I love Verison

>I love Verison
>Not only do I get a hefty 2GB limit for my internet service for 90 dollars a month
>I also have the pleasure of playing a meager fee of 30 dollars for access to Steam, and another 30 for access to Spotify
>Too bad about Sup Forums, but who needs it when I can pay another meager fee of 50 dollars for access to Facebook and Twitter!

Can't wait for 2018 boyos

Other urls found in this thread:


what are you a fucking socialist? CEOs of major companies are one of the poorest people in the world and constantly out of money. Pay up goy.

Big business and big government are the same my dude. We've already lost, the game was rigged from the start.

>We've already lost, the game

So if they start doing this shit, what do you do when you want to go to a site that isn't part of your plan?


thank you based trump and thank you based pajeet

this will truly kill piracy once and for all. doesnt matter how quickly denuvo cracks when you cant even access the torrents without your bandwidth getting throttled.

But we're all faggot cucvks for wanting to keep net neutrality...cause google says it's good. Because the interests of corporations NEVERRRR aligned with consumer interests...fuck /V and the faggots sucxking corporate cock. Bitches probably defend MS and Sony raping their wallets to play their shitty CoD and FiFa.

You dorks are dumb.
Nothing is going to change.
Go ahead and post your unfunny amerimutts memes. I'll enjoy shitposting with you dumb faggots until this website goes belly up.

i can always spot an amerilard by their insistence that shekelstein stripping them of their rights is the same as a government protecting them. you have to be this delusional to even elect people like trump.

You guys act like there wouldn't be some kind of work around.

Anyone who thinks this will pass is blind. Social media is losing out on dosh if it will. I'm sure the zucc and Microsoft are fighting it.

I pay $200/month for my bandwith caps + internet access fees in order to own the pirates

What makes you think there will be?


Are you a true American?

Can't we just make our own internet?
Like a VPN or something but bigger?

Go emuparadise and load up as much as you can
Data will literally have prices.
I'm going to make thousands creating torrents for people of the Central Standard Time zone.

>net neutrality is good

You have to go back to your shit containment website.
Anyone with half a brain or who has bothered to research this shit knows that Net neutrality is bad for the average consumer. It's a socialist ideal that forces service providers to increase everyone's internet bill since some people can't stop watching 1080p Netflix series all day.

Can't wait for my ISP bill to go down next year.

There always is a work around.

>not American
>obsessed about Trump
Maybe if you fixed your own problems we wouldn't fall for a president who promises to fix our own for once.

Everything's going to be fine, everyone.

>muh socialism
ISPs aren't a free market and never was one, get fucked.

>h-he promised

kek. everyone knows he's a retard. even if i were a complete fascist who thought immigration was the bane of my country i wouldnt support such an obvious conman. oh and he never tried to conceal the fact that he wanted to implement the standard republican economic agenda.

It's not a matter of a battle, it's a matter of fear mongering, that's all this FCC facade is, do you really think the first Indian in the American office is going to want to be remembered for being an asshole? No, it's clear his donor is pushing the FCC to do this.

Again, too many companies are losing out on this, pricing for internet is already outrageous in the US, trying to put any additional charges on anything would cause an outburst and stocks to drop, you'd be surprised how many people freak out over an extra $5.00 on their bill.

In short, this is some retards pipe-dream, and it's never going to pass. It's why it hasn't since it's been introduced.

>yet another NN shill thread
Get over it corporate ass licker, your days are numbered.
We WILL make America great again, greater that it's ever been before.

Who else shifting to /normie life/ if this shit goes through? Sup Forums? Discord? hentai? yup, fuck it, not worth the price, gonna just be balls deep in my girlfriend much more often and playing single player games

Then what are ISPs?


How much is your mom paying for internet?

You don't know how the internet works, go read some more.

Shit's passing, get over yourself.

Supply and demand will lead to Netflix, Facebook and Google striking less favorable deals with the ISPs or them increasing the prices of their services somehow.

