Tempest Trials in 30 mins. Have a bonus unit ready to go? What are your expectations for the new seals?

Tempest Trials in 30 mins. Have a bonus unit ready to go? What are your expectations for the new seals?

But why Ike instead of Joshua?

The free TT unit has always been a 20% bonus unit.

Did someone say rinkah?


Who else 20% here thanks to shitty IS decision

God no

Couldn't get any of the Farfetched Heroes. Thankfully got B!Roy on my free roll a few days ago, so he rounds out my OG Brave squad. -Spd +Res but I can't complain

Should be pretty fun. I love Joshua so I'm glad there's another good TT freebie.

He's gonna get a sick TT bonus anyway so you should be ok even with that IV.

The Brave Heroes free roll isn't available anymore?

>Dorcas said No
>Close defense and Savage Blow like I predicted
+12 def Marth here I come

>savage blade
>hone spd
>close def

Must've had FFXI on the mind or something.

>62 atk before buffs
TT Mia is funny.

did you SS her?


B!Ike is the boss

>Dorcas refuses to help
>Josh is a jew
>Mia does it for free
>Lute inflates her own ego yet again
Best one yet.


These maps are great, much better than last time

Isn't close def the one that allows archers and mages to counter melee?

No, that's Close Counter. Close Def is like Distant Def, but for 1-range attacks.

You're thinking of close counter

Reaching 4.25 on the halloween banner is nightmare fuel. Putting all the orbs in it and not getting any focus units is really pissing me off. Who else /no focus units/ here?
That savage blow on my klein who already has savage blow will be the best thing ever. 14 dmg to every enemy near the one you attack is no small feat

At max level, +6 def/res when attacked in melee range. The skill and seal if used together will stack like distant defense will, ann Joshua comes with Close defense, so you can fodder the extra you get for +12 def/res on enemy phase

Ah, damn.
That would have been amusing on my sheep after the update with Absorb+


but I'm turning fucking 30

Happy Birthday user. Use your powers wisely.

Have to agree. Last TT was a major chore, only decent map was the last one, and this one still blows that away

Another tempest at 20% and my Lyn is already maxed, kill me.

Still waiting for that Life and Death seal so we can have a zero 0 Delthea or 0 res Ogma at level 40

If I have a +ATK -RES Lute should I make her a LaD glass cannon or should I still use her as a blue Arvis?

Not me, I got BIke.

>somehow slipped my mind that 4* Joshua will be given out
>just used the last of my feathers to ascend Alfonse to 5*

I'm a super retard.

I got a Jakob and a Nowi, both while looking for Henry. I can't even really use Nowi either since she's my only unit with Hone Fliers, and I don't have a CC for Jakob to inherit as well.

>Close defense
Holy shit, i am hoping for close defense and it's here now

>Hone speed
RIP eirika, at least ephraim can still be a good fighter 7 days from now

I guess i should have expected the fact that i wont get every unit i want,but then come the whales that scream to just "keep your orbs brah for the new banner,whats the matter ,you didn't get the new units yet?" Even in the arena it seems that there are more people having the units

Summon an extra Takumi or feed your current for it.

I don't have Dorcas, Lute, or Mia so when I saw Roy, Lyn, and Lucina in the 20% row I thought I'd be screwed into another 20% max bonus TT. Thankfully I was lucky in getting Ike near the end of the CYL banner.



Aceman, I welcome any and all pictures. I love you.

no fateshit though

fuck you, mitama, midori, and hinoka are cute

I don't even have one.
And I'd rather a seal over using a precious slot.

It's alright user, repressed homosexual tendencies are perfectly natural when you're in denial about your sexual orientation.

Happy birthday user. Funnily enough, my birthday was on the day of the direct.

Is this game fun if I won't spend any money on it and just want a timewaster for work breaks?
I'm not really into strategy games - the last one I played was Super Robot Wars OG Gaiden - but this seems like the only not-total-shit mobile game out there, emulation notwithstanding.

>I'm not really into strategy games
This might be the dealbreaker for you, if you don't like strategy games you probably won't like FEH.

Well, I don't particularly DISlike them, they're just not something I go out of my way to play. I grew up as a SRW/Advance Wars junkie, but haven't ever touched a FE game, and I'm well past the would-be wizard cutoff so I don't have tons of time to sink into vidya like I used to.

