Just think about it.. the time line of the Mass Effect releases went something like this

Just think about it.. the time line of the Mass Effect releases went something like this

>2007 - Mass Effect released
>widely praised as a great RPG

>2010 - Mass Effect 2 released
>a noted shift from RPG with action elements to an action game with RPG elements after EA takes over, left many unhappy by this but still largely regarded a very good game

>2012 - Mass Effect 3 released
>lambasted for its lazy and peculiar ending where no choices from earlier titles really mattered as well as the very mixed reception of the Citadel DLC, tacked on generic multiplayer and shift to Origin only

>2017 - Mass Effect Andromeda released
>combat was praised but absolutely everything else was executed extremely poorly, will go down in video game history as one of the worst launches ever, nothing short of an embarrassment for the devs (who weren't even the same devs as the original trilogy)

In the span of a decade we got to witness such an extreme drop in quality. What the fuck happened?

EA happened

hiring in Bioware went from meritocracy to Diversity and this is what you get

What a shame. At least Dragon Age Inquisition had some redeeming qualities after how bad DA2 was

>women, gays, and minorities killed my franchise

im sure EA didnt help but i definitely think the responsibility lies on the devs, even with an extra year the game would still not be that great, they just didnt understand what made mass effect so special to begin with, sure ME1 had bugs and awkward controls but fans liked the story the lore the characters. maybe its just me and a few others but i found very few interesting world building/characters in andromeda, flashy combat sure, but the series shouldve have been about just combat. whats a roleplaying game if it doesnt have other and similarly interesting resolutions to quests other than combat?

edit* shouldnt have been

People hired largely for their sex and/or ethnicity ruined the franchise. If they happen to be a very engaging writer, while also being a transracial, cross-dressing dwarf chinanigga, I'm fine with that. So long as they were hired on the strength of the former.

In order for a bunch of monkeys to writte shakestfella you need monkeys that know how to make a typewritter work.

>went from 2 brilliant white ex doctors
>to some brown soyboy numale who literally said he hates white people


Did you miss the part where BioWare got acquired by Electronic Arts after the release of Mass Effect 1?

It was about halfway through development of ME2.

bioware went from people who played rpgs making video game rpgs to people playing video game rpgs making video game rpgs

I have never encountered a tranny in real life that wasn't creepy (beside the fact that they cut off their own penis). The life of a lot of gays heavily revolves around being gay. All trannies take their identity to the extreme. You would be a insane to expect quality writing from them.

One of the new writers last job was writing for The Mary Sue.

>2007 - Mass Effect released
>widely praised as a great RPG

I mostly remember it being known for a video game with sex scenes, which was uncommon at the time. That's definitely what the media potrayed it as.

When people actually talked about the game itself, they mostly talked about the Mako and elevators.

The OP has how people view 1 and 2 mixed up.

1 was a good game but the leap in quality between 1 and 2 was huge in gameplay, storytelling and character animations. 2 is considered the best.

>unironically using soyboy
You need to go back.

Why is that dude wearing makeup?

>neofag tourist telling others to go back


Isn't ME2 one of the best rated games of all time, more so than the original?

Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative.

I played about 30 hours of Andromeda and I still don't know the names of the companions or ship crew or what their motivation or personal quests were about.

It's like they went out of their way to make them boring.

But I can name every single companion and major Normandy crew member and their quests with ease.

The problem isn't any "race" or "gender".

The problem is that people were hired who are not qualified for the job.

For example a "woman" was hired for the animations, because she were a woman. She even said that she hasn't animated anything "in the last three years", or translated: "she hasn't animated anything at all and has literally 0 experience". Another employee spend more time being a racist and wishing a genocide of all white people then being productive at all.

There are so many other examples of the shitters who were only hired because of "diversity". Those poor bastard who were qualified had to do LITERALLY ten times the work, because most employees had no clue at all what to do.

ME3 multiplayer was fun

Andromeda wasn't nearly as bad as some people think. Its biggest problem was bugs


The whole "story" and "crew" was just some shit sjw garbage.

One crew member had to be black because "diversity". A FUCKING GANGBANGER as a member of an exploration team? This destroys any role play that was left. It's sad that the black guy was only there because of fake "diversity". In Mass Effect 1 the skin color doesn't matter because the skin was unimportant of any character. In ME:A the skin was everything which mattered.

The "women" in the crew were either some hard core lesbian or looked like they had a degree in gender studies. The lesbian wasn't really the problem, but the voice acting and the shit tier story around her was the reason.

Now for the rest of the crew. A male Blueberry, a female Garrus, an old "Shepard.", and a gay blue cat... wtf? Female Garrus and "Shepard." were a 3/10 and the only one who were not complete shit. The rest of the crew was just bad. Can you imagine, that I enjoyed the pilot of the ship more then the complete rest of the crew? ME:A was so fucking bad on so many levels.

Now combine the shit crew and shit story with the shit performance and you have SJW Effect: Shit.

I remember EVERY SINGLE ONE of the ME1/2/3 crew and know every personality. In ME:A I don't even remember anything important of the crew at all.

Okay cuck