"It's Payne! Whack him!"

>"It's Payne! Whack him!"

Max Payne thread?

How the fuck did he survive getting shot in the head?

A lot of people have survived getting shot in the head in real life. A kid in my school shot himself in the forehead while looking down the barrel of his hunting rifle for some dumbass reason, but apparently it barely skimmed his skull and he's fine other than a scar

Better question - How did Mona survive getting shot in the head? Although it was pretty great that the last time you see Mona take a shot in the head and elevator doors closing and in Max Payne 2 she steps out of an elevator.

Yeah I'm still confused on how she survived that shot in 1. Still I'm not complaining since she added a lot to 2's story. I only wish that they went with the ending where she survived in 2 so she could've returned in 3.

3 was amazing but it should've stayed in New York instead of going to Brazil for some dumbass reason

>A lot of people have survived getting shot in the head in real life.

A myth invented by Obsidian fanboys to excuse the opening of NV. In reality almost everyone dies pretty much instantly when shot in the head. Of the few that don't die instantly almost all of them die later in hospital. Of the very, very, very small number of people to survive being shot in the head they pretty much all have brain damage and have to go through years of rehabilitation.

I just gave you an example of someone I know in real life that survived a shot to the forehead. And you have the ability to use google to find countless other cases of people that also survived shots right in the face. I don't know what else you want me to say other than it does actually happen in real life, even if it's extremely rare

>it should've stayed in New York

Completely agree. The Jersey levels were the best in the game and it would have been fucking amazing if we would have gotten to shoot mobsters in Manhattan.

He survived the bullet grazing his forehead, not penetrating it.

>And you have the ability to use google to find countless other cases of people that also survived shots right in the face
Google says 5% of people survive being shot in the head, 3% do so without being a vegetable for life, though they are a vegetable for quite a while. Also, these people survive because they get immediate and extensive medical attention, they don't just walk it off.

I reinstall the game from time to time just to replay those flash-back levels in Jersey

Where did they say in Max 2 that it penetrated his skull? From the looks of his injuries it just grazed the side of his head

Awful lot of blood splatter for just a graze. But this is the same character that also survived being shot and falling a lethal distance earlier in the game. And he survived a lethal injection in the first game too. I guess Max Payne is just invincible.

He probably is considering how much Booze he drank over the years and can still spring/dive around being how old he is

Look up Phineas Gage.

The less a character wants to live in Noir, the longer he will.

Post Payne reaction faces!

Did anyone else realize the Pulp Fiction easter egg? The guy using the bathroom leaves his uzi on the table and you're able to pick it up and kill him when he walks out

Where can I find voice lines from the first game?

>It's Payne! He's comin' down the stairs, shoot the bastard!

No, user, since the game was released no one has ever spotted this.
>tfw Max Payne 1 was 16 years ago.

He's just too bitter to die lads

I'm playing max payne 1 again for the first time in like 5 years and I feel like the shootdodge is way way shorter than I remember it, am I crazy? Or am I just remembering 3?

Are you playing with an uncapped fps? If you don't cap your frames at 120 fps or lower than the shoot-dodge glitches out and Max barely lifts off the ground, making it a lot shorter

I've tried capping with rivatuner but it doesn't seem to do diddly. I might need to try a different program

that's weird as hell, I was just playing about a half hour ago using rivatuner to cap it and had no problems

I also can't get the rivatuner fps indicator to show up in game so I think somethings fucky with it

Do you have the newest one installed? I had some weird problems with the app before I updated it

yeah 7.0.0

That makes no sense, I have that exact version running on my pc and have had no problems capping MP1 or any other game for that matter

Yeah I don't have any idea why but the fps counter just will not show up. But I've been watching videos of max payne 1 and I guess the shootdodge might be working as intended, I just feel like I remember being able to fire more than 3 pistol shots before it ended

1's shoot-dodge was a lot less OP then in 2 or 3. He barely lifts off the ground in 1 whereas in 2 and 3 he launches straight up. I guess it's opinion based but I agree, it is kinda annoying having it be a shorter dive in