Why is everyone hating this game so much? People say it's too hard and now it is racist...

Why is everyone hating this game so much? People say it's too hard and now it is racist. I just want others to appreciate it. Not this bullshit. Can anyone else relate? Beating the game felt refreshing and I actually had a fun time.

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>civil rights professor
Lmao the absolute state of americucks. They give you a degree for any bullshit lmaoooo.

What else did you expect?

literally this. Berkeley is a shithole.

Wow can't believe didn't notice the Berkeley part. Explains a lot.

because they are cups of milk and not coffe?

time for me to buy cup head out of pure spite. I did the same thing with nier when bioware tweeted that BS.

So much blood and sweat went into making Cuphead, and for some shit eating professor to dismiss it over some boogeyman claim that the game is racist is asinine

Holy shit the ignorance in people these days, this made my day thanks OP.

What's wrong with being racist?

>buying cuphead is now a hate crime
Well fuck me, I guess I gotta buy it now.

>Civil Rights Professor
Universities are a fucking joke.


archive that shite OP

Please pastebin the article, I want to be mad

Can anyone link me the tweet she made? Because I can't find it so I'm starting to think this article is made up.

Free speech was a mistake

gaming free press is a parody site

I never would have guessed playing a game would become a hate crime. what a time to be alive huh?

>civil rights professor

You'd be too if you had to devote most of your funds to law enforcement thanks to the altright

>when Sup Forums joined Sup Forums in the streets bashing the reds at berkley

cupepe and mugbenis

not same article but

Its a satire website. This professor doesn't exist.

Of course you do. You and people like you are addicted to rage which is why you go looking for literally who articles and tweets to rage over. You act like 20 years ago the person wouldn't say the same shit

that site is satire you silly fucks

>implying that will stop the assanguish

>the absolute STATE of Sup Forums

>Sup Forums falls for propaganda
These are the same people who want me to listen to their "facts'

I know you're memeing but I still can't believe that there are people who unironically use the term "alt-right" in 2017

aaaaaaahahaha Sup Forums fucking BTFO

You guys are ruining the joke, you know that?

This isn't and sjws are complaining.

>Berkeley California

But it could just as well be real, cuck.

>Sup Forums-lite lost to fake news

Sup Forums is by far the easiest board to troll, Sup Forums is easy but somehow Sup Forums is even worse for taking obvious bait.

I've been tricked!

>“By sidestepping this kind of over the top caricature, Cuphead attempts to represent the best of the jazz era’s relationship with cartoons. And there is a lot of good to be found. Calloway is an electric performer and cartoons like the Fleischer’s 1933 films The Old Man of the Mountain and Betty Boop in Snow White do far better justice to his inimitable style. At the same time, these examples feature his voice in the body of an old white man and a white-faced clown, respectively. When it comes time for cartoons to represent him as a human being, his lips balloon up, his eyes grow, and he is forced into the minstrel mold, the only way that animation studios seemed to be able to envision black characters for decades. That Cuphead follows the path of the Fleischers and hides what could have been his likeness behind an anthropomorphic talking dice is historically in line with black representation in animation. Once it became faux-pas to depict black characters as minstrels and racist caricatures, then the solution appears to be not depicting them at all.”

What's wrong with this analysis exactly?


Not memeing at all. You need to take a breath outside of your echo chamber

>f-facts don't matter!

Reals over feels, sweetie.

And earlier today I read an article about how, if anything, EA should charge more for loot boxes because gamers are underpaying for content.

Just laugh at shit like this and move on.

Now you have to go play video games

They literally base their life off fake news and shit.

Articles like this are retarded. The creators aren't "whitewashing" history by making a cartoony game with story archetypes that have been around for literally thousands of years.

How many of these onion rip-off sites are there now? How do they make money?

>sjws are complaining.
Water is wet.

That's just right-wing politics

Jokes on you, I'm playing video games and browsing at the same time.

>That Cuphead follows the path of the Fleischers and hides what could have been his likeness behind an anthropomorphic talking dice is historically in line with black representation in animation.
King Dice is a homage to Cab, not Cab himself. Cupheads not meant to be a fucking history lesson on animation, it's just wackiness and surrealism at its best. Like, what's even the argument here? That a black person is being homaged in the form of a cartoony dice-man, instead of being just a caricature of himself? Even typing that out still feels like nonsense.

>People have opinions


>implying this is not nazi rat

>ITT: Sup Forumstards losing their minds to fake news
Fuck off and kill yourselves.

>yfw you wouldn't be surprised if this was real
>a satirical website isn't considered satire anymore
You just have to look at any "gaming" or "journalism" website to know that this could easily have been real. Pic related was real, not faked.

All white people need to be killed for civil rights.

It's Berkeley. They literally had a group of engineering students walk out on their midterms and get away with it after saying that them having to take tests is racist. I don't even know how that school is even taken seriously by anyone anymore.

The argument is that blacks were stereotyped in these animations. Cuphead creators were aware of that and avoided these stereotypes. But their plan for avoiding them was to not show any black people at all. Which the article writer argues is whitewashing.

>5 humans in cuphead
>all of them are white

Most of Cupheads cast isn't even -human- cept like.. Sally and her husband? The Bluto knock off?


but there were no white people either. just goofy and abstract cartoon characters.

The pirate and the scientist were people, no?

the problem is it wouldnt be surprising if it was real. We're in such a fucked up time line that satire is real most of the time.

>Forgetting the best waifu

I didn't go looking for anything buddy. That's why I'm asking for OP to spoon feed me. Are you retarded?

brineybeard, dr kahl, sally

By not including/acknowledging and thus glossing over the rampant racist stereotypes common to the animation-era, they actually are whitewashing it. Pretending it didn't/never existed is whitewashing.

Wait... Oogie boogie saying this is a quote from him?

>the most boring characters were white people
like poetry

Does that look like a nazi salute to you? He's wearing a pickelhaube even. He's WWI you dipstick.

Not every cartoon from that era was full of those kinds of things though, and the Cuphead devs choosing not to include that kind of stuff shows if anything that they don't approve of those kinds of stereotypes, so why on earth would they include it?

doesnt cuphead take place in the 1930's?

Ironic considering the president they support is supposed to be against "fake news".

I had never heard of this and looked it up. Whew. Claiming that you can't take a test cause of a hurricane in another country is on a new level, wish I had thought of that shit back in grad school.

That's just you being retarded and desperately clinging to any rationalization you can think of to excuse your retardation.

You can be a professor in Ebonics.

because it's so fucking trivial, anyone with a reason to care can understand most of this immediately upon looking at cuphead and people who don't have a reason to care shouldn't be reading critical race theory
"cuphead is racially fraught" would have been a hot take two months ago; at this point it's kinda of pathetic to pay someone to drool out an essay on the racial implications of making modern works in the old-timey animation style