Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that loot boxes aren't a very big deal?

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that loot boxes aren't a very big deal?
It's literally OPTIONAL content. You can safely ignore it if you want to. Otherwise you can be a complete idiot and send dozen of dollars to be 1% better than someone else.
Loot boxes will be what funds future expansions as well. Expansions you will NOT have to buy. And with any luck other games will adopt that policy. The whales will literally be giving you FREE content.
This is like the rich being taxed and the government passing it on to the poor.

did you accidentally mean post this on Sup Forums and not reddit?

When did you realize Star Wars was dead

Star Wars is just beginning

an example of socialism as a good thing

>It's literally OPTIONAL content.

What does this even mean?? This is videogames we're talking about, playing them at all is optional in the first place.

Shut the fuck up the game is still bad vehicles on rails cross era heroes no 2 or more seater vehicles it’s like the worst possible battlefield game

>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that loot boxes aren't a very big deal? It's literally OPTIONAL content.

Lootboxes ARE the progression system, whether you've bought them or not it's still random bullshit, which is the worst way to make a progression system. Are you daft?

>its optional content
no, not the way Dice did it. You have to get loot boxes in order to get crafting materials, to upgrade your gear. whether or not you want to you need to get loot boxes

its optional to progress faster

>EA damage control shill


I feel like this entire thing is everyone realizing millennials are poor and entitled.

They remember games costing $60 when they were younger, but that was with inflation pretty much the equivalent of $90 today.

They didn't feel it then because their parents paid. But now they're unemployed, minimum wage, and so they're having a meltdown.

yes the PAID lootboxes are "optional", but you still get lootboxes in the game regardles. lootboxes are still shit, paid or not. Furthermore, I hate the whole concept of progression systems in multiplayer pvp action games.

OP, who do you (EA) needs Sup Forums's approval SO badly?

You're never going to get it until you stop being awful.

Kill yourself, damage control shill.

reddit: the thread

no you're right this definitely seems like a fair price point

People don't want to be exploited out of their money, regardless of their income level. Obviously, video game base prices are due for a raise, but that's not the issue here. The rest of your post is just incoherent millennial bashing.

Too bad wages haven't risen with inflation.

Microtransactions are bullshit in any $60 game no matter the circumstance.

if you can't afford the video games maybe you should focus on more important things in your life or get a different hobby

it's not like the game actually costs $60 anyway

>Are you daft?
Yes, yes he is.

just drop $2k on a game bro, what are you poor?

This argument is bullshit born of willful ignorance. Every game with purchasable bits in it that have an effect on gameplay has been EXPLICITLY DESIGNED TO BE DOGSHIT UNLESS YOU BUY THEM.

There are only two reasons games are slow and grindy.
1: That's where all the fun is. ARPGs like diablo and path of exile do this because that's the point of the game. If you introduce mtx to this type of game you're only making it a worse experience by skipping the fun (D3 on launch).

2: You designed the "optional time saving" mtx first and then balanced the game around being tedious garbage without them.

i honestly dont see a problem with loot boxes unless its for a singplayer game.

>Let me buy a game for 80$ and still get shafted by microtransactions

how about no

>Expansions you will NOT have to buy
>you will NOT have to buy
>NOT have to buy

are you fucking retarded? do you really think for a second micro transactions were intended to pay for that? MT are purely icing on the top right now, its a profit focused product, and honestly im worried about those "free" future dlc. sounded too good to be true when they announced and it sounds impossible now that theyve lost so much sales and momentum.

This is like when feminists complain about a videogame and devs change stuff and the fems dont even buy the game.
Sup Forums complains about loot boxes and they wouldnt buy the game anyway

I didn't think Star Wars was ever a big deal until TFA came out and boy was I surprised! Rey is just the greatest and Finn is super-cool!

Actual serious question.
Can i enjoy the game even if i dont give a shit about heroes, story or upgrading shit?

I just played the beta and had ((fun)) playing against a fuckton of people

fuck off shill
It's not optional content: it's content that's already on the disk and held at a ransom of our time unless we pay money.

Thsoe who obtain that """optional content""" make gameplay hell and painful for those who don't

its a great game. there is a 10 hour trial if you have origin access

shiet. I only have a shit toaster and a PS4.

Maybe i'll wait until its on sale after the whiners stopped playing

>to be 1% better than someone else.
Actually its more like 40%

And the game is built around them. It's an awful grind otherwise.

Go away Jew

>It's an awful grind
To get those good cards yes. To unlock heroes only takes like 2 days casual play. And those cards are retarded physical boosters. Why would you RNG Those.

This nigger must “scratch his balls then rub his face” retarded.

No one bother with this side show.
Pic fucking RELATED.

Loot boxes in this game are only optional if your time is worthless.

so youre admitting loot boxes are optional and mean nothing?