It's almost as if we live in a capitalist society where this is how shit works...

fucking pinko commie bastards, these cable companies need to make a profit

>normalfags get upset they have to pay more money and are potentially turned off/forced off the internet
>some popular services that keep these people on the internet vanish and people that shouldn't be on the internet have less reason to
>the more savy people make dozens of niche clone sites for videos and music that avoid the extra charge and the internet traffic, becomes more decentralized similar to pre 2007 era internet and harder to enforce these fees
i'd have some things to lose out on but it doesn't sound to bad


>potentially turned off/forced off the internet
Thats some NEET speak if I ever saw it.
The internet is a necessity at this point

Go read an applied Networking book. Look up the section of how ISPs don't have full coverage and need to pay to send packets through another ISPs network.

I'll wait.

That doesn't mean jack shit. It actually strengthens my argument shill, thanks.

It just means that prices will homogenize at a very high mark because all of the ISPs might as well be using the same grid (or shaking the same jew hands), thereby shouldering out any new competitors, thereby shit like you kike shill.

You have no argument.

Still sets the tone. He's doing great with immigration reform. That's why I voted for him so I'm pretty happy.

It's already started. Verizon gives discounts to employees of certain businesses and organizations like hospitals, which today they lowered from 18% to 15%.

The cost of everything in the image is cheaper than my WiFi right now.

utility companies

>tfw I've been paying 30 for unlimited data since I joined Verizon
I fucking wish their phone catalog included Oneplus phones, but oh well.

Yet another classic example of the Trumpcbro supporting legislation that hurts him

That image is in Spain/Portugal. A diffrent country, different currency.

Mark that shit up substantially for burger land and you're in the right ballpark.

Post your face when I reveal that I pay 15$ for 20mb/s unlimited Wi-Fi.
> guess the country
Protip: I'm not amerifat

>international laughing stock
>h-he sets the tone

hahhahahahah holy shit americans are pathetic.

how dumb do you have to be to make immigration your top priority? pro-tip: no one in the gop actually cares about immigration, they're just using you to pass their economic agenda.

let it happen, the only thing keeping the american public from chimping out completely is bread and circuses

Lets meme the government or someone else into causing a nationwide famine too so Americans no longer have an excuse not to water the goddamn liberty tree.

>tfw everyone in your country is buttfuck stupid

> muh immigrants take my job!
Only people with shitty jobs care about that.

8 years

Why did the American Government let it get to this point? Why are ISPs so fucked up in our country?

How dark do have to be to think it's not a problem?

>Reminder that Net Neutrality wasn't a thing until 2015


who gives a shit? Besides you I mean?

>The absolute state of burgerland


>15 dollary doos
America is $60 for 200mb/s, though. What socialist shithole do you live in?

What websites would Tewi use?

Net neutrality has nothing to do with you unless you're a normalfag. If anything it is driving ISP costs up because of shit I hope fags here don't even bother with.

The answer is always ashkenazi jews

I hate my countries ISPs. They all offer decent deals for a year, then you have to cancel and find a new one, or wait for them to ring you back with the same deal you're already paying for.

I guess it's better than an outright monopoly, but it's still dogshit. And all because braindead old ladies will take out a 100 dollar contract and then never think to cancel while they jack the price up to 150 a month.

Meanwhile I'm paying 20 bucks for 60mb/s, from the same company.

>This picture is too old, your only see in terrible quality
Most sites in that picture are dead. RealArcade, Myspace, Overstock still online?

Good. Hope more countries adopt this so people get the fuck off their computers and get a life.

Where are you, sir?

You know.

Mabye that wouldn't be so bad. You first user.

Unironically Sup Forums

>being a defeatist
The truest soyboy of them all.

This is what retards also said about Horse Armor.

This is a better version.

Which pack should I pick if I want my favorite pornsites?

You fags don't realize you lose no matter what you chose.
I choose the risk higher premiums for internet over the Democrats shitty gun control any day though

Sorry, those aren't on the list of available websites.

> i wanna mah guns and givin dem corpo more mony
Typical trumptard.
US of A: world number 1 to third world shitfest. Nice.

