Filename Thread

Filename Thread.


Other urls found in this thread:

what was his endgame


Hard to say


A classic.



goodnight evil prince




he just wanted to survive the chimp out

kek, Jet Set Radio was the shit



That dude is pretty hot wouldn't even be mad

Th-thanks shindol


>That dude is pretty hot
Probably why she voluntarily agreed to have sex with him.

>That dude is pretty hot wouldn't even be mad
the story is they were a couple. they had sex and she never said no but she didn't explicitly say yes either so it was rape.

race war with blacks. hence the swastika on his forehead.

He's not dead you fu-
>Nov 19, 2017


how rude of her, bet he never gave her permission to speak






I found it on google.
Have you tried that, faggot?


The feels that webm gave me

the swastika had nothing to do with racewar.
He thought the race war was inevitabel and blacks would win, he hoped to live out in the desert until it blowed over and black people realized that they need white people to survive so they'd treat him like a king.

The swastika was explicitly stated to mean rejection from society by Manson himself, before it was a swastika it was a simple X.
He drew the X on his forehead after his request to represent himself in court was denied, it was like saying his brain wasn't good enough so it got crossed out.

ebin pewdiepie meme my brofissstt

I can't be the only one that gets it.

Oh god am I a degenerate?







Hell yeah you are.
I love posting that one and causing certain users to look at themselves.




>he never got to see the impending race war

rip in peace

Summertime Saga

9/10, pretty great.


>Rape victim
>Rape survivor

One of these is funnier than the other.



I mean
they're still death metal


Fuck yeah it was

I actually looked these guys up because I always thought the image was a fake. Turns out they're real.

>Job System.webm




Who is this Bob Referenitch person he's talking about?




going to listen to Beware by Death Grips just because of this


If you could change like that why would you choose to be black?



>i'm too retarded to understand filename threads


Holy shit, it's like 1/3 Bael


he actually stole it from someone else, I remember seeing it like a week ago.

Same to



Are they named Bud, Weis, and Er?

reminded me of this

These korean tv commercials are always good.
Somebody just post a bunch of webms about this

>villain joins the party.jpg

Is this real??

That's Thai, not Korean.


>not D.3.S. Frog

They all look alike to me

How was he bald like that decades ago but had what looks like a full head of hair a few years ago? Is prison really good for your scalp or something?

that's the one about the laptop, right?

fuck i'm already pissed

>A Dance With Rogues

Maybe he shaved it for a laugh


Do you know this one too?

foam adventures, right?


rockstar got him to shave it for the mocap


For anyone wondering, the bill was about 22k in burger bucks



>mfw my facebook feed today was full of dumbasses who thought Charles Manson was Marilyn Manson making RIP posts



