Let's finish this, fags

Let's finish this, fags.
What makes MMOs "bad"?

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Inherently? Nothing I can think of.

being linear, old MMOs like Tibia and Ragnarok Online got that part right and let you level however and wherever you want from the get go, not to mention many possibilities of building a character and even crafting oriented classes like in RO.

Game doesn't successfully help players form a team focused attitude toward solving problems and gaining social connections and thus instead of being a group based adventure just turns into a shitty real time rpg.

The only thing an MMO has over a singleplayer game is the social element, otherwise even mediocre singleplayer games in the same genre can surpass them simply by not needing to manage millions of people at once. most modern MMOs make extremely poor use of the social element

No titty and ass sliders in character creation and no freedom to fuck around with people in social areas like summoning murder demons or baiting raid bosses into population centers.

They used to be good. Now they're all single player games.

I've been in several guilds where I haven't seen anyone talk about anything for weeks.

>I cant be le epic troll

Her tits are too big.

fuck off nu-male

People progress through content at different rates. So MMOs leave the hardcore players underwhelmed and the softcore players overwhelmed.

I agree, more than a handful is too much

TESO is (semi) non-linear after the rework but it's still garbage.
I think the various Kikestarter scams are going in the right direction in regards to crafting oriented characters being entirely discrete from class selection. There's absolutely nothing wrong with forcing a crafter to take a combat class they don't care about as long as they are free to ignore it as they see fit, but denying combatants crafting will drive away players.

This is the biggest issue. Antisocial people forcing a social game to appeal to their autism has killed the genre.

I concur.

Fuck off "Modern" man

>you are the chosen one

Being able to clear all of the content alone

Power leveling/easily attainable level caps

World chat

Watered down skill trees/builds/stats


I'm not saying they need to be flat just a little smaller.

Too many tab target WoW clones stagnated the genre, the action combat ones that tried to be more innovative ended up selling out and appealing mainly to whales or went full retard like TERA and lost its entire playerbase with poor decision followed by poor decision.

that doesn't stop me from playing them though

whats up with leveling in TESO? everywhere i went gave the same exp

The gameplay is boring.

I don't like all the socialization

The majority of players are located at the end game, so through most of the game you're totally alone. Kind of defeats the purpose.

Everything scales to you, like Oblivion.

That would be a problem you have with the game, not the game itself.

>Pay x ammount of money a month to keep playing gou
>Lock onto an enemy and spam 1,2,3 over and over until its dead
Yeah man thats pretty fun

Very few have any sort of sense of adventure/discovery left. Look at WoW, where datamining got so rampant that they started releasing their own cutscenes on youtube before the cutscenes were ever even in game.


Very little reason to party until endgame unless you bring friends with you into it. Pic related.

That's true, but just posting bobs would be rude

Also the only time I had an interest in MMOs were when I was a kid, but it's more because back then I didn't see it much as a game, more like a second life, so I had these phantasies of being powerful, respected, feared and shit.
Back then there wasn't all this info online so to someone just starting out and clicking at random, Ragnarok seemed to have almost infinite possibilities.
Even if the info was online, not many people could understand English. And even so, the advancement was horrid gookgrind, so it felt very different from say, playing Super Mario World.

I suppose that ends up being a big problem with MMOs, it's all too ironed out and documented, so it feels very much video gamey. I don't think there's a turnback though, that would just be making games purposely worse. It's just how the genre developed.

Interacting with other people.

Grind, pay2win, WoW clones, shit costumization, having to live in korea, germany, or trumpland for decent pvp experience.
Also lack of innovation

Cash grabbing time syncs designed to make you feel accomplished for doing tasks that require literally no effort and be as addictive as possible? Nothing, they're great.

>time syncs

see >even mediocre singleplayer games in the same genre can surpass them simply by not needing to manage millions of people at once
In an MMO everyone is the "chosen one" so no one is actually special, unless the point of the MMO is "you're not special"... in which case everyone is just playing a glorified single player RPG that's equipped with a very large chat room and instanced maps so no single server processor risks melting from handling several hundred connections at once.

MMOs aren't inherently bad.
However the fascination with esports and the dev focus primarily being on just how much they can milk out of their playerbase are destroying them.
Instead of just focusing on making the game addictive as fuck to play for months on end. Just look at Destiny 2.

How else are you going to set your watch?

How is Elsword?

Fuck of newfags

>However the fascination with esports and the dev focus primarily being on just how much they can milk out of their playerbase are destroying them.
All the cosmetic items vastly degrade performance by bloating the memory requirements, so add that to the list too.