My nickname is JD and I'm 27. And this guy looks like a bizzaro version of me I'm dying

If we allow lootboxes into Star Wars. Then lootboxes will be in everything. And eventually they'll come to a point where you cannot avoid or ignore them in the videogame because they are so hard pushed onto the consumer who purchases the videogame that it will be "You've played your $60 worth. Buy some fucking lootboxes to justify you playing more, or we'll ban you cunt".

More full of shit than the OP. Impressive.

The expansions won't mean shit if the core progression system is fucked...WHICH IT IS.

What I don't understand is why is everyone defending DICE. BF4 had a great system of playing the class and guns and unlocking everything thru that. They then sold us a season pass for more great maps.

What's with this maximum jewry for BF2? Why did it get this far? Was EA just pushing the boundaries as far as possible to see how much they can get away with before people snap?

Everyone defending the costs by saying games are more expensive and blah blah shut up. They make much more money today then any time of history look at their stocks.

I bought 3 copies of the deluxe edition, one for me and two for all my friends.

>star wars is getting associated with gambling now
>I've seen this IRL also

holy fucking shit EA

Anyone want to buy me this game on Origin?

that's the p2w version

>mfw lived to see a time where you pay extra money in video games to get an advantage over other players

video games are a disease

by asserting that are you admitting that you only understand time as being worthless?
what a life you must live user

>therwise you can be a complete idiot and send dozen of dollars to be 1% better than someone else


Most of Sup Forums just has extreme insecurity with unlockable content. They can't stand having 1% less of an item vs an opponent, otherwise, they slam down the controller and cry to their mommy about "life being unfair".

I used to be this way. Then I grew up.


the upgrades are huge you idiot. like 40% more health and invincibility and shit, the game is broken as fuck

I find it intriguing people actually enjoy playing a game where you buy power over others

40% in a game mode that has 30 minute queue times because nobody plays it. outside of that it means absolutely nothing.

>intentional logical fallacy
its really more than that and even if it wasnt, how do you justify giving an advantage to some players who are willing to pay more? some arent ABLE to pay more, and some dont know enough to pay more. its unethical.

>like 40% more health and invincibility and shit,

I doubt it.
And even if you are correct, then so what? does little baby equate winning to "fun"?

PM me if u need a pacifier

No, you utter faggot, because even if the actual impact of a microtransaction system on an individual game were meaningless (which in BFII's case it absolutely is not, the game is blatantly pay2win), the successful adoption of this trend into the industry on a larger scale is extremely poisonous. Publishers NEED to face consequences for their terrible financial strategies and anti-consumer tendencies by just flat out losing fucking money, its that simple.

The videogames industry is either going to experience complete heat-death when publishers move so far into cancerous financial strategies that they completely abandon their actual install base, or they're going to have to actually be walked back from the edge by consumer actions. As much as I'd love to see EA fall apart amidst huge anti-child-gambling legislation in 5 years' time, I'd actually rather there still be some kind of AAA publishing infrastructure in the future so some actual videogames can be made.

if you cant afford a little bit of pocket change you need to reevaluate your life and decide if playing video games is the right hobby for you

>nu/v/ is unironically defeding this shit now
fuck this board


haha no

EA is just creating an achievement system for the poor.

In the end, the poor benefit because they are forced to get better. It's like playing baseball with 2 bats. Oncethat guy gets into the big league (i.e. notbeing poor), he'll thank EA.

>30 minute queue times
>game LITERALLY came out like a week ago

surely you jest?

>pocket change
you see this is exactly what Im talking about, you dont understand, that NOT what it will EVER be
do you seriously believe that someone will just buy ONE crate or whatever, one pack of coins or credits or crystals and be done?
its INTENDED to be addictive

remember, this game's install base is literally 40% of Battlefront 1's launch week install base. So not only are some of the gamemodes shit, there's a huge discrepancy between how many people are actually playing this shit game.

the starfighter health upgrade is literally 40% and boba fett's upgrade is 100% damage invuln, and there are many others that are equally game breaking and many people running around with these cards just wrecking the entire game. quit talking out of your ass

this is what i saw from the free trial. I'm not paying money for this shit.

When TFA turned out to be capeshit.

jesus christ. I give this game a month tops before it's already dead as fuck. what a waste of everybody's time. If i was disney I would get EA the fuck away from star wars

>be a corporate cock sucking faggot
>sell your soul to EA because you're this much of a faggot
>own no stocks in EA, but care for their stock value...because you're a MASSIVE faggot.
>literally lie to yourself and everyone because you're a delussional faggot
>proceed to gas self to clean up the gene pool

Can OP never NOT be a dumb shit nignog faggot kike? Holy flaming AIDS balls. it isn't optional you tard, the entire progression in Star wars gamblecunt is built into lootboxes and making you waste 60-80hours on the shit gameplay for even the most modest rewards, if you don't play. Same for CoD WW2. Stop being a fag, grow a pair of balls, along with a fucking spine and self respect.

Second even if it was only cosmetic...even if it was just fuking 'worthless' cosmetic, FUCKING WHO CARES?! Are you a labotized turtle brainlet?! Costomizing your character's appearance has been a massive part of gaming since WoW, Diablo, and Team Fortress. Gamers jizz themselves over cool outfits, decalls, voice packs, and whatever other faggoty shit.

