Steam Gift Thread part dos

Steam Gift Thread part dos

Other urls found in this thread:

Give it a break dude.

I already got my game, just giving other user's a chance to beg. It's funny to watch.

Looking for TEC 3001, my 360 broke on me, so I don’t have access to the game anymore. If anyone could help a brother out, that’d be real wizard.
[email protected]

post ending in 76 gets cuphead


Le Cuphead


[email protected]

Lel im ready for the shit show like in the last thread

Cup head

This is what ruined the last thread and the guy who got 91 didn't even get anything. Please don't do it again.

If 76 just post the code in thread

are you one of them bot users?


[email protected]

i swear if i finally get the get and someone snipes it i'm just gonna quit life

user who wants Re0 still here if some one wants to send it to [email protected]

Guess this thread's just going to be a Cuphead reroll raffle.




Here, now fuck off my boy

come on


[email protected]


i ain't givin up


Anyone got a spare payday 2 key? I missed the giveaway a while back.

Wait fuck typo error
the mail is [email protected]



i am not deterred

To those who were looking for stuff from me in the last thread, I'll probably either make a thread on Thanksgiving or be in one on Thanksgiving and continue giving away then.
Not like I'll have anything to do that day anyways...

i will be victorious

Fuck this, last thread nobody got the shit.

Can we get a heads up on what the OP pic/comment will be?

i still haven't gotten anything, i'll take super meat boy if i have to be specific

[email protected]

rolling bud [email protected]

damn, I was the one who asked for NBA 2k17 would you be willing to do one more?

[email protected]

proof it was me

get trolled


stanley parable bud? my steam library is empty just upgraded from ps4 to pc master race?

Game is shit

you're mean


Would love to get Tribes: Ascended. Oh uh and Arma 3

Okay guys here's the Cuphead code, first come first serve.


i'm gonna go insane if i don't have something to play

If I make the thread? It'll probably be same pic as I just used, and called "Thanksgiving Steam Game Giveaway" or some bs like that.
Try to make it to that thread guys. Done for the night.

i actually tried

That code was already used in the last thread, nice try

pls do not post keys like this

Wasn't already used, incredibly.

>195.8 hours past 2 weeks

Take a break user

Alright, I'll be furiously refreshing the catalog instead of hanging out with the family.

Cuphead is new meme
Throw away key

ah it's cool, i'll try to get that NBA then. i'll be here too anyway eatin pizza on thanksgiving

Duke Nukem Forever would sound good ;)

oh shit

for real though, i'm getting a bit sad

[email protected]

Oh shit.
RIP that key.


Would you please send me Party Hard user

[email protected]


Almost all of it is a stupid clicker game my friend and I are playing. It's just on in the background.

This user is a liar, it was claimed last thread.

user pls give me punch club
[email protected]

octodad was confirmed someone already got it

here's a mystery key for the thread


Someone did confirm getting it? I didn't notice. Thanks.

never understood these f2p clicker shits.
Is it adhd?

prolly bullshit like last thread

>Dream Daddy
Already own it, but congrats to whoever gets it.
Great game.

Jokes on you I Like NTR

Why did you send me an asian pornographic video game?

Almost tried it. Almost

Probably. They don't actually require any clicking like 5 min in at which point they just become a game about figuring out the most efficient route of upgrades you can take. Between us it is just a game of "Who can figure out the most broken combos".

is punch club still available?

[email protected]

i beg of you

[email protected]

[email protected]
forgot mail ffs

soldier 76 would be proud

>first 76 rolled
>user doesn't deliver
The cuckhead fanbase everyone

>dude says he's going to give games away again on Thursday
>faggots keep begging
>not one of these ungrateful beggarfags wish him a Happy Thanksgiving at least
C'est la Sup Forums

It was thrown away, as per the 76 roller's instructions.

I got Recettear if anyone wants it

I stopped gifting games when I found people were trading them.

[email protected]

Merry Christmas, user

The beggars in these threads are usually poor Brazilians and Russians.
They wouldn't know about Thanksgiving.

me, please

[email protected]

i've spent 2 hours here and i haven't recieved anything

Or how to read so it seems

76 with an email, let's see if cuphead fag delivers.

i need something, anything, please, cuphead, reccettear, something

jesus user, you are like the worst gamblers. Its a fucking addiction isnt it

It's too late.
already ruined it.

Post your steam id, I'll add you if you don't have shittons of games already

he's a third world begfaggot that's mostly likely 15 and using his village's el internet cafe, as no adult would spend 2 hours begging for bundle trash

once i start something i can't quit, and i love starting shit, if i'm on this quest for minor happiness for my entire life, so be it


can a nigga gift me modern warfare 2
i wanna play with my steam buds