> spend time making a special map that only the e-sports crowd gets to use
> completely neglect the maps your actual player base are playing on, who will support your game financially to a greater degree than the e-sports idiots ever could

at a concept level there's nothing wrong, unless you just hate playing with other people. of course there are some problems with the whole thing about it being online but that's also what makes it good.

with the industry execution, obviously the problem is the whole follow the leader syndrome.
>"world of warcraft is popular as hell! let's do that exact same thing, surely the people who already have world of warcraft will move to our inferior version of it!"
imagine if puzzle games did this shit. oh fuck tetris is popular? well guess what, gaming audiences! EVERY puzzle game is now tetris to the point where the phrase "puzzle game" now literally just means tetris clones!

mmo as a genre is defined by two things: it has large-scale multiplayer, and it's online. you could do ANYTHING and just incorporate those two things and it'd be an MMO. despite that, mmo as a term and genre just became a word for "it's like world of warcraft"

Which boobhu would you marry?

MMO's are boring. They play like crappy single player rpg's in order to be able to support such a large player base. Some have interesting gimmicks or look pretty, but they all play pretty crappy. The use of level limited quests and areas in order to keep underlevelled players from getting massacred makes games linear as hell. It's even worse when they give you lame busy work tier quests like "kill x monsters" or "talk to x" or "gather x things and bring them to x". IMO MMO games should be about gathering friends, exploring dungeons, killing big bosses, and waging war against enemy guilds in pvp.

Go fondle a milk jug, normalfag.

Inherently bad, because they are all based around the same design philosophy. It's never about the gameplay or side content or any thing to actually do with the game itself.
It has everything to do with designing a slot machine, a skinner box to extract time from you and keep you playing. Even vanilla WoW was admitted to they designed the game with all the right psychological markers to create an addict. Same thing with Everquest, and UO and RO and every fucking mmo in existence.

That's why mmos are bad. It's not about the game it's about the addiction.

Okuu, but I would impregnate some other 2hu because I don't want dumb children
She would raise them juat fine, probably not even notice


Don't mind if i do

There are too many games and too little time these days to invest in an MMO resulting in dwindling active playerbases. This means they have to design content around a lesser number of players, to the point of being a linear solo experience outside of things like instanced dungeons. A fundamental part of the "massively multiplayer online" experience is lost.

When I first played WoW it felt that way.
A large part of the problem is that mmos are so damn expensive to make that no one wants to be the failure that breaks the mold. They settle for being the failure of a cloned game instead.

I just want a game like Log Horizon, The New Game, or Overlord damnit. Shit tons of classes, sub classes, and customization. I don't even care if people can blatantly buy top level gear, as long as there's plenty to fucking do that's not directly competing with whales or neets.

>Marrying a nuclear retard

Log Horizon is a WoW clone though. Everything cool happens post apocalypse.

Games like that already exist, people immediately zero in on the most combat efficient stuff and then cry that the other stuff is pointless. Most fantasy MMOs have that idea that the majority of the playerbase is just doing what's fun and then there's a couple autism min-maxers, in reality most MMO players are of the min-maxing kind with a few oddball players that care about minigames and title collecting.

I know, and Overlord is chock full of spending real $$ to buy broken items.
But both sound like they have tons of customization and interesting game mechanics in the base game itself. The novels have a lot more background info on all that even if they don't focus on it.

The entire WoW design does. An MMO should be something closer to EVE, but with actual gameplay. It should be a player-driven experience. 'Quests' should be undertaken because a group of players want to accomplish something, not a series of arbitrary hoops to jump through over and over again. They should be a world and a game environment that evolves around it's players. Not a static and rigid world that does nothing but keep them running on a treadmill. The entire design of modern MMO's is lazy, uninspired, and built around addiction and turning a profit, not making a good game.

I can only think of Mabinogi, what else is there? Most seem to focus on the bare minimum of standardized classes and a basic skill tree for each. Maaybe a housing system if you are lucky, but thanks to botters most other interesting side mechanics or even things you can do with other players like fucking item trading have been cast aside.

Black Desert is nothing but grinding with some basic skill trees. Guild Wars 2 has a horrible skill system and is focused on running around filling fucking hearts. Elder Scrolls Online is WoW 2.0, solid but didn't really feel like there was much class diversity or interesting side content that's not questing. Secret World was neutered into the ground.

>The entire design of modern MMO's is lazy, uninspired, and built around addiction

Even most old MMOs had a fuckload of grinding, an eternal grind is something that I think has been endemic to the genre almost since it's inception.

You just outed yourself as a manlet with that one.

