Fuck Sup Forums i'm so tempted to buy it

Fuck Sup Forums i'm so tempted to buy it...
Haven't played it in ages so it might only be the nostalgia pushing me to do it...
Please convice me not to buy it Sup Forums...

Don't give in to Todd's wicked tricks!
You can do it!

You know you want to.

Just let it happen.

Give me ur money so u can't buy it plox

>for a six year old game
How fucking underage are you? And if you already played it, why not just play that version again, dipshit?

how the fuck is this game still 80$ 6 years after release

reminder that you are nostalgic about the old terarria days and that also came out in 2011

You literally can play skyrim on a modern laptop with mods right now without paying for it. Why the fuck would you pay 300 for a switch and 60 fucking dollars for a version that looks like the 360/ps3 version?

I really hope Skyrim 2 has lootboxes that I can buy with real world money.

I already bought it.

I'm not nostalgic for Terraria, what the fuck are you talking about?

It's $60 while every other version if $40

lol canada sucks

It's incredibly comfy on handheld mode.
I got lost for hours before realizing what I was doing.

Skyrim is trash without mods.

Well, less trash anyway.

You are free to buy whatever you want but consider this. If the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for Nintendo Switch doesn't move units in a HUGE way we can say goodbye to NIntendo ever being a big player in the third party scene. This game NEEDS to sell in astronomical numbers in order to change the hearts and minds of third party developers and publishers and it's up to us to step up to the plate and make that happen. IF you feel third party support is important to you, then we need to show that the Nintendo faithful can be good stewards for the console gaming industry and that might mean buying multiple copies of the same game for different platforms sometimes.

Do it for Nintendo.

why the fuck would you keep giving them money? the more you do this the more shit HD remasters are going to pop up, and the longer it'll be before they make ES6

Nostalgia is not governed by time, I agree it's retarded to be nostalgic for Skyrim, but that's because it's a shit game. Someone can be nostalgic about something that happened 5 minutes ago.

Yeah, we need to show third parties we're willing to buy every rehash of last generation games so they keep making more rehashes of last generation games. That'll make the Switch a real boy!

The PC version is better.
You should only buy exclusives on Nintendo systems desu.

I will pick it up when it goes way the fuck down in price, Skyrim on the go without a clunky laptop sounds like a good way to pass the time.
Seriously, 60 bucks for Skyrim is fucking shit, its 6 years old and goes on sale all the fucking time on Steam.

Honestly, it's not a great game, but it's a perfect Switch game since you can just mindlessly wander around no matter if you're at home or outside

The Switch version is great.
Gyro works perfectly and like the little details with HD rumble.
But more importantly, it's fucking mind-blowing on portable mode.

>But more importantly, it's fucking mind-blowing on portable mode.

It really is, it looks super crisp.