Now that we know you can re-skin a popular RTS mod, barely market it...

Now that we know you can re-skin a popular RTS mod, barely market it, and still bring in a shit ton of dosh what will be next?

Cat and Mouse?
Footmen Frenzy?
Jungle Troll Tribes?

I'm kind of hype to be honest lads

>tfw a AAA Nexus Wars is possible in my lifetime

its been obvious since forever

remake warcraft 3 mods into stand alone games ( thats what dota literally is lol ) and you will be rich as fuck. They are stress tested, the ones which are most fun and popular, will be successful. Yet rarely anyone ever does it. Once I get better at making games, thats what im going to do

We're just scratching the surface here

>Sunken City
>Civ Wars
>Werewolf Transylvania
>Fortress Survival
>Tech Wars
>X-Hero Siege/Hero Line Wars
>Tree Tag
>Uther Party

So much potential gold out there, we just need devs that give a shit

GemTd the chinks love it

i would unironically purchase a troll tribes game.

I miss the WCIII modding community so much lads

wait, could something like azeroth wars as a standalone game work?

i would love to have something like that.

Just pull a 50 shades of grey move and rename everything

Would buy

>turning WC3 mods into standalone games becomes a huge thing
>there eventually comes an encyclopedia of Warcraft III character knockoffs

>rename everything

Kek, i can imagine it right now

>take Trathol from Rodladeron and unlock Blarthas as a playable hero.

>Keep the World Palm safe, for the forest wizards to remain strong

>Use the book of Vihmed to summon the terriftying Fiery Company.

I unironically want a standalone Metastasis/Parasite game with extra features like atmospheric decompression, maps that randomly generate which ships/stations/planets are present, and better graphics.

>parasite as standalone

holy shit that would be great. Hell, not only make it standalone, make a SP mode that slowly explains the mechanics, going through each role and the final mission is you control the parasite.

I've been enjoying the SC2 version a ton, gotta love all the doodads and assets they can use from the game.

I've never wanted anything this much

How would they go about implementing some sorta level-up system and bonus to keep people playing and make those 20 second games less frustrating, though?

Unlock roles and alien forms with level, with the more difficult ones or those that demand some experience locked to a higher level? Still random, but to even be eligible for say, Captain or Security Chief, you need to have played enough to know what you're doing.

Customisable loadouts for starting gear for each role, restricted by level and what that role should have?

I mean, isn't that how we ended up with ASSFAGGOTS fucking killing WoW? I honestly have no clue why people didn't catch on this sooner.

jail break
fuck you guys, it was fun


>random unit battle
>the mode where one guy mines and builds and the other guy is in charge of attacking
>mass attack

Would be pretty fun tbqh


Put the phone away and go to bed user, you've gotta be up early for middle school tomorrow.


What do you mean by now when you have the whole ASSFAGGOTS?

>$70 on advertising
I like the cut of their gib.

Wait wait wait

I know people that only played this game
Like I saw them playing WC3 a year ago every day only to play this game

Makes sense that it's doing really well

If they're smart, they'll add cosmetic unit differences that you can get with lootboxes. Also add new races that you can unlock from lootboxes, or with credits that you get from boxes or dupes.

Go full overwatch model

Actually it looks like they're just periodically adding new playable races

Are there any remakes of Impossible Bosses?
I've seen remakes of Mage Arena

I was actually thinking of making one

>don't starve is just wilderness survival with a shitty flash art style.

You guys are just now figuring this out? why do you think modding communities will forever be dead from now on.

It's not a mod, it's a Map.

Don't open your fucking mouth again when men are speaking.

Remember all those zombie hide and seek/run maps in CS Source?

Yeah, someone is going to make that a game and it's going to sell a billion copies.

holy fuck I play those all the time
was actually thinking of how one of those could be a standalone game

I always loved the maps where you could move the soda machines around and build barricades, fun stuff.

