Are there any good video games that are set in Canada?

Are there any good video games that are set in Canada?

the parts in doom where you go to hell

trudeau is the cyberdemon and george soros is the spider mastermind


What kind of a game would you want set in Canada?
A GTA clone set in Montreal where it makes sense that cops won't stop you for driving like a moron?
Nobody cares about Canadian cities other than Canadians.

what games let me treat meningitis with maple syrup

as a canadian who wants to love his country as much as he can
canada sucks, fuck canada

That one Scott Pilgrim beat em up game takes place in Canada. It's a pretty good game.

The Long Dark.

Cross Country Canada

what would make a game set in Canada discernible from a game set in USA?

THPS3 has a Canadian level.

Sly Cooper 2 is for a bit and that's a great game.

What a retarded assessment

A GTA game set in the Greater Toronto Area would be pretty cool desu

Less fat people and blacks

South Park: The Stick of Truth had a funny Canada section. Sports games usually have a stadium in Canada. I honestly can't think of a game that takes place primarily in Canada.

Until Dawn was set in Canada, wasn't it?

the action potential would be extremely limited

Yeah it takes place in Not-Jasper, Alberta

Snow, mountains and angry frogs

Here ya go

Direwolves fucking everywhere.
A chance for a moose or deer to allahu akbar your vehicle if you drive outside any major city for more than 10 minutes.
Politness increased by 500% and you lose reputation if you attempt to enter or exit a shop without greeting the teller and thanking them.

>Politness increased by 500% and you lose reputation if you attempt to enter or exit a shop without greeting the teller and thanking them.
why is this so fucking true? surely america does it too.
it's not just me who waves the clerk when I walk in to the shop, am I.

french subtitles on everything

Dog/Arab semen cocktails instead of medkits.

Loonies, Toonies, bagged milk and Canadian Geese.


>waving like an autist

Just say hello you loser.

I lost my voice in the gulf war.

I desperately want a Canadian My Summer Car, set in the winter in some nowhere's asscrack in the NWT

in GTA, you'd be running away from mounties

So you want The Ballad Of Gay Tony as its own game? Sounds pretty good desu.

You escape from Alberta in Wolverine.

No wonder it was so autistic


Is there a game where I can shoot Québécois

Sadly no.

1/4 of Sly Cooper 2

this, perfect simulator for typical Canadian life

The Sailor Moon RPG on SNES

canadian men are actually very hairy IRL too

something something tim hortons and poutine


What happened between then and now?

they just published that game
they were, at that point, already making shitty games