
what is the opinion of this board on him, personally I enjoy his stuff

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As a music major, he's not bad. Few cool tricks here and there.
Personally, most of his stuff is okay.

why were you holding your breathe?

his music is boring. i prefer most generic metal covers over his covers. also hes alittle bitch for needing to read sheet music instead of playing by ear

neither reading or playing by ear makes one better than the other

yea it a huge difference
if you need to read sheet music to play videogame music, that sad. I say this as a talanted musician myself;

He's ok. Spergs out a bit too much on some covers though which I personally don't like.
What's the point of a cover if there's a 30 sec to 1 min 30 part that sounds nothing like the thing you're covering.

Or the opposite could be said that it's sad you can't take the time to learn to actually read music.
Not sure what your point is exactly. Also, taking a look at some videos, He doesn't have all of his played notes written. It seems more of a guide so he can improvise while staying within the key.

there's a difference between knowing how to read music, and needing sheet music to play.

It's okay, buddy. You can tell me you're even the slightest bit jealous of this guy and just a little bit insecure.

Reading music is a useful skill for learning and teaching compositions, but obviously a good musician should be able to accurately decipher music by ear. If you don't have a good ear, how can you be a good musician?

>g-guitarists don't need to read music, p-pussy!

My point is that you can only get a higher level of music knowledge through knowing how to read music, be it composing, deciphering, or analyzing. Over my many years of music study, I was required to listen, study and be able to pick pitches out of random play. I'm not trying to discredit good ears as it's imperative to improvisation and composition, which in a way, many of his videos are, but rather to say that one skill is just as important as the other.

>you can only get a higher level of music knowledge through knowing how to read music
Well that's not true. Some of the best musicians around never bothered to learn. I mean, it's a great skill (I'm not that other tryhard), but it's not essential to be a great musician. But you absolutely do need a good ear. There is great value in knowing how to read, but it's not as essential as a good ear.

my opinion: makes me sad that he went full patreon if you want to download his shit
used to offer downloads on all his tracks until undertale covers made him popular
now I just aint give a shit no mo

They don't.
Unless they're amateurs.

How's that rock band going?


Allow me to apologize and revise my statement.
>higher level of music knowledge through knowing how to read music ***and having good ears
Yes, it's true. Many people are amazing even without being musically literate. But how do you think they'd be if they were?

This is literally video games, autist.

I'm more partial to KyleLandryPiano myself desu. But then again I do love me some sexy fucking white daddies that play piano.

But insaneintherainmusic is chill af as well.

His Simple and Clean/Hikari rendition is still the literal best, and it was years (decades?) ago.

You think we actually talk about video games here? Go hang out on /vg/ if you want to do that.

He's okay. I mainly listen to his Xenoblade/Undertale cover, so maybe his true forte is on other covers.

>non-musicians consider sight reading to be "cheating"

>But how do you think they'd be if they were?
They would just be faster at copying a song note for note.

Those blues scales sound great, user.

I don't play music.
Not sure where you got that idea.

It shows.

pooppoopfart is the only youtube video game music cover guy i need

>look up vidya song on youtube
>nothing but shitty metal covers

It's because metal is easy.

>They would just be faster at copying a song note for note.
Now I know what I'm dealing with.

Why don't you make a constructive post instead of making a snarky reply? Reading music is only for learning a song note for note (assuming you can already figure out the progression or key by ear, otherwise it can be used for that too). It's especially vital if you want to teach a specific song or part to others. For example, if you make a composition and you need others to play specific parts, then you're going to give them sheet music. A good reader can sit down and almost instantly play a song just by looking at the sheet music. It's also a good teaching tool for students because you can learn a lot by playing prewritten parts. But that's all written music is - it's a method for conveying predefined music.

These are my favorite kinds of covers, where they try to re-create the original song as closely as possible, but using live instruments. Or in this case, two pieces of sandpaper and a bucket.

>a method for conveying predefined music
I'm terribly glad you're not in any of my classes.

Okay, so you have nothing to say and are resorting to mindless shitposting. Glad to know you got blown out.