Yes, I do want my guns you fucking faggot.
Because when tyronius kang busts down my door I want something to defend myself, rather than just handing over some lube.

Typical nogunz soyboy

soyposter detected

> tyronius kang busts down my door
Hahaha, what a fucking insecure faggot. Stop living in a shithole. Oh wait, you seems like the typical poorfag doing a shitjob. If you want, you can blow me for $10 top kek.

Do you have health insurance?
Car insurance?
Home owner's insurance?

>what do you do when you want to go to a site that isn't part of your plan?
It would be extremely costly.

It would either be slow to load or blocked entirely.

>Go shopping at the mall
>Someone pulls out a gun and starts shooting
>Kills your defenseless ass because you didn't have a carry

yeah except for the fact that most of the american normies surrounding you idiots are, somehow, even more fucking stupid than you are and will just sit there passively and pay up for whatever isp's want to charge. Maybe they'll grumble about it at dinner, but nothing more. And hey, the ones that do actually want to change ISP? You know, in the name of good old competition? Can't. Only one ISP in the area. Fuck this garbage, this place has become so contrarian that we do shit like support EA and oppose net neutrality.

It's a big shift.

Yes. Yes. And yes.
Also making 132k/year. Cops patrol my street 3x a day.
I don't give a shit about "muh gunz". America is for successful people. Move somewhere else if you can't afford shit.

> someone can shot me at any time
Kys now if you are this insecure.

Why is it every time there's a mass shooting in the US, they're NEVER stopped by some random carrying? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe it doesn't work and maybe the only reason you want guns is because you don't understand they're the problem and MAYBE you have way too many niggers

The first time you will hear someone shot you will run away to survive, retard. You are not in a fucking action movie.

but white people do mass shootings

You have those things just in case, clearly.
Well guess what. Cops don't get to the scene of a crime the second they're called, just doesn't work that way, they're not magic. The window of wait time is 3-15 minutes depending on the area of the US. Drill your home and I can bet you will be able to go through it in 3 minutes, that's a fuck load of time for an armed robber to go up to your ass and shoot you point blank.

Not to even mention simply being robbed outside of your home

Except they are all the time you fucking retard.
The shooting in Texas was stopped short by someone that intervened before the police could arrive.

>Smoke alarms? What are you, insecure about fire?
We've got a grade A genius over here.

Those shootings usually happen in nogunz zones. Though even if every single person on that concert during the Vegas shooting carried a handgun, that would not do much with the kind of distance they were shot at from. That's even if they could locate where are they shot from.

I've shot thousands of rounds from my gun, so no, I won't.
Unlike you I'm not a pussy bitch that quivers at the sight or sound of firearms.

>Smoke alarm is on the same level that carrying a gun
Yeah, clearly a fucking genius. You should try with a food analogy next time, mongoloid.

Yes it is on the same level you tard, carrying is a precaution.
There is literally no downside to owning a firearm unless you don't know how to use it.

>Air bags? No, don't fit those to my car, I'm not insecure about crashing!
There you go, it even covers the extremely rare cases of accidental death by a faulty handgun.

> USA are so unsafe you need to carry a gun
Top fucking kek. """Civilized"""" people. No wonder they elected a retard like trump.

Tbh the people that die from faulty handgun almost always deserve it for buying cheap ass shit like hi point.

>Murricans' shitty Internet is about to become even shittier
>they somehow STILL manage to turn a discussion about it in a discussion about firearms
I'll miss you, guys.


>He's a pussy afraid of guns

Asians dick aren't the smallest.
> I need to be bulked to be a real man!
> I need guns to be a real man!
> I need huge car to be a real man!
So alpha.

>Being scared of guns so much you project your insecurities about them on others
Owning a gun for protection is like having insurance.
They're also
1. Great for hunting
2. Fun for plinking / competition / paper shooting
3. Fun to Smith and modify
4. Just cool in general

That completely ignores the self defense, home defense, and 'just in case SHTF' reasons.