Almost 6 years later and I'm still mad

Almost 6 years later and I'm still mad.

That must be tiring

Mad about the best xpac? But why senpai?

Same here man. I will never accept Kung-Fu Pandas

Big deal.

WOW killed Warcraft, the Leeory Jankins meme fucked the corpse. All the pandas did was add furry to the shitpile.

No, cataclysm had the worgens.

I will never get this joke. Did people never play Warcraft 3?

Almost 6 years and I still fap to fem pandas

They pretend they did.

Literally this.

Most people never played to tame a land, or bothered to use tavern heroes in ladder.

They're only like 2% of the player population and I still hate them

I remember still playing when the Timeless Isle launched. I decided to roll an alt and leveled a Rogue Pande called Brews Lee or some stupid shit like that.

Going round collecting my coins and suddenly get a tell from another player:

>Sorry to bother you but I couldn't help notice you also played a Pandaren
>Yeah thought I'd try them out for the xpac
>I'd like to ask a favour of you, kind panda?
>Um...what is it?
>I'd like to eat you and digest you in my stomach.

Ignored and race changed to noble dorf.

Keep your fucking furry vore fetishes to yourself, you cunts.

This is why no one likes furries you fucking sickos.

They're like 5% between both factions, making them more common than goblins, gnomes and dwarves.

>being this mad about nobodies on the internet
No wonder you play a dwarf

Imagine being this thin skinned

WoW is absolutely full of furries what does it matter if you add one more

>being this mad someone doesn't like being sexually harrased by a furry

what are you, furries?

Still better in every way than everything after.

thicc panda girls tho

>guy says words at me
>immediately spend $15

>get messaged by a furry
>not paying an infinite amount of money to never have to receive a sexual message from a furry again

again, are you a furry? Did he offend you with his story about the furry?

>guy says words at me
>immediately spend $15
>tell other people that they're butthurt

There's a lot of high quality porn though so that's a plus

I've seen this one where Chromie eats an ice cream suggestively, but I can never find it on google. Do you have it by chance?

Yep, most common monks though, Over 40% of all Monks are Pandaren and over 50% of all Pandaren are Monks.

Keep in mind that 11 Races can be Monks(counting Pandaren as one) unlike say Druid (4).

Pandaren were fine.
What wasn't fine were monks. Poorly designed class imo, especially their moveset that involved attacking with their fists despite wielding a weapon.

They should have changed monks with another class. In fact the whole class should just get an overhaul.

>being so mad you literally paid blizz to change your race

Tauren were in since launch. And yes furfags played them. Then worgen were added before pandas, and they brought in more furfags.

>furfag here that rolled a female tauren since launch

Monks have had so many overhauls since the classes creation. blizz has no idea what they want to do with them

I wouldn't mind pandas if it wasn't for all the /wowg/ tier degenerates using them to be the worst kind of people.

>furfags played tauren
it's like you won't just try to rape tony the tiger, you degenerates will try and fuck Minotaurs

They're fun to level, but once you realize they're pure 3+ AoE dps its a pain in the ass to raid with them right

They're fun to play though.

Well Tony is hot.

>frost my flakes, daddy

Monks are a fine addition in theory since Drunk Brawling and ATATATATA martial arts is fun Mistweaver is a bit iffier since as it stands now it is basically "Apothecary" more then "Martial Artist", it is just that the way thy implemented fist weapons REALLY fucks em over since until WoD every weapon is a Statstick even the Fist Weapons, and WoD only "fixed" Fist and Transmog rules still fucks over 2 specs of the specs. who are stuck with weapons they basically never use and can't be turned invisible when the "Class Fantasy" is about being unarmed.

Honestly it keeps changing and Demon Hunter feels like it took inspiration of some of the interesting shit the class had at launch (Shattered Souls = Chi Orbs, Fel Rush = Chi Torpedo) that was removed.

Honestly the biggest mistake they done to the class was not embracing the Fistweaving Healer.

