A-another day on v

A-another day on v

delete this right fucking now

Holy shit literally me

Don't eat lying down, it's bad for digestion.

living the dream

>Eating in bed
My mental condition is worsening by the day, my therapist (who I've not bothered to contact for like two weeks now) is super fucking concerned about my well being and nearly sent me to the hospital during my last appointment

Even I dont fucking eat in bed. Control yourself you fucking animal.

I'm a miserable, depressed reck and I still couldn't stand to have my shit be this messy.

What if you are high

Will remember. Thanks user.

>spouts some dumb shit about his epic worsening condition
>doesnt do babby shit like eat in bed

Come on now.

Yup that's me.

I'm absolutely DUDE'd out right now.

Eating in bed is for savages. It's bad enough that I eat at my desk like an autist.

>Don't eat lying down, it's bad for digestion.
Yeah, bullshit. Your body is constantly digesting, this includes sleep.

>Eating in bed is for savages
What can I say? It is what it is. I still wash my hands after shitting in the toilet.

I'm eatin cheese in pickles in bed i dont give a fuck

This used to be me. Cleaned up, got a job now. few months later, I miss this.

Noticed you didn't mention if you wipe.

No sex toys?

Not me

As someone with worsening depression, I keep all of my dildos and girl's clothes in a drawer in my desk. That shit doesn't go on the bed.

yes, I wipe.

Honestly I probably even workout and eat better than you do too. Eating in bed is just super comfy.


More what?

I found that waking up everyday at 11 was making me depressed. I've started doing yoga and I'm much better now.

This is the third time I've seen this today

I've already told you that you have a cute starter belly, what more do you want from us man

Yup, this user is a retarded. Doesn't know shit.

I want to slap that stupid belly


>cruising around with family
>notice a new store was built
>ask when that happened thinking it was recent
>"user that store has been open for a year now."

More (You)s. People keep calling me fat, not realizing that's what fuels me.


fucking gays need to die

>posting a closet queer to address a closet queer

Truly 5D Guess Who

and for that nice fellow that wants my moon count

>not realizing you're the minority now
You are so irelevant

He can pillage my water hole

>tfw graduated last december
>apply for jobs in the morning
>have nothing to do the rest of the day

it’s getting worse every day and after every failed interview. my depression keeps growing

Tfw died because I ate in bed. This 9 is my proof

It always surprise me how broken the people here are.

>tfw 24 and this fits me perfectly

1. get any job
2. move out
3. problem solved

depression is a meme, it didn't exist before (((psychiatry))) came along

working at walmart last year put me in a depression and makes me constantly worry about jobs I'm applying to. My manager was a sassy nigress along with the rest of my co workers. pomf. Im 20 now but time aint stopping

I know, user. Cancer didn't exist before ((((doctors)))) came along.

You have to go back.

Is right. I was depressed for a long time. Turns out the solution is willing yourself to do things you know you should. It worked for me, at least. It takes a long time.

I wish I could get a job. I have no social skills or education or experiences and I have aspergers.

uhhh... vidya?

my body is a fucking faggot it'll have to deal with my choices

Living real-life hurts more. I'd rather be alone.
>start dating red pilled qt
>know shes insane but she's qt and we get along
>we fall in love on first date
>she leaves me after 2 months
Everytime u love they leave. It is really worth it for this pain I feel now?

How much of a fag

>You have to go back.
Not an argument. Please, tell me, do you have any kind of higher education?

A-another blog on v
How do I unsubscribe to this shit?

This describes me accurately.

I've just been frozen by the fear of not knowing what field/job to take, and how it will define my life later on. I always think about long term consequences of choosing the wrong profession. I've often thought of suicide, but I love my family too much to burden them with my death.

If you have to ask you are already in too deep.

I wish my bf would dump me so I can finally kill myself.

Hello self



disregard this fag Depression is real and the first step is acknowledging it. Now, do something about it. Something real that's not shitposting on Sup Forums. Get out of here. Remember: neets die young and most of them kill themselves. Get your shit together.




It's pretty easy

I need this ginger fatass to sleep on top of me.

please ike

Appreciate the motivation user. I'm trying but my bottle of sleeping pills calls to me more and more


Come on Teddy

Haha you got W


>tfw doing research, working part time and writing a fucking novel on top of semi-regular shitposting.
Browsing Sup Forums isn't the only thing some of you Anons do...right?

Hello user.

>1. get any job
>2. move out

Good luck paying 800+ a month for rent, not counting food, utilities, etc. on the average wage.

Some times I play video games. Some times I don't.

check this 78

This happened to me user.
I ended up going grad school, moving 2500 miles from home, and its been amazing.

I had been gaining weight, lost a great GF, had to move back to my parents, couldnt deal with it.

Im doing fantastic now and have a great career future ahead of me.

Fanfics don't count

You act like I care anymore.
I've dropped every essence of normalcy
don't even get proper haircuts or dress 'well'

For me it's

>wake up
>come home and eat, shitpost, and play vidya until I pass out

10 years of my life, wasted. Getting a job was a mistake. Life is a mistake.

>yeah bro just do the same thing over and over for 70 years or until you die

I want to die but I'm too afraid of literally killing myself, so I just drag on. If I die, I die. Oh well.

Nah man, I wrote porn a while ago.
It was good as a side thing.
Got kind of annoying though.
The shit that some people request is just terrifying

t r i g g e r e d
mentally ill ridden dumbass animal

>It's bad enough that I eat at my desk like an autist.

At least a desk is essentially a table


too bad no one c a r e s

If you're a woman, don't.
If you're a faggot, then yeah, kill yourself.

I was like that a while back
>Woke up
>Went to uni
>Went back to uni
>Went to other job
>Pass out
>Repeat 2-4 times a week and sometimes on weekends
>Last semester ended up working 12 hour shifts overnight an taking uni classes in the morning

"Your college years are some of the best years of your life" What bullshit advice. They can kiss my ass.

>part time
How do you afford literally anything?

Scariest part of death is not knowing how it will be once your dead. Surely your mind has to go somewhere? What's it like to be nothing, just non existent? What if you're reborn as a slave in Africa, and you have no idea you were once an American NEET? You had your chance to live a life with a beautiful wife and tons of happiness, but now it's been tossed away

I'm not getting that much.
But I have a lot saved up from when I was in college and living at home.
Saved money learning how to cook and stopped drinking as much.

Reminder Clinically diagnosed depression is nothing more than a chemical imbalance and you have to live with it.

The rest of you temporarily dissatisfied "im deprest xc" faggots need different terms for your underachieving lazy unmotivated selves.

Yeah depression is bullshit.
But what the fuck do you do about PTSD and Brain Fog

I could use a hug right about now.

>Surely your mind has to go somewhere?
>What's it like to be nothing, just non existent?
It's similar to what it was like before you were born

>1. get any job
>2. move out
Okay, I did this part. 5 years later and the results are I'm completely alone, bitter, and still inept in social situations which I have no interest in taking part in anyways. I feel like there are only a handful of things tethering me to this lifestyle and I'm very tempted to just throw away everything and live day to day in the woods like a crazy person. 28 now btw.

I hate that there is always a white outline with these edits.



Mods can you please delete this thread? There are no video games here and people are trying to comfort one another like faggots over their poor life choices. Shit is cringe af.

Wanna play FFXV Comrades!?