ITT: Games only you played

ITT: Games only you played

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We got a Western release date for the sequel yet? Last I heard it was still "early 2018".


Did the first few chapters. Very beautiful game but I lost interest quickly.

I'd play it if it wasn't stuck on PS3/X360, I dropped out of gen 7 early.

Seuqel looks like generic animu garbage. At least right now, I think it's supposed to be a "spiritual" seuqel, I still want my gregoric/eastern european with hints of anime style

Best game on the original Xbox.

I remember renting that from Gamefly and never playing it.

Played the demo
Was p.okay
How much does it go for used?

The shift in art-style's a bit of a shame, but I'll take what I can get, plus I can appreciate that it's made on a pretty tiny budget. Apparently it's most similar to Strange Journey, which is actually my favourite of the mainline SMT games, so I'm kinda excited.

Kazuma Kaneko did a few guest demon designs for it, too.

You're looking to pay about $20-30 for a copy in good shape. El Shaddai tanked massively (It supposedly didn't even make back a tenth of its budget), so there's a ton of copies out there. That said, I'd probably try and get one sooner rather than later, since the sequel hits in the next six months.

Isn't this the game with the death flag meme to it?

It's an rpg, not that I mind a lot. but honestly I'd rather they tried something similar to what they did in El Shaddai, which surprisignly, had a rather strong foundation for a comgat system.

is the sequel ever going to come out?

>I'd rather they tried something similar to what they did in El Shaddai, which surprisignly, had a rather strong foundation for a comgat system

Me too, but there's no way in hell that Kadokawa were gonna give Takeyasu much money to play with after how badly El Shaddai did.

It's basically out everywhere but North America and Europe. Its nowhere near as good as Crusaders or Heroes.

These games are actually great, they are just way too expensive for what they are.

What am I looking at here

Child of Eden. I love visually dynamic games like that.



I played this

Literally the most floaty combat of all time.

I remember playing it, found it incredibly boring (first dynasty warriors kind of game, made me realize I don't like those games).

I played the demo of this

I still own this game

I'm gonna cheat and also post this game. Sad to see so many games were pretty much dead on arrival at the end of 7th gen

Would've fared better as a PS4 launch title, though Sony probably didn't want Knack to have to compete with a half-decent game.

I'm honestly pretty bummed that Knack ended up the way it did with Mark Cerny trying to hype it up as the return of 3D platforming.

I'm just amazed that a industry legend and technical genius like Mark Cerny managed to churn out such a piece of shit.

I played El Shaddai. Color scheme hurt my head to much to git gud

>Seuqel looks like generic animu garbage
The first game apparently features a man wearing jeans with one golden boot, and a midriff seashell(?) armor and wielding a weapon that looks like half flaming water sword and half fishing rod. Complaining about "generic animu garbage" is silly.

Shit I remember playing this along time ago

The midriff seashell armor also breaks apart revealing his hot bod when you get hit.