Is FFXV a game that will be remembered fondly in 10 years?

Is FFXV a game that will be remembered fondly in 10 years?

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No, it's surrounded by largely similar extreme budget AAA open world RPGs and doesn't stick out in any meaningful way.

>dude masturbate to these beautiful women!


Only person still making threads about it is XV-kun, or people trying to bait him.

depends faglord, do you still remember FF12? and that game didn't even really classify as AAA as much as FFXV does

Those two cosplayers are posing with the Real Doll in the middle. How cute!

>3 10/10 beauties cosplaying

This can't be real. How much was this picture photoshopped?

Very, and with preferable lighting. You'd also be amazed how dumpy the face under that make-up style can be. They would still be hotrape without all those advantages though - just not doll-like.

me on the bottom

Would have been...

-If it tried to do decent, deep action combat japs are usually known for
-If they focused more of making a fun game instead of trying to mimic ever facet or reality including slow, inconsistent movement patterns
-If it had decent boss fights that were breath taking
-If it was a full game with no DLC characters, fishing, multiplayer drivel, a movie prelude and anime and fleshed out proper its story
-If it built a decent open world with shit to do and proper side quests integrated with all these cities that was mostly just back drops then it certainly could have been
-If there was more Monster Variety

Instead we got the FFXV we have now.

It's part of the holy trinity of bad FF games with 2 and 8.

This is the girl on the left without make-up

Nol. It's not even remembered fondly now.

Kek, the otter at the bottom is checking out her tits

Not bad desu, got the other two girls?

She looks good, i was expecting some gremlin or something.

Much cuter looks like a nice girl

Would wife up

>Is FFXV a game that will be remembered fondly in 10 years?

>bad gameplay
>bad supporting character
>bad story
>lacklustre forgettable music
>DLC are separate episodes and do not improve the main game

still looks pretty great, doesn't even need makeup at all.

That's without eye make-up. Either she's wearing a foundation, or again, the lighting is super favorable. No one's skin is flat like that (though 'perfect' is not unattainable, it just has to be super well hydrated)

I love that kid from Home Alone look her eyes have though

giv pure virgin aryan gf

Fuck, that Cidney is insanely fucking cute.

where the fukin pc version, im holdin my dick over here

10/10 would marry

I wish the car mechanics were better. I was about to buy it for the roaming around and crystal collecting but someone warned me the car was on-rails

Yes, it's already looked at fondly.


I really hope they have black boyfriends ;)

Please, don't crush his dreams.

It's a roadtrip with bros in a large seamless world with giant monsters and aerial combat, it is the most unique open world game we've had.

into the gaschambers jewcuck

IG's for left and right:

Can't for the life of me find middle.

Only people pretending it isn't are fucktards that unironically spout XV-kun.

It's a bland open world with fuck all in it other than repetitive MMO tier fetch quests.

Not at that quality.

All of those things are in the game and make it fantastic.

Don't tell him what to do!

It has great gameplay, great supporting cast that people are literally begging more for, great story, god tier memorable music, and great DLC additions that that are the equivalent of individual chapters and can be played as if they are so. You're wrong.

>bazz is already here again and shilling for free
jesus christ fuck off already

You can drive offroad, nothing on rails about it.


>XV-kun appears
And another thread goes down the drain. I'm out, enjoy your trainwreck of a game and thread.


It has more unique to it than any other open world we've seen. Fantastic dungeons too and great monster design. The world is objectively less empty than any other FF.

sorry to burst you meme but shes been YELLOWED

>shitstain already here desperately trying to shit on XV because it's better than the game he tried to shill.

Rin a best

for me sure, for the majority of the video game market no
i liked it and i plan to play through it again sometime soon

>XV-kun poster appears
Another thread down the drain because you fucks can't deal with being called out.

Why are they all wearing wigs? Why aren't there natural blondes cosplaying as them? Hell the last one should have black hair, not brown.

is that a fuckin chihuahua?