Making the consumer pay $60 for the 'base' game, another $30-50 for the season pass...oh let's throw out an extra $15-20 because now season passes DO NOT EVEN INCLUDE ALL THE FUCKING DLC, plus $80 for the silver bundle $100 for the ultra gold douche pack, then $150+ for the tardinaught collector's edition (which still misses 30-50% of the dlc) and games are being priced between $120-200 JUST TO HAVE ALL THE ACTUAL FUCKING CONTENT IN THE GAME! You actually want us to pay MORE to actually have the 'privledge' to use said content? Nigger go back to fucking africa, we don't want your ass here, or if a kike shove your brainlet skull into the closest oven.

Fuck you, fuck EA, fuck Activision, fuck anyone one defends this shit, fuck Nintendo Sony and MS for extorting customers to use their damn internet and all you bitches can rot in hell. Sick of you spineless fags bending to these cunty companies without question.

there was a headline a few days ago that Disney was on the horn with EA specifically over Battlefront II.
I can't imagine, with a franchise that is SO rooted in secondary product sales, that a fiasco like this didn't get immediately snapped on by Disney.

Which is actually really good to hear, since big name publishers have been infamously bad about ignoring audience feedback (see that cuck (((analyst))) saying they should just raise the release prices of games), so them getting barked down at from a larger corporate entity might do them some good.

I see you are upset but please understand, all expansion packs for BFII will be provided for free without need of buying the season pass.

>mfw less than a year later
>updates stop entirely for battlefront 2, just like battleborn
>nobody is playing it
>EA just shuts the servers down after a passive aggressive PR statement like they always do
>loses rights to star wars license, mickey mouse is fucking done with them
>give it to CDProjektred and they make KOTOR 3

who gives a fuck they're free if you have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to get advantages over other players? god it makes me feel sick talking about this

>if you have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to get advantages over other players

this is the sentence of a really insecure person who can't stand having disadvantages.

that's a really shitty perspective on life, my man.

>get killed in any other game
ah shit I fucked up somewhere

>get killed in star wars battlefront 2

see the problem? pay to win.

if you start playing an mmo and people have been playing long before you, they have spent more money and will have an advantage over you. oops better boycott all mmos now!

do you have a black friend named turk?

P2W mmo's you mean. my point still stands, those games are p2w and so is battlefront 2, except it's not an mmo it's a """""""""competitive""""""" multiplayer shooter where you can purchase better gear with real money.

Not only Sup Forums complains about that, pay to win loot boxes in a not a free game is new low. I mean pay to win is bad even in free games and no one to play them but when you force this system in a game that people payed for it just bullshit. EA known for its hate toward customers but this this is something new.

>see the problem?
yea, you have depression. you probably also have intimacy issues. i recommend therapy.

all i see is the perfect opportunity to git gudder

its a problem with ALL mmos.
if you start before someone else and keep paying and playing every month you will have a great advantage over people who start playing later. enjoy your mmo boycott

I just can't wait for a time when a game's main content costs $200 dollars in total with little or none done to innovate it. OH WAIT. Hold my beer. We'll get there soon.

>I didn't think Star Wars was ever a big deal

people make it into a big deal. just like people are making loot boxes into a big deal. the fact is neither of them mattr much

all you shill faggots need to die off. Sup Forums stinks of you EA marketeers.

gayme is fun. suck my asshole queer

>go to buy a brand new car
>every single car is primer gray
>but you want a green car
>salesman offers the "optional appearance mystery box"
> $500
>buy box hoping for green repaint voucher
>nope. 2 years unlimited car washes
>buy another $500 cosmetic mystery box
>"custom" alloy wheel package
>last try. -$500
>shit brown paint voucher
>you now drive a shiny new shit brown car
>if only the color of your choosing wasn't optional....

They locked heroes behind 40 hour paywalls with the specific purpose of goading people into buying lootboxing. Thus adding a bad feature into the game purely for profit. This is bad for games.
dont reply to me faggot

Ha, dude $2k? Are you homeless? $10k minimum bro.

The game itself is optional, faggot.



Welcome to EA
Incomplete games come standard

>start punching bricks trying to get gold coins
>punch down every building i see
>get rich fast

Remember cod 4 and mw2? They had unlocks for in game challenges and ranking up. What was so hard about copying that if they want progression?

A car and a video game are both products. If you think games are somehow exempt from reasonable sales practices then you're lost.

Actually battlefield series had lootboxes for some time now, they just weren't as bullshit slot machines as now. And they only had weapon attachments and exp boosts.

>Listing all those garbage characters but not Durge

Fuck off kid

>wanting anything from the shitty disney kiddy shows

off yourself kiddo

you failed at comprehension he's saying life shouldn't be like a video game which is the exact point you just made

the dust is still settling asshole

is there anything worse

holy shit I suck at this game