>you could do ANYTHING and just incorporate those two things and it'd be an MMO
It's a shame that everyone always seems to think that MMO needs to have "RPG" tacked onto it.

It's entirely plausible to have a boardgame-tier mechanics for an MMO with no RPG shit, and it would still be enjoyable.

lack of ass slider

Sounds boring as fuck. I don't mind losing leveling and stat increases, but equipping gear and role playing options are what makes these games fun imo.
I wouldn't mind a boardgame type setup though with a well done interface and rule adaptation to play D&D or Whitewolf type stuff.

nonstop copy pasted fetch quests and grinding, all for a short burst of enjoyment every once in a blue moon.

good 2hus

They often have repetitive combat like SWTOR and POTCO.

>Sounds boring as fuck
Play most MMOs including World of Warcraft as a solo player, and it's an incredibly tedious and shitty experience. If it was a single player RPG it would get absolutely horrible ratings due to the gameplay. Even an MMOFPS shooter like Planetside 2 (basically the only MMOFPS on the market) would get horrible ratings if it was a single player game as-is, because of the horribly directionless gameplay that has absolutely no end goal or motivation to continued play.

It's largely a matter of imagination and skill on the designer and development team to make a concept work.

"Snakes and Ladders" would make a better MMO than WoW if you made it right.

Sweet jesus

Speaking of what might make a good MMO..

No PvP
Focus on arena instead of mass world PvP
Flying mounts
Linear dungeons
Heroic modes
Just make new dungeons you fuking assholes
Making the game a single player experience
Welfare epics

Depressive trannies ruining it for everyone

I think mmos are one of those genres that's only fun with friends. I try to play by myself and I never get very far. I don't understand how people go about making friends in games like this.


The nature of MMOs themselves leads to a shitheap where only endgame matters and most have to grind and do raids repeatedly in order to get the best endgame gear.
It has come to the point where you can actually buy a level up to 100 in WoW because the endgame gets the best raids and quest and PvP.

Alexandria Uchi i think


One that doesn't encourage to play with other people.

They demand too much time that you will never get back. Unless the game is a perfect ten that demands to be played it's not worth spending thousands of hours of your limited life.

I agree. Anything bigger than the head is too much.

I can't stand gear treadmills or theme parks. They just feel like there is no complexity or depth. The second I say to myself, "Hmm, aren't I just hitting 1-etc again and again" or "So the whole point is to do dungeons every 10 levels or till end game and then do more dungeons." any interest is gone.

Honestly the last MMO I had fun with was fucking old school Rune Scape when it came out in what 2014? I still like the art style, quests were fun or interesting. I LOVED the MIDI music. I was enamored that I could actually participate in the economy at a low level and grow my wealth(Mine Ore>make bars> Make arrowheads/knives, maybe jump into rune crafting). Sadly, once me skills hit the 60-70 mark I just couldn't take the grind since any progression at the point is HOURS of doing the same task the most EFFICIENT way.

The one multiplayer game I dump hours into still is Path of Exile. Every 3-4 months a new league starts with a fresh economy and I can try out a new build.

I hate the vagueness of BBW as a porn category.

What's a decent f2p mmo right now?

Its weird to say the least. BBW should at least be defined as having a significant belly.

Honestly I was thinking of Mabinogi but there's some Korean ones and Haven and Hearth too, LoTro I think also has music playing? I don't play a ton of MMOs, the problem is people want all these niche features but with AAA quality. Fact is if you want that kind of odd stuff you're gonna have to look at Korean MMOs with a few thousand players, that's just the reality of MMOs; in real life a hardcore game like Overlord or Log Horizon would never actually be popular.

I blame loot and endgame.

BNS is the best of that category, and it's not very good. BDO, TERA, LOTRO, etc all have one of more debilitating issues. Basically, all mmos suck. If you want tab targeting go play ffxiv

>in real life a hardcore game like Overlord or Log Horizon would never actually be popular.
Who needs popularity? Enough people to fill a server is enough people in my book. The problem with obscure gookshit is a community based game cannot succeed if everyone speaks a different language. You can always fill up a server with free to plays but that's a whole different problem.

Where are her tits? All I see is a deformed, disproportioned boulder crudely drawn underneath an anime head. Check out the Popeye arm also.

I really hate BNS, and XIV is too expensive to be worth it. That game doesn't deserve a monthly subscription.

Well it could be thick fabric and a bra. Those two things could distort the shape, but you do have a point.


What happened to TERA?
I spent like a week with online friends playing and fell out of touch with them all.

The real problem is sustainability. For some reason devs never think long-term in MMOs.

speaking of distort