Scam Shitizen

>almost $165 million raised and nothing to show for it

Why is this allowed?

Give it another five years. You won't be disappointed.

What, never seen a scam before?
You get people to give you money to keep you in good shape for a a decade or so while you lead them on then you release a sub-par product, cut the remaining money and leave before anyone has time to notice that you completely ripped them off.

Derek Smart was right, by the way.

>tfw contributed

are you mentally deficient?

In five years give it another three years.
You won't regret it

>tfw Derek Smart was right

Because you morons support "indie" devs instead of true indie devs

So are spaceship fags the only people with more money than furries?

>Nothing to show
>Can fly ships in-game and do little missions and first person mode in space while being flung 100 light years when you collide with the cockpit

Its buggy but sometimes fun. Needs more content and less cockpit hyperdriving.

oh I won't be disappointed, that's for sure. The rage from all those idiots who paid for their scamships will grant me immortality.

I'm still donating $200 dollars a month.

what about your wife's son tuition?

No kids, plenty of money, and Im already having fun playing what exists now. You bitterfags wont stop it.

It's literally just money laundering.

RSAL and ASP come with both, too.
>200 dollars dollars

>nothing to show for it




And another 100 mil?

>nothing to show for it
Didn't they buy a 20k coffee machine?

its literally okay. for quality you need time. ive supported them from day one on patreon and with direct donations and will stick by them the whole way. then ill laugh at you when my ships are worth hundreds of thousands once its out and becomes game of the decade

n-n-no it's surely being rented

Anta baka?

>mfw Star Citizen will be released before Half Life 3 is announced

Boke shine.

spent my tax return on a 2000 dollar ship last time.... got a problem with it, poorfagge?

Only because we won't get a game out of it. :(

Starships are my fetish. Post some.

i hope the one i got turns out to be pretty slick if this game ever comes out

>being poor enough to pay taxes at all

Because the best video game is the one you imagine in your head.
Makes it all the easier to sell it to plebs who can only imagine what they want to imagine instead of facing reality.

i wonder how much caviar with gold shavings can you eat with that money.

That's some cutie right there.

I paid the lowest possible amount like 3 years ago, it was like 13€ for an Aurora LN. If the game turns out decent (which will probably be the case) I'll have a laugh at you faggots buying it at 60€

This, got a free mustang omega from my friend since he already has some 1k ship or some shit.