Oh, master is playing video games again

>Oh, master is playing video games again...
>What am I ever going to do with you *sigh* =3


That is one cute cat

big cats > small cats

>cats having a concept of being owned

Should I get a cat or a dog, Sup Forums?

I don't know if I have the time or the focus for a dog but I think huskies are the sexiest looking pets on the planet

That's one fluffy cat

Cats are easier
Dogs are more rewarding

cats r dumb


if your not one hundred percent committed a husky is a nightmare, literally bred to run through tundras for 8 hours a day. Minute you leave it alone in the house itll piss over / destroy everything guranteed.

Cats if you're not leaving your house. Dogs if you do. Dogs need walking, running and an active lifestyle. Cats spend majority of their fucking life sleeping or sitting up on high and watching things move around.

None. You used "sexy" to describe a husky, which I'm pretty sure is the animal that every shmuck with a furry avatar has in there, or at least it seems that way. No animal should have to live with a furry.

neither has the brain capacity to love you


pic related, it me and my bitch


Dogs are obnoxious, Stink, Loud, Tear shit up, and require way more maintenance then a cat.
I can't fucking stand dogs because every time I've had a roommates had one, I've had to take care of them because they never do.
>calling a husky sexy
Just commission a husky oc, furrfag.

If thats your bitch, are you the pussy?

you're just asking for trouble

dogs only hate cats they don't know


a cat is more likely to think of you as "that wierd big cat that fills the food bowl"

>getting cucked by your own dog

Pitbulls are really cute

>"Master, master!"
>"It's time for lap sleeps!"

...What do? Do you let your feline friend sleep on you?

Scientific analysis has conclusively shown that cats are perfectly capable of recognizing their own spoken names, same as dogs.
They just don't care.

>Call my cat
>She ignores me, despite knowing I'm calling her

Ugggggh, she's so mean but I love her.


Ofc I do. I can still do work at my desk

Can confirm this.

>Why are you looking at me like that user?


I taught my mom's cats to respond to being called little shits. They respond to that more often than their actual names.

stop eating cows

my mom has a cat I just kick him and annoy him and call it cat instead of it's name also I don't feed him because it's not my pet, cat instantly hiss at me every time I go near him now, dumb cat has to endure my harassment


Truly the best pet, how will dogfags ever recover from this devastating blow of reality?

this would be cool, but I'd be afraid of it going shitbull one day and eating my face


big cats are the patricians pet, if you don't train them right they'll kill you

these little cuties are what i'm eating everytime i get a burger? no...


HP Lovecraft named his cat "Nigger Man"

My old cat used to pin down my old dog on her back with one paw. It was kind of cute.

Lovefuck fucked his mother on the reg so take his musings on relationships with a grain of salt.



Birds > cats and dogs

How does that work exactly? Why wouldn't the wolves kill him?



>"Circumstance has made you ruler of my form, but I've 8 more lives to burn. When I greet death, it will be as an old friend. Can you say the same, dearest master...?"

That fucking monster is terrifying.
I wanna pet it.


I mean, technically. They grow up first.
It would be a waste to slaughter a calf.

People like this deserve genuine torture.

there can only be one cat

Your lucky you don't have this infernal she beast attacking you every time you sit down.

pack instinct
if they aren't threatened or hungry then they have no reason to be aggressive

Curiosity or used to being around humans

big cats are very lewd


>Cat died 4 months ago in my arms
>Had her for more than half my life
It still hurts so much Sup Forums


reminder that birds are literally dinosaurs

*kick it again*

I wanna pet it

>haha i torture small animals, i'm such a badass

And they're everywhere.



Oh boy, I love /van/ threads.


They're not hunting or hungry, and they either like his scent, or just want to be playful.

Most wolves do not associate humans as being food. Usually we're seen as more of a threat to their territory.

There's a reason man domesticated dogs from wolves. They're not too far off from being friendly to humans. Just breed friendly wolves with friendly wolves until you get a breed that is default friendly.

>Cat is 16 years old now
>Still very healthy, just a bit sore around her back legs
>Honestly afraid that she won't be here in the next few years

I think about it occasionally and it makes me really sad. That's why I pamper her now and let her sleep on me most of the time. I'm glad she's an inside cat now.

there's a reason dogs exist user, and it's that wolves are pretty alright.

>hand comes away with a bloody stump and short two fingers

But how do you train them right? Just don't be a pussy and stand up to them? I've always been curious how people can train large cats.

I seriously hope this man dies a terrible death

i don't condone animal abuse but that was a really solid kick


Happened to me this past month. It's gonna be okay, dude.
Lost a bird too. I don't think I get anymore pets for years.

Wow wolves even that big, I don't know why they make them look so scary, you could take down two if they really wanted to eat you

those are some strangely human looking eyes.

Right there with you.
>mfw my roommate stuck his puppy in its kennel in a closet for 8 hours a day while he was either at work, school, or friends
It cried for hours. I felt bad for the little bastard, still dogs don't belong in an urban or suburban environment. My mom decided the best thing to do in her eternal boredom was to get 3 rescue shelter dogs and not train them. Her place reeks of dog piss everywhere. I can't stand dogs and their incessant barking.

fuck off, Kat

Jesus you're such a whiny, lazy little bitch

holy shit I didn't know they could fling other beetles like that. god damn.



v birds thread pleas

You're human shit, my man. I may think dogs are the worst curse to be put on civilization, but I don't go around abusing or neglecting if they're in my care.



heres a watermelon

>cat got cancer and had to be put down earlier this year
>he was nearly 20 years old, I had him for most of that time (got him from my cousins when he was a few years old)
I still miss him

I hope that guy got the worst cancer



It's a bearded vulture, they're bros and pretty docile.

let him sleep, you fucker!!1