Hey now, minotaurs are pretty hot

>not wanting to fuck a panda

Panda women were fucking great, I hope Blizzard includes them in other games

wanna be my gf

You missed out user. I'm sorry your dislike still carries on, but you missed an incredible expansion.

that has been the story of all three specs. whenever blizz accidentally comes up with a neat idea for monks they strip it away and hand it to another class. along with what you mentioned
gift of the ox spam

Oh herro.

>angry about Pandas
>not angry about Draenei
It's easy to spot people that have never played the RTS

pandas are too goofy, i've wanted them since vanilla but I don't like the execution.

still better execution than those skinny worgen fuckers

I wish I kept my Pandaren female but after running into ones that were huge faggots I decided to distance myself.

I'll put it on your tab


they are just fucks born in the 90s who grew up on Sup Forums and were indoctrinated into that anti furry cult during that weird phase /b was going through at the time.

they have no idea why they hate anthro characters they were just taught to do so when they were kids.

I dunno
I kind of like the sexy space goats

If Blizzard wanted space goats they should have kept them as Eredar not Draenei. There was absolutely no reason for that retcon.

Yea to be honest draenei are just as bad if not worse in terms of ruining immersion.
Seeing a band of space goats in Northrend was annoying. Seeing them anywhere except Outland/Draenor is outright immersion breaking.

Pandas too, since they're the poster child for the monk class. Seeing a random Panda monk trainer in Brill really messed with the atmosphere.

I wouldn't mind Pandas if they were much more sparse, those outside the island are supposed to be travellers

What type of armor do female pandas look good in?

Panda's are fine. wow Draenai were the ones that came from nowhere.



Gimme some examples

>getting mad over options in a role playing game

>Six years later and you're still mad at what is considered the peak of post-WotLK WoW because you didn't like its theme

i would take three more panda expansions over ever seeing another copy-posted green legion rock for as long as i live

Wrathbabies being mad about pandas is disgusting on a moral level

I actually liked pandaren when going through the zones. They're nice and chill, and it makes questing comfy. And I thought the reveal that they're all chill because of a fucking Old God living under their land that FUCKING KILLS YOU if you display negative emotion was really cool. It helped explain why they were so laid back, and it also had the Panda 1984 Thought Police.

They did.
Mei is the female pandaren design applied to a human character.

Where is her Pandaren skin?

It's the one where she's wearing a chinese dress, I guess.

you don't have to like it

never ever


>added one of the most unique and purely fun classes in the game
>warlocks were living it up and getting cool shit left and right before their inevitable downfall and raping by Blizz next expac
>PvP was great, leaps and bounds better than the shitshow it is right now
>comfy as fuck leveling and questing zones
>motherfucking Throne of Thunder
I loved MoP, I don't care what anyone says.

>DK Panda
That feels extremely weird and difficult to pull off and this is coming from someone who's main is a panda.

Why not Mistweaver for healing fart clouds?

There was a Panda DK garrison follower in WoD

Spec is no longer fun after they gutted Assfisting while Healing

pre-TBC draenei would of been a fun addition to the alliance. post-TBC draenei are just night elves from space replacing elune with naaru
>you guys hate orcs too! how can this old one help?
but they're too ugly? just slap bigger tits on the females

When will they give Pandaren more than one face?

I honestly would have loved having the Broken. Horde would get the pretty elves that are actually super evil and Alliance could get the ugly malformed aliens with hearts of gold. Akama and Nobundo are top-tier bros.

The gameplay started going to shit in Wrath, but at least the story was still cool.

You should've called him a fag and then promptly put him on your ignore list. As it stands, you just acted like a pussy and wasted your money.

You typed this in such a scatterbrained way that I honestly think you're probably high right now, but you're right.

We can all Agree Ban-Lu is /fit/, right?

>OK with tentacle space goats
>OK with Belfs on the Horde
>OK with DKs
>OK with Worgen
>Mad about Pandaren

Is this just a practice in timing? Everyone wanted the Pandaren when they were a rumored race for BC. They were only hated after the Cataclysm bullshit fiasco

It is basically because it happened after Kung-Fu Panda got popular, whereas BC was before then.

So "The idea got popular so now it sucks" Hipsters.