>best girl in the pic does Yuna
S-S'cuse me...


No, it will always be shit just like XIII and it's sequels.

Wrong. I don't rabidly and autistically derail every thread about any of my favorite games because someone didn't like it.

Iris has dark brown hair.

It's not even going to be remembered in 10 years. Literally the only memorable thing about XV is not anything in the game itself, but its development cycle.

Desu I've watched all gameplay and in-game she is black hair I guess it must be the settings.

XV is already better than all of them and people are begging for more XV, unlike 13 which noone wanted more of and they only shat out to recoup losses from 14 by making cheap low budget sequels with reused assets.

Instead you try to shitpost against a game you claim to hate by coming into every fucking thread for it for years. Stop being a fucking hypocrite.

Keep trying to convince yourself of that.

All I care about is the middle you mother fucker

Wigs are easier to style. Have enough hair to style. And you can cake them in glue and shit to hold the style. All without damaging your own hair.

Except I'm not in every thread you fucking retard. There's more than one person browsing and posting on Sup Forums bit of course that doesn't suit your victim agenda now does it.

Same. I wonder why they have each other's pictures in their IG but middle girl is nowhere to be seen.

I was told 3D was PD, what is this tingling in my penis?

Nice damage control.

>you will never have an attractive girlfriend


Found her,

desu she kinda looks like a victim of plastic surgery

Make up, lighting, photoshop, circle lenses, fake lashes, drawn on brows.

Literally who cares. Cute is Cute.

>no aranea

>Hey! A FFXV thread. Maybe they're talking about the newest DLC and conten-oh...

>Left for marrying
>Middle for banging
>Right for throwing in the trash

good taste

Memes aside I'm having a fucking blast with comrades. What're your thoughts, user?

I want to press my testicles against her pouty lips and force her to really savor the flavors and aromas of my sweaty sack prison

Short answer is I'd be willing to give SE more money for more of it. Buggy as FUCK though.

She's like a living doll.

I'll remember it as that fucking annoying leather wearing under the blazing sun backstreet boys band game that was constantly being shoved at my face every month or two through dlc, VR, mobile, movie, appearances in other games, etc.
Your game is not that goddamn interesting or deep, give it a fucking rest

It's an MMO without the other players, user.

Yeah, for real. Hoping that they fix the bugs next update. Wondering what else they'll add.

I want to fucking die

Is it story mode with Co-Op? Or just missions online?

It'll be remembered as a thing that happened

which one did the better 2B cosplay so I can fap, I know they did one because every cosplay girl has a fucking 2B cosplay.

A fight with every Astral.

It's fun, only real flaw is frequent load screens, but I hear it's doing that because it's actually loading the entire map and not just the instanced area.

Missions with co op. They take place during a time where the mc is comatose for 30 years.

muh dik

>literally all things you have to go out of your way to see
>somehow shoved in your face

Some will remember it fondlg, others are just shitty memers and want to bash a thing, others are still buying the latest CoD remake and pretending it isn't stale shit.

I like the game as a whole, even though lots of parts, like Prompto and Gladio's dialogue every now and then just grate on my nerves.

So far, out of all the DLCs, Prompto's is the most legit. Metal Gear Prompto was fucking neat

That doesn't even make any sense.

Don't care other than any interaction that Prompto and Cindy have with each other.

you couldn't do that for months after launch though. and being the smallest bit off the road trying to land from flight mode was an instant game over. I loved the road trip aspect but you can't deny the car was broke af for several patches.

Pic related
I hope they add the option to just go out on missions with only 2 people

Ardyn and Luna VA's are in the credits for Comrades but they weren't in the main quest or anything yet, probably something to do with them? All other VA's credited are in comrades. Probably stuff to do with the other sigils like the wise and Regis's one, and there's that menu that ssys play as main story characters which is greyed out for now.

I wanted Cindy and Prompto to be a thing, and more involing Aranea.

>why are cosplayers wearing wigs?
Never ever go to /cgl/