Sad - it amazes me how the government hasn't realised that if it isn't falsifiable or verifiable it usually isn't a science. That's the thing, there needs to be a bit of common sense. Personally, I wouldn't want my taxes to pay for someone else's hobby - as a utilitarian I recognise the deep joy of understanding more about the universe AND the joy of pursuing a hobby - but I don't think you necessarily need to do that but funding some pure mathematician to the tune of £120k a year. There are, in my view, more pressing demands at least.
Yeah, you've kind of won be round on the whole "rewards = results = success"
If the results part of the equation was more honest it would be better but it doesn't seem like we're rewarding the right kind of thing and the people who ARE rewarding the right kind of thing are big businesses. I'm a conservative actually a libertarian nationalist, but I recognise companies like Google and really any other big monopolies on R and D as insidious.