Maybe this is something I should get on before someone else steals the idea and turns it into the next pubg


I might mention the idea to my friend who wants to make a game. He's more interested in making a war shooter, but I might be able to convince him of the overlap.

The big seller will be how moddable it is and how people can setup their own customizable servers.

Surf maps were better but boy did I love some of those escape zm maps.

>not just plain old wintermaul

hes right you know

I would be happy to see a standalone Pyramid Escape. That game was so much fun.

they are called mods by patrician gamers of that age. Map makers call them mods.

Dumb pubbies call them maps.

>pobes vs zeelot standalone game

Originally Cat and Mouse
Game doesn't work out too well because no one wants to be a Cat and everyone wants to be a Mouse
Can't be balanced either because of the major difference is play style between the 2 sides.

Best hope is for an AI Cat
Too bad the game gets boring pretty quickly and the only reason people end up playing it a lot is because they die early or someone else fed so you end up paying the price.
Rarely do games go to completion because at a certain point early on you know who's going to win. There's very little depth to the game play.

>Aeon of Strife
We're already in that timeline user.

this is basically what space station 13 is.

and yes with a decent engine and budget it could be a great game that could go toe to toe with pubg or those death royale maps.

>Tower defense PVP in SC2

Shit was great... Would buy a standalone...

I would legit pay retail for a AAA PVP tower defence game

Aeon of Strife Style Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides








I would like standalone Enfos.

speaking of TD, I really liked Sanctum and Sanctum 2. I'd like another scifi first-person TD.

I'd like a game like those old "bound" maps in Starcraft, the ones where you had to maneuver a zergling through an obstacle course perfectly to get to the next level.

Those games only really worked because they exploited bugs
Most of them were just knowing what the bugs were
Formalizing a lot of those mechanics would ruin the difficulty of them


>No Troll Tribes
You're a whole bundle of twigs, son.
Shit, it's a crafting survival game with co-op. How has someone NOT just made a short match-based game like that?

I don't know, you could just design the higher difficulty challenges to require frame-perfect input (or near enough).

Besides, there is precedent for a dev turning an enjoyable bug into an actual feature.

Someone should just make a simple RTSesque engine and re-create several minigames.

>$70 on marketing

Sure, whatever.

>require frame-perfect input (or near enough).
Only autists actually like those games. That's why their sales dwindle each year.

>Besides, there is precedent for a dev turning an enjoyable bug into an actual feature.
But the problem is that the game was fun because it was a bug. Most of what you did was based around knowing what the bugs were, or just following dance patterns. That's it. There was one game where you raced towards the end, but the entire thing was just a series of bug exploits you had to do. Things like landing a command center on interceptors to destroy them, or going through enemy collision by mining. It was fun because those things were bugs, not because the gameplay itself was all that great. Warcraft 3 kind of shows this since Bounds became way less popular there, and there were far less bugs in them to use.

>starcraft 2 custom games failed
>dota 2 custom games failed
all i ever wanted was port of wc3 maps so they could be populated again

>the game was fun because it was a bug
I understand that some of the tools you had to use to complete the maps were bugs that the map creator took advantage of, but I don't see why an obstacle course game couldn't be made with similar tricks put there by design instead of by accident.

It would just be like... high speed problem solving. Give the player a small set of known tools (in a bound map, this would be the unit's basic controls and actions) and require those tools to be used creatively to pass obstacles. Thinking about it more, I guess the Portal games were kinda like this.

For example: Let's say a player has gadgets X and Y at their disposal. They arrive at an obstacle that cannot be overcome with only X or Y, but after considering the problem they discover that the solution is found to be "XY" by combining the effects of those gadgets together, and they pass the obstacle.

Just like with the resource gathering in Starcraft: There's no sign that tells players the SCV will move around and pass through collision, but if players remember that it does move around then they'll experiment and discover the solution on their own.

Let go of the past, grandpa. Move on to new things. Or just get some friends to play custom maps with, I have a few fags I still play WC3 tower defenses with from time to time