Are they working on a Switch or PS4 exclusive?

Are they working on a Switch or PS4 exclusive?

Switch please.


"Are they even working?" is the right question

Armored Core on PS4, Bone, Switch and PC

Could you imagine if that was the big surprise Phil had in store for the Xbox One?

they're making a lootbox souls game

Every time.

They have 4 PS4 exclusives coming out. I imagine 3 of them are VR "Read a book in first-person Bloodborne" games though.

>Scifi Souls, Switch Exclusive

Colecovision exclusive

2 PS4 exclusives, 1 multiplat, 1 switch port of DS1 full price running worse than 360 version.

The shitstorm would be incredible especially if it actually looked like a great game.

If there would be a console exclusive, the odds of it being on PS4 is higher given the relationship with FromSoftware, Sony and their studio, Japan Studio.

Everything points towards a Switch exclusive.

They're making Metroid

Such as?

From Software being one of the party's third party partners
Ruined Kingdom
No current announcement of anything for PS4 / Xbox One / PC.

what about that Vanillaware coop development thing?

Fromsoft's next dark fantasy project is multiplat

Most switch owners do not care about or are not interested in FROM
So I guess PS4

>Xbox One
Doesn't check out

Probably Monster Hunter Diary related
>Ruined Kingdom
You're retarded

Whatever it is, it better be Armored Core related.

Daddy needs his medicine.

Armored Souls? A sci-fi adaption to Souls?
Ok, but why?

>Ruined Kingdom

You're either complete mad man, or a genius. But I'm still betting on Sony, as they've always had a stable relationship with FromSoft.

You gauge that how?

They're working on Metroid Prime 4.

The leak on reddit said that """Namco Bandai""" is working on Metroid Prime 4. We all know what this means.

>they've always had a stable relationship with FromSoft
Not anymore. Sony was furious at how hard Bloodborne bombed.

>You gauge that how?
Reception from Nintendo forums and Nintendo discords

No. Dear god no.
After Samus Returns bombing this is the last thing we need.

>From Software being one of the party's third party partners

This is a bit of a stretch especially when you didn't take into account that they're working on a new AC game for all platforms. Like, Rockstar is on that list of third parties for Switch and L.A Noire remastered is on everything under the sun.

>they're working on a new AC game for all platforms
AC has never been on Nintendo consoles.
It's going to be Monster Hunter Diaries




advertising issue

Samus Returns wasn't a bomb and From Software isn't Mercury Steam. I think From would do a great job at making Metroid Prime 4. They proved they can make a great interconnected world in the first half of Dark Souls.

From are currently working on three games, which we know are

>What is currently a new Armored Core, but might get turned into its own thing further down the line depending on how devlopment goes. Miyazaki also remarked that he's currently on a big Escaflowne kick, so I don't know if he just threw that in there or was implying that it's be heavily influential on this new game
>A dark fantasy ARPG that "will fall in line with the fans' expectations of us". From have also put out a job listing in Famitsu saying that this is for "home console".
>Something entirely new, which Miyazaki has remarked is "quite weird" and is expected to polarize audiences

In terms on platforms, we know for a fact that one of these is a PS4/Xbone/PC multiplat with VR support. Shuhei Yoshida has also been dropping hints, the most notable being a photo of him and several other Sony heavy hitters having lunch with Miyazaki and a Kadokawa (From's parent company) exec, that From will be working with Sony Japan Studio again on something, which falls in line with what a few NeoFAG posters who have a fair bit of clout saying that they'll be working together again on something, in addition to Famitsu's editor remarking that Sony have "an exciting ARPG" up their sleeves. They've also pledged support for the Switch in some capacity, but as of now it's unknown as to what that might be.

>Samus Returns wasn't a bomb
>I think From would do a great job at making Metroid Prime 4
Personal opinion but still wrong

The guy who leaked Bloodborne said they have a 3 exclusive game contract

I thought that "Don't piss me off" sticker on the left was a "FEATURING DANTE FROM THE DEVIL MAY CRY SERIES" sticker at first.

Samus Returns sold sub 1M on a 69M strong handheld. How is that not a bomb? Thirty year old franchise fails to sell more than a niche souls game on PS4.

>They've also pledged support for the Switch in some capacity, but as of now it's unknown as to what that might be.
I 100% guarantee it's Monster Hunter Diaries

Roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll

How come you don't think they'd do a good job with Prime 4?

The Metroid series has never been a powerhouse in terms of sales. Most of the games hover around the low 1M sales range. It wasn't even some major AAA ultra high-budget project anyway, 500k would be a success for Mercury Steam.

>How come you don't think they'd do a good job with Prime 4?
Like outside of common sense or what?

>Most of the games hover around the low 1M sales range
Games like Other M and Samus Returns yeah, the rest nah

How does common sense entail that they won't do a good job with Prime 4? You're not giving me a reason.

>we will never get Dark Souls: Directors Cut for Switch, PS4, XBO, and PC
>DaS 1 at 60 fps with the post-lordvessel part of the game completely rehauled

end this fucking meme, Sony themselves said it exceeded expectations and the game made a ton of money

They are working and Angel Souls for the Switch.

The same reason why a FROM Banjo Kazooie would suck or the same reason a FROM Pikmin game would suck

>Sony was furious at how hard Bloodborne bombed

Oh, I remember you.

that would be amazeballs

what is that reason? Quit skirting around the question. How does common sense say:
>A developer who has made a game with a good interconnected world will do a bad job at making a new game with an interconnected world.

Souls games at 60fps is quite uncanny.
Only my opinion.

Considering that bloodborne runs like shit on a PS4
Imagine fromsoft trying to make a game playable on an even inferior platform
The butthurt levels are gonna be epic

>>Something entirely new, which Miyazaki has remarked is "quite weird" and is expected to polarize audiences

Kings Field VR

30 FPS > 0 FPS


Xbox/PC exclusive.

Otogi 3

Lets be realist for once

30-15 FPS > 20-5 FPS

60 FPS>everything else

Why not both?