>I'm not really into strategy games
yeah don't bother user

FEH is pretty light on how much you need to play on a daily basis, I'm pretty sure once you get up and running you can get all of your dailies done within 15 minutes easily, including the Arenas. Something important about FEH is that there's no in-combat RNG, unlike the mainline series, but this actually turns higher end content into a more tactical affair than you might expect as a result. It doesn't replace a mainline FE or AW game, but it's pretty good for what it is.

this is true after your dailies it takes 5 min on auto doing 8 strat tower to deplete you stamina from a full 99. Thank god IS decided to add auto the best decision they made for us

There's something ironic about a mobileshit game with a smaller map and significantly reduced movement being more strategic than the mainline games.

I think they have put more effort into this mobile app than any recent FE mainline game. Which doesn't surprise me because that the way Japan gaming is going

It's not more strategic than mainline games. Except maybe fateswakening shit minus Conquest and SoV.

The skill system is a lot more involved than many of the mainline games have been. Enemies are also far more dangerous relatively speaking, since even the best units in the game are going to get smoked if you leave them in range of the enemy at the end of the turn. That can be a negative with how orko centered the game is though, but at least you have to think a little bit more than watching your lord unit slaughter everything.

>75% chance to hit enemy
>25% chance to get hit by enemy

It's not fun but observing the RNG is still a layer of strategy. Managing that and permadeath and resources gives almost every FE game a greater depth of tactics. Heroes is limited by being a f2p game in that there are no consequences whatsoever, not that there's anything wrong with that.

Personally, I think Advance Wars seem more strategic than Fire Emblem, which is more like an RPG than a strategy game.

>Personally, I think Advance Wars seem more strategic than Fire Emblem
That's because it is.

>Brave units bonuses
Easiest TT of my life

Ehh you have to put effort into building units but if all these cav shutters have taught us anything is that you can just out-stat your way through most content.

So this is the power of whales

do the attack smokes even stack?

It's not exactly the raw stats carrying Cavs, I mean hell, they actually get a penalty for being Cavalry in the first place. No, what makes them cancer to deal with is having the highest movement in the game with no real counter for it currently existing outside of trying to bait a particular unit out with one of your own (even better if they're ranged), along with very accessible +6/6 Hones and Fortifies that easily compensate for the innate BST drop (and make their Blade tomes stupidly effective), to go with units that have pretty damn great statlines out of the box and many of those same units being incredibly easy to acquire to boot.
I don't think they realized that Atk Smoke 6 isn't a thing.

>close counter
press F for all those tards who walled for takumi

That says Close Defense, user. The moment CC/DC become a seal is the moment this game hits the fan.

That's not even that great.

Would you promote a +HP -Spd WALL?

-Res puts her at 31 Res, which is still good for getting most melee units, but kinda pushing it when it comes to some magical units. Fury bumps that up to 34, but if you'd rather Lute's HP/Res 2 skill for some reason, 33 is alright as well.

Lukas? I'd probably wait for something like +Atk or maybe +Def for full tilt WALL.

What do you guys think of a +res/-hp Kagero with Close Counter, Desperation 3, and Close Defense 3?

literally useless in all aspects

>still 24 points away from 5k
when will I finally break the barrier Sup Forums

if you don t find her cute you're the gay one

>already tempted to spend Tempest orbs on Brave Heroes banner again after getting cucked by Seth
Is BIke really worth it?
Redpill me on the Legendary Heroes banner.

>Kagero +Res -HP

28/35/32/22/31 (40 Atk with Poison Dagger +, CD gives her 28/36 defenses when attacked from melee)

Honestly, this entire kit feels like a mess. I'd definitely pass on this.

>Is BIke really worth it?
He's a pretty powerful Infantry unit, but what are you rolling him for? If it's just for a 40% unit, I'd say no since orbs > potions and you should be swimming in potions. If you're looking to use him as Steady Breath fodder, I'd really make sure it's worth the investment on whoever you're looking to use it on.

37, but that doesn't change anything really.

>have spare LaD3
>can't bring myself to give it to my 4*+10 Tiddy Ninja because I might roll a character I actually really like who needs it

I've gotta say, 7 stage Lunatic Bike is the closest they've come to making a halfway-not-pathetic Tempest boss so far. Probably the best anti-player final map so far too. This final stage is actually fun to do.

I've had a 40%er every single TT so far.

He didn't say the special banner. He also mentioned IVs.

And there always used to be a 20% Donut every time up until the last 2 or 3. Obviously convention can change.