Just got a new 5k iMac, is this a suitable computer for gaming?
Just got a new 5k iMac, is this a suitable computer for gaming?
fuck you post more dob
My brother bought one and I guess it's really good for league of legends because he doesn't use it to play anything else.
>food analogy
How anyone over the age of 16 can have any brand loyalty like that is just so shocking.
Yes. Just do what I did and install Parallels, the newest version you can find, and get Windows 7 on it to install Steam. Now you're playing with power... less power, mind you, but hey, designing on the iMac pays the bills.
I got one, too, actually. Plays Fallout 4 at solid 30fps and Skyrim at 60fps. The screen is really great, I just wish the market would trend more towards Apple so we could get more support. But poorfags ruin everything again.
>deleted his 10fps skyrim letsplay videos
Fuck I was looking for a quick laugh
Imagine being so obese that whenever you look at a computer instead of picturing a computer you picture nothing but food.
>send request
Every time.
Is dobson the anthony burch of the webcomic world?
What did he mean by this?
Now you'll just have to settle for looking into a mirror.
Dobson is so desperate for SJW attention but gets completely ignored. He wishes he was Moviebob, and that is just sad.
Sure, just stick a 1080ti in it.
Make it fit.