It's generally accepted that Black Ops 1 had the best campaign out of all COD games, right?

It's generally accepted that Black Ops 1 had the best campaign out of all COD games, right?

Other urls found in this thread: of duty

no that would be cod4

Cod 4 was amazing but the gore and soundtrack are extremely lacking compared to WaW and Blops 1. And what was the point of even including the parts where you play as a marine?

I thought people liked Blops 2 more for actually having cool decisions that affect the story?
Plus there's 4 with the nuke and overall just being really impressive both for the time and still today.

Personally I'd say 4 or MW1, I still think MW1 had tons of great moments even if the plot has big holes.


Black Ops is a joke movie directed by Michael Bay. It's fun, but it's not that immersive. COD4 hit a perfect balance of Hollywood action movie and "simulation" (though it's obviously far from being a true simulation and more just gives you the look and feel of one) to be effective.

COD1 was also real good.

old cod didn't have gore but CoD 2 still takes the cake for me


>Liutenant, what do we do?


>Black Ops is a joke movie directed by Michael Bay
This is exactly what I thought, and why Black Ops made me lose interest in CoD campaigns. Even MW2 made me feel like it wasn't so ridiculous it was hilarious, but in the first mission in Blops you have 15 explosions going off a foot away from you as you run across an airfield then you get in a plane and blow up a fleet of like 30 trucks, it just got to be way too much,

Cod 4 and all the ones before it didn't have a big focus on the story really at all, they were all pretty generic. Black Ops was the first one to really focus on actual story-telling. This is the only Cod game where I can actually remember the villains and parts of the story

>Personally I'd say 4 or MW1
>Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare or Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


IMO Black Ops II was the best for having a story influenced by real world events at the time (Occupy Wall Street/economic imbalance, the rise of drone warfare, and China being projected to be a superpower) in addition to being able to change the ending.

Fuck me, I meant MW2. Cod naming is so stupid.

>not playing WaW on hardcore with sticks and stones

faggit do you even?

The campaign in MW2 was absolute tripe.

Had good moments though. All the ranger missions were very interesting and memorable.

I genuinely fell asleep playing that campaign so fucking boring

Even if you don't like the story, you gotta admit Blops soundtrack was pretty damn good

>he can't remember the one-armed dude and al-asad

Yeah I remember Zakhaev or whatever the fuck, he showed up in literally 2-3 scenes througout the whole game. And Al-Assad gets killed off like a quarter through the game right?

And I do remember the dumbass writers of that story-line retconning a ton of shit from 4 in an effort to include Makarov or whatever the fuck his name was. Wasn't he just Zakhaevs cousin or some shit? Either way the whole MW storyline sucks ass

Black Ops had god tier lore and world building and had a pretty amazing setting that no other game in the series has touched except one mission in CoD 4. The story was a great blend of Vietnam War and Spy thriller movies, and had a great set of characters and overarching story that tied into the pulp fiction of the era.

WaW is basically the best WW2 cod you'll get all around, and having the Russian front and Pacific theater made for great interesting stories. Kino ending for sure too.

CoD4 is top tier and is basically an homage to 90s and 00s war movies like black hawk down and behind enemy lines. SAS missions were pretty great, USMC missions were often tedious besides CDS but still great. All Ghillied up was one of the best missions in cod ever.

Mw2 was pretty good, but was really just more of cod 4.

BO2 had some good missions, and the choices and impacts were a neat idea. The 80s missions were fun too. The story itself was kinda crap and full of stupid ideas.

Mw3, AW, Bo3, IW and WW2 were crap.

Agreed. The titles are prime examples of what James Rolfe talks about in his "Chronologically Confused" videos.

Even though I have played and finished all of the campaigns of the CoD games I've owned, none of them really stood out to me.

Other modes? Never enjoyed zombies, since I have played similar, slightly better modes/games in the same vein. Much like a sports title, I only really need one title that has this every few years.

Regular multiplayer is a tie between CoD 4 and Blops 2 for me. They didn't have vast modern experience or crappy/rigid ideas when CoD 4 came out. It was the right amount of somewhat-broken somewhat-balanced fun. Blops 2 perfected the treadmill for me. It always felt like I could mix and match for any situation. It feels good to constantly swap up for faster experience and have something to work for. Has to be my favorite mindless multiplayer shooter experience.

Special "Fuck you!" goes out to supply drops and all the momentum based stuff from Advanced Warfare onward. It is advanced alright, an advanced stage of cancer. If I wanted a ton of kids on crack literally bouncing off the walls, I'd play a better game than these. of duty

You summed up my opinion on the whole series almost perfectly. You have good taste, my friend

Blops 1 has a shitty ai in multiplayer.

Modern Warfare.

Wtf? It is? I haven't played any cod campaign but if that's the best it has to offer then holy fuck the single player of this series is fucking garbage. I played the Khe San mission and was fucking shocked. It was literally just "walk down corridor to get to the "follow" marker maybe shoot enemies if you want it doesn't actually matter". Just the most braindead fucking garbage.

easily. next question.

>Best song in a zombies game ever

blops 1 zombie cast was goat

moon was ass tho

>I haven't played any cod campaign but if that's the best it has to offer then holy fuck the single player of this series is fucking garbage

You are a prime example of most of the fuck-heads on this board who think their opinion should be written in stone. Criticizing a game before you've played it is the equivalent of a child hating a food he's never tried

You've posted this on multiple thread already and you're still wrong. And yes, it is the same fucking "person".

That's all Call of Duty games. You go into them for the spectacle and cool stuff they sometimes do.

>moon was ass tho
Pointlet detected.

I agree.
But boy did I love it.

I think MW2 had the most memorable soundtrack
Super cheesy and certainly nothing innovative but somehow every track is full of earworms

>gore and soundtracks make a good singleplayer
>"And what was the point of even including the parts where you play as a marine?"
They shouldn't let children post on here.

Excellent counter-point. Only a child would make a post like that rather than actually discuss the topic

Try not to get pumped.

Also loved this one from BLOPS

The only call of duty with a bad campaign is ww2. And i have pkayed them all.

Best story might be black ops but bo3 and infinite and advanced warfare had the most fun campaigns and are the only ones i would replay.futuristic cod is the best


Are you sure that you're not a child with that file-name? And why the fuck is it saved as a gif?

You didn't make a point, just autistic ramblings.

Not him, but the answer is right in front of your nose:

Social apps usually have a little button under the text field where you can quickly find and post gifs.

How is saying that gore and a good soundtrack makes gameplay more enjoyable "autistic rambling"? You and your posts are the only autistic things in this thread

Loved it more than MW because how personal it feels.
Treyarch's games (at least WaW, BLOPs1 and 2) feel much more brutal than the epic Hollywood styled IW ones.

Anyone using "social apps" to find images to post here should not be posting here


MW1 was the last CoD single player campaign worth playing. Everything after that just became playable versions of those godawful Transformers movie sequels. Loud, obnoxious, and made absolutely no fucking sense.

Something for ADD-riddled kids to latch on to, and nothing more.

Black Ops remaster when?

MW2 had the best victory themes
>tfw you win a match as Rangers

>but the gore and soundtrack are extremely lacking

It serves a secondary purpose, triggering autists, which he seems to have done.

Oh so he's just a shit-poster that serves no purpose other than to fill every board with shit, gotcha

Have you played the other CODS? Gore is almost non-existent in all of them but WaW and Black Ops. In what other Cod games can I blow peoples limbs off and execute shell-shocked soldiers besides those 2?

Advanced Warfare probably had the best production though with the CoD series every game since 4 is poorly designed.

Glad I could help out by holding your hand, user. I really do strive to give the differently abled a warm feeling of inclusion.

they all pretty good except for coming home desu.

Der Riese > Ascension > Kino der Toten > Moon > Nacht der Untoten > Call of the Dead > Verrückt > Shi no Numa > Five > Shangri-La

Kino and Ascension were back when I was really into Cod zombies, I can't even begin to think how many hours I put into those 2 maps

haven't played any Zombies since BO, but is the zombies' AI still so dumb?
we've had them running in circles while trying to follow us, because the shits weren't able to just surround us in any way that wasn't frontal

>moon was ass though

Both series feel like they went the same way

haha dude i only like r rated movies im 12 and my mum and dad dont care about me xD i love gore in video games too!

What are you 4 go-to Perks in Zombies, Sup Forums?

This is the cringiest shit I've ever read, you haven't made a single coherent post and are posting reddit-tier meme shit. Fuck off back to that website where you belong



Will probably get shit on but Infinite Warfare actually has a decent singleplayer story.

Not so much a single campaign, but WaW, Blops 1 and Blops 2 form the best trilogy. A century spanning, multigenerational story.

playing it right now as we speak. I bet mw1 (remastered), mw2 and mw3 again last week. I would say it's a mix between mw1 and mw2 for my personal enjoyment. BO1 is somewhat annoying to play but it is fun. MW3 was very grey and brown.

mmm, I wouldn't say MW3 is crap but it does lack some. It was an okay game I reckon with an interesting conclusion. I haven't tried AW,BO3,IW or WW2 yet.

Am I one of the few people who liked blops3? It wasn't what I was expecting from a CoD campaign at all.

Fuck that, replace Moon with Five
Moon was garbage and ruined zombies.

WaW or get out

It has that "Halo" issue where there's interesting stuff going on but you have to be paying attention to all the expanded material like the comics and stuff to really get the full picture of the story.

WaW was is my 2nd favorite in the series, and possibly first from a soundtrack standpoint

MW was a self-contained story. Then it sold stupid amounts so Activision wanted a sequel, so IW decided to introduce Makarov and retcon things so he was totally around in the background during all these events of MW1, guys. Makarov, whose entire character stems from being a Zakhaev fanboy who didn't like how his boss went down.

So what you're saying is that they ruined Modern Warfare 1's story with 2 and 3's bullshit?

Want to get WW2, is it worth buying for PC or should I stick to PS4?

3? They made a Modern Warfare 3? When?
Modern Warfare 2 is a classic. It's basically the perfect 007 game.

You might not have noticed, it's the one called MW3

The year after Black Ops came out

But I played one. I've tried it, and it was absolute trash. Why would I waste my time on the rest?

All call of duty games (even 1) was 100% absolute pure shit and I've never touched any of them. In fact I don't even know why CoD ever became popular because CoD1 was not revolutionary in any way.

You got the right idea, most people shouldn't even acknowledge the fact that MW3 exists

Please, I desire to know more...

It was boring as shit so I didn't finish it.

>No cows were harmed in the making of this game

Don't play it. You don't need to.

COD1 has the best ending, at least.

Just finished BO2 recently with Mason saved. In my opinion the future 2025 missions are stupid with all the tacked on stuff. I prefer the past missions with Mason and Woods more